• This topic has 9 replies, 4 contibutors, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Question


    I noticed you added support for a few gallery plugins but you didn’t add support for rtMedia (formally BuddyPress Media). Any chance of adding support for that plugin in the future?



    @michael @tjchester Any comment on this one? Thanks.



    Probably not. They need to fix the plugin. It hijacks the Post Update button and overrides anything else that uses the post button.


    @michael I’ve posted a message to their forum asking if they can fix this, I’ll post back with what they say.


    @michael They told me they’re in the process of changing this. See:

    Any chance of CSS support from BuddyBoss?


    Hi Skyrie,

    thank you for the information.

    There are problems with some other plugins using this “hack” so hopefully BP will solve it fast 🙂



    @skyrie what kind of CSS support do you need?


    @tjchester I mean to request if you could add CSS for rtMedia like you have for the other media plugins.



    Got it. In my list for a future update.



    @skyrie thanks for the note about rtMedia. I checked out that thread. That’s pretty cool that you notified them and that they know it’s an issue.

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