BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss theme What caching plugin/system should I use for BuddyBoss?

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    I have tried several tutorials and setups and always come into some type of issue. Currently we get around 1,000,000 hits per month and it’s draining without any cache system what so ever. I’m assuming I need at least object caching.

    In this tutorial, @admin states that it’s now outdated and we shouldn’t use a plugin. @tjchester recommended to us that use using W3 Total Cache for object caching alone? In the same tutorial, you mention that we should be using “Zend OpCache” and not a plugin anymore. Our server is a Managed VPS and according to my hosting company, we would have to switch plans to be able to use that, which we can’t do for other projects.

    With my current situation, what would you now recommend for caching buddyboss/bbpress/buddypress/wordpress etc?

    Thank you. We have been using BuddyBoss for 3+ years now and love it, just need it to be a bit faster with our now bigger and bigger community.



    Should we just re-install W3 Total Cache and use Object Caching only, and nothing else? What can we use if we can’t do the Zend OpCache route.


    @michael time for some updated tutorials! 😉


    I also don’t have GZIP. My host said that they use DEFLATE instead of GZIP. Am I okay to enable that?




    DB Cache Reloaded Fix on that tutorial now produces posts that cannot be seen unless deactivated and also users immediately had issues logging in, staying logged in, or being booted off. FYI.


    Hi @george123, Sorry for delayed response
    You can use W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket plugin with MAXCDN
    Both are simple to configure.


    Using W3 total cache with object catching only now.

    Working on setting up MaxCDN but it’s pricey for our community.

    Thank you.


    Okay that’s fine
    I will close this topic, Feel free to create new topic for any further queries.
    Varun Dubey



    MaxCDN shouldn’t be too pricey. Go here https://www.maxcdn.com/pricing-payg/
    They have a plan for $9/month which should be adequate.

    George, we have an eBook now about how to speed up a BuddyPress site, it’s more up to date than the tutorials and is pretty detailed. Send us an email (support @ buddyboss . com) and we’ll email you a copy.

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