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    Hello, I’ve used your code snippet (https://www.buddyboss.com/tutorials/customize/) to remove the customizer in a child theme and it’s not working. Is this an outdated article?




    @devcom I added this to code my child theme functions.php file and verified it still works. This only disables the customizer theme options, the default themeing will still be in place.


    When using a child theme, I don’t want the administrator to be able to use the Theme Customizer – which i why I want to get rid of it. Plus I wrote all my styles in the child theme custom.css sheet as directed.

    I can remove the customizer correct? By stating “the default theming will still be in place”, you mean the styles of theme will remain regardless if the customizer is present – which is the impression I’m already under.

    Can you verify this what you mean?





    Hi @devcom, if you need to remove the customize menu for everyone, you will need to add

    function remove_customize_page(){
    	global $submenu;
    	unset($submenu['themes.php'][6]); // remove customize link
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'remove_customize_page');

    We have also added customize.php link inside the header.php , you will also have to override header.php in child theme and remove following codes from it.

     <a href="<?php echo admin_url('customize.php'); ?>"><?php _e( 'Customize', 'boss' );?></a>



    @vapvarun Thanks for that. It removes it from the dashboard submenu but still exists on the child theme in Appearance -> Themes. Is there not a way to fully drop support for it?





    hi @devcom, You can try this one also, i have tested it , it works with child theme as well
    function remove_menus(){
    remove_submenu_page( ‘themes.php’, ‘customize.php’ );
    add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘remove_menus’ );


    @vapvarun I’m running the latest version of wordpress and that code doesn’t work at all. I put it directly into my child themes function.php.



    Hi @devcom, i have also tested them on latest version of the wp and theme, just for testing , try add both codes at same time inside child theme. These are general wordpress tweaks you can also try to google about them.


    Good Man. Thanks for your help



    Great, I will close this topic.

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