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    How would I go about showing the news feed as the default screen when a user clicks on Wall?





    I’ve read this but it doesn’t really answer my question as I already know how to set the default profile landing tab. What I need is when I click on wall I would like it to display the News Feed First (Sitewide Activity) and not my own activity.




    Hello @ashleyyoung that need big edits inside the buddypress wall plugin simple override will not work

    public function get_wall_activities that need to be changed completely inside wall-class.php of the buddyboss wall plugin.

    Varun Dubey



    Hi @ashleyyoung i had prepared codes for you


    add those codes in bp-custom.php
    and how to use it you can check this

    It will load site wide activity on your wall tab without any filters



    Thanks for posting this code, there seems to be a few problems with it:

    1. I don’t really want everything on the users wall, I just want to make the default ‘News Feed’ – please see attached screenshot.

    So when a user visits their profile at the moment if they click on ‘My Wall’ the default sub-tab is ‘Wall’, I would like to change this so when a user clicks on ‘My Wall’ they are taken straight to the 2nd sub-tab called ‘News Feed’.

    2. After adding your code when I visited another users profile, two what’s new fields (where I can write on their wall) appeared.




    @vapvarun are you able to provide an update?



    @ashleyyoung and @tjchester main issue is due to class override and normally it is not possible, and present requirement is to customize the plugin, but in that way plugin update can not be applied.
    In the present scenario i had created the same class name again and hook that with a init hook so it can be executed before the buddyboss-wall plugin class call. But seems like it is executing both the classes.

    your requirement is custom and it is not coming via just overriding the plugin class files. I had tried to write some additional codes which can be added to bp-custom.php or functions.php but they are not working.

    Above explanation is little bit technical as solution we can built custom plugin for you.

    If you allow i will customize the buddyboss wall plugin for you with a different name as per your requirement.
    We can not add those customizations to buddyboss-wall plugin in future updates because these are different than general requirement.

    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun, I have the same request as @ashleyyoung. I would like to get the newsfeed of one user’s friends on the home page.
    Your codes are just creating a white page instead of the website.
    I am really disappointed about your plugin, it lacks so many features.



    @pedroue you need to change the nav postion or you want to change the data getting loaded in wall and newsfeed tabs ?

    if you just need to change the nav postion you can do like this

    function bbwall_tabs(){
    global $bp;
    $bp->bp_options_nav['activity']['just-me']['position'] = 11;
    $bp->bp_options_nav['activity']['news-feed']['position'] = 10;
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'bbwall_tabs', 201);

    else let me know what exact you need on wall tab and newsfeed tab

    Varun Dubey


    Oh my god @Varun,

    I’ve been looking all over the web, trying different plugins, reading up on forum for the better part of 3 days to try an make this happen. The code you provided http://pastebin.com/qeVg1SvM was exactly what I was looking to do! I love you so much! But there is only a small bug. I have infinite scrolling enabled on the Boss theme and when I pasted your code in the bp-custom.php file, infinite scrolling doesn’t work. I understand you guys arent getting paid for this but I’d gladly return the favor by writing a wonder blog post about the Boss theme and Buddy Wall plugin! Love what you guys are doing, keep up the great work.

    UPDATE: Even when I disable infinite scrolling, it doesnt have a link to show more. It basically shows posts in the last 24 hours. If there is coding in there to show all posts that would be awesome. I really only think thats why the infinite scrolling isn’t showing or the link, cause I dont have enough posts in a 24 hour period.



    @craigseidl as Varun explained above we would need to completely re-write the plugin to allow full functionality of this code. Anything further would require custom development, sorry.


    I’m looking for the same solution. This works, but it disables the wall component:

    function bp_change_activity_subnav_default() {
    	if ( bp_is_user_activity() ) {
    		$args = array(
    			'parent_slug' => 'activity',
    			'subnav_slug' => 'news-feed'
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'bp_change_activity_subnav_default', 5);

    If it can be made to re-enable the wall, that would be great.



    @thepopularizer It’s been added to the request list but it will not be listed as a high priority at this time.

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