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  • Question


    Good evening,

    I have a few queries here about the blog’s layout and certain components:

    1. Slider Position

    The current theme has the slider appearing across the full width of the page. Is it possible to have it appear in line with the blog posts displayed on the page, matching their width, so it appears next to, instead of over, the sidebar?

    2. Columns

    Is it possible to have more than one column on the homepage or elsewhere in the theme? Is there a setting for this option?

    3. Layout Elements

    I would like a line, shadowed or otherwise, to put between the blog post display on the theme’s homepage and the sidebar. There is no such divider in the theme’s default layout. Is there a setting for this, or is it not an option?




    1) this again would be editing the template files
    2) We have two and three column templates in the theme selectable in the page creation wizard through WordPress. You can also just add widgets to pages and it will automatically add to the pages.
    3) There is not an option for this but it sounds like you may need a developer to do all of this little work if you are not familiar with HTML, CSS, and PHP.


    Excellent, thank you for your feedback!

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