BuddyBoss App

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  2. BuddyBoss App
  3. App Publishing
  4. Using the BuddyBoss Publishing Service

Using the BuddyBoss Publishing Service

In this tutorial, you will learn how to publishing your apps through the BuddyBoss Publishing Service.

The BuddyBoss Publishing Team will handle the process of reviewing and ensuring that your mobile app is compliant with Apple App Store guidelines and Google Play Store guidelines. When your app is ready, the team will get your app live in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store using your own developer accounts.

Publish Your iOS App

Before you begin, please complete all steps in the Apple App Store Publishing Checklist.

Once complete, follow these steps to submit a publish request:

  1. In your WordPress admin, go to BuddyBoss App > Publish > Apple App Store
  2. Complete the Publishing Checklist questionnaire, then click Confirm
    • You must select Yes to all options to continue as all steps in the publishing checklist are required for the BuddyBoss Publishing Team to complete your request
  3. Select the Build Version you wish to publish to the Apple App Store, then click Confirm Build
    • This build will be uploaded to App Store Connect by the BuddyBoss Publishing Team
    • You can only publish Release App builds of your iOS app to the Apple App Store
  4. Review the App Store Version, then click Confirm Version
    • You need to have fully prepared a new version for release in App Store Connect prior to publishing
    • If any information if missing from your version, you will need to enter it in App Store Connect and click Check Again
  5. In the Review Options section, select how you want the BuddyBoss Publishing Team to process your publish request:
    • Do you want BuddyBoss to respond to Apple?
      The BuddyBoss Publishing Team can also respond to any requests, questions or rejections from the App Stores until your app is approved. Alternatively, you can respond to Apple yourself.
  6. Finally, click Submit for Review

To avoid delays to your request, please refrain from changing your app or version information in App Store Connect whilst your request is in progress.

Publish Your Android App

Before you begin, please complete all steps in the Google Play Store Publishing Checklist.

Once complete, follow these steps to submit a publish request:

  1. In your WordPress admin, go to BuddyBoss App > Publish > Google Play Store
  2. Complete the Publishing Checklist questionnaire, then click Confirm
    • You must select Yes to all options to continue as all steps in the publishing checklist are required for the BuddyBoss Publishing Team to complete your request
  3. Select the Build Version you wish to publish to the Google Play Store, then click Confirm Build
    • This build will be uploaded to Google Play Console by the BuddyBoss Publishing Team
    • You can only publish Release App builds of your Android app to the Google Play Store
  4. In the Google Play Details section:
    • Enter your Google Developer Account ID
      • Login to the Google Play Console
      • In the sidebar, go to Settings > Developer account > Account details
      • Click Copy ID
      • Paste it into the Developer ID field
    • Confirm your Release Name and Release Notes
      • This will be the latest release in the Production track
    • Click Confirm Details
  5. In the Review Options section, select how you want the BuddyBoss Publishing Team to process your publish request:
    • Do you want BuddyBoss to respond to Google?
      The BuddyBoss Publishing Team can also respond to any requests, questions or rejections from the App Stores until your app is approved. Alternatively, you can respond to Google yourself.
  6. Finally, click Submit for Review

To avoid delays to your request, please refrain from changing your app or release information in Google Play Console whilst your request is in progress.

Responding to Changes Recommended

After submitting a publish request, the BuddyBoss Publishing Team will keep you up to date with email updates through the process.

If we identify changes that should be made to your app to ensure approval by either Apple or Google, you will receive an email with the list of recommended changes.

To respond to these changes, follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress admin, go to BuddyBoss App > Publish > Apple App Store or Google Play Store, depending on which request you are responding to
  2. Under Have you made the recommended changes?, select the appropriate answer:
    • Yes, please review the changes
      Select this option if you have made the changes recommended by BuddyBoss. BuddyBoss will review the changes prior to submitting to Apple or Google.
    • No, please submit to Apple/Google with the current information
      Select this option if you don’t want to make the recommended changes. BuddyBoss will submit your app to Apple or Google without any further review. Be advised, selecting this option increases your chance of being rejected by Apple or Google.
  3. Under Do you want to change the build version?, select the appropriate answer:
    • Select Yes if the recommended changes required a new build
      • Specify the new build to use
    • Select No if the recommended changes don’t require a new build
  4. Press Submit Response

Responding to Apple and Google

Apple or Google may reject your app during the course of their review. Rejections can be for a variety of reasons, dependent on Apple and Google’s individual store policies.

In the case your app is rejected, you will receive an email from Apple or Google with the reasons for their rejection, as well details of the steps you should take resolve their objections.

If you requested that the BuddyBoss Publishing Team respond to Apple or Google, we will respond to all communication on your behalf until your app is published. If we identify any changes needed to your app, we will notify you of the recommended changes, as described in the section above.

Publishing New Versions of Your Apps

After your apps have been released to the App Stores, you can publish new versions by following the steps in the following tutorials:


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