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    Hello, I saw that you have the two new plug-ins. I am not clear how they add additional functionality to BuddyBoss because the description reads like the functions (liking other’s posts) sound like BuddyBoss already has them. Could you advise?



    kueka, if you glance at their releases notes there has been major changes in the product as of 4.0 Removed Wall functionality, extracted to BuddyBoss Wall plugin Removed Photos functionality, extracted to BuddyBoss Media plugin Compatibility with rtMedia plugin
    Huge code optimization



    @kuekawa Christoper is correct. There is no function difference between BuddyBoss 3.0 and BuddyBoss 4.0 with plugins. We simply extracted each major feature into separate elements. We will be improving the theme and plugins separately moving forward. This also reduces the number of plugin conflicts 🙂


    Thanks Christopher and TJ. Does that mean I should buy the new plug-ins separately? Did I lose those functions as a result of your separating the theme and the plug-ins? If so, I’m glad to buy the new plug-ins. Let me know!




    @kuekawa these are available for download in your My Downloads section. Everyone who purchased BuddyBoss in the past has full access to the theme and both plugins 🙂 The wall plugin is the one your are looking for. The Media plugin adds photos.

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