BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Radio Button Missing

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    I am pretty sure this is a CSS conflict, but I couldn’t find the problems, maybe you can help me:

    1. Radio Button missing (see attachment)

    Under, How did find us, suppose to be radio button options, it dissapears, even though I can make an options, this happens sitewide.

    2. http://vapebook.id/members/

    ON the drop down menu (alphabetial) there is a (dot) showing outside or inside (vary on different browser). Its not affecting the function, but very annoying and noticable.

    Can you help? Thanks in advance





    @alexandrowibowo Welcome to the BuddyBoss community! We currently have some styling issues with the no BuddyPanel template. For the UL specifically on the members page add this to your child theme custom.css file:
    .members ul{list-style:none;}



    I was unable to create a group on your site so I was unable to test that. Perhaps you recently installed a group plugin that is conflicting.



    Just tested, I don’t have problem creating new groups.. will try your fix and let you know



    The radio button works (I saw the other forum), as for the Dropdown issue in Members, if I use you CSS hack, the dropdown is misaligned, have a look on the picture.



    The radio button issues is fixed and will be included in next release.

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