BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Media Swipe gallery image not visible when NOT logged in

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    I noticed a urgent problem with the latest Media plugin version, images won’t open in the swipe gallery, when NOT logged in, a request quick action on this one. Tested in a clean BuddyBoss theme install with only mandatory plugins installed.





    @vapvarun, is this very URGENT problem in the pipeline? My site runs on uploaded astronomy images, they can’t be opened for visitors.


    Hi @mth75
    I have notified to developers, It’s weekend. For urgent senario you can roll back to previous version.
    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun , I will roll back, please do not let others comment that they notice no problem on my site 🙂 …


    Hi @mth75, I have added it on high priority
    I will notify the patch after it get fixed inside our current development.

    Varun Dubey



    Well, anything new on the status of this quite urgent bug?

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