You create a new point type or add a point award for BuddyPress events to existing point types in GamiPress.
To create a new point type for BuddyPress events:
- Go to WordPress Dashboard > GamiPress > Point Types and click the Add New button.
- Add a name for the point type.
- In the BuddyPress Member Activity meta box, click the toggle bar for Award activity entries and Deduct activity entries to automatically create an activity feed for the award points added and deducted from a user’s profile.
- Upload an image for the point type.
- In the Automatic Points Awards meta box, select Activated account from the BuddyPress events in the When drop-down list.
- Add 1 in time(s) text box, Unlimited to set the limit for the points awarded.
- Enter the number of points to award for the event and the number of times a user can earn them.
- Add a label for the point award.
- Click the Save All Points Awards button to save the changes.
Create multiple points awards for the BuddyPress events as preferred.
- In the Automatic Points Deducts meta box, select Remove a favorite on an activity stream item from the BuddyPress events in the When drop-down list.
- Add 3 in time(s) text box, 3 to set the limit for the point deductions.
- Enter the number of points to deduct for the event and the number of times a user loose points.
- Add a label for the point deduction.
- Click the Save All Points Deducts button to save the changes.
Create multiple points deducts for the BuddyPress events as preferred.
- Click the Publish button.

The GamiPress + BuddyPress Integration adds a BuddyPress Member Activity meta box for Achievement Types and Rank Types to automatically create an activity feed for the achievements and ranks earned by a user.