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    I have created the Spanish translation files for the theme and plugins but I am still getting some words in English. Am I missing something or is this a bug in the system.

    In the attached image, the “You” should be “Tu” and the edit and privacy buttons are not correct. If you Edit the post and save, after the ajax reloads the button shows it correct label (in spanish).



    I found the error to the you or ‘%INITIATOR% problem, the typo is in the wall-hook.php file on line 677. See attached image.


    I don’t know if this is the correct solution to the problem but I made the following changes to the follow files to fix the Privacy and Edit translation problems.

    The fix the Edit label under the activity post, in the edit-activity plugin in the main-class.php in the file and on lines 275 and 287 I changed the $domain parameter from “buddyboss-edit-activity” to “buddypress-edit-activity”.

    To fix the Privacy Label, in the BuddyBoss Wall plugin in the wall-privacy.php file and on line 385 change the $domain parameter from “buddyboss-media” to “buddyboss-wall”

    And to fix the dropdown values in the visibility dropdown, in the same wall-privacy file, on lines 127, 128, 131, 134 and 137 change the $domain parameter from “buddypress-creative-portfolio-pro” to “buddyboss-wall”



    @daniel_amigos Welcome to the BuddyBoss community! I will send these updates to the devs. Thank you for catching these. I know it was on their to-do list.


    @daniel_amigos @tjchester

    This is fixed for next release. Some of this is in BP Edit Activity plugin.


    @michael and @tjchester ,

    I just updated my wall plugin and the edit-activity plugin and all of the changes were there! Thanks for making the changes and following up on these minor issues!

    I really appreciate it!

    Great work!


    Good to hear it’s working for you 🙂


    Hi Daniel!

    Can you share the spanish translations please!
    la necesito!


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