BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss theme Modify BuddyPress Admin Bar/Profile Menu (Upper Right Menu)

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    In BuddyPress, there is a dropdown menu at the upper righ, in the admin bart — some call it a profile menu, others an admin menu (see screenshot). I’ve searched far and wide, and I can’t find *trustworthy* information on how to modify it. Everything I find is either outdated, of questionable origin, or poorly explained/documented (such that I can’t tell if I’m really reading instructions to do what I want to do…or something else. Screenshots would be sooo helpful!). I’ve tried a couple additions to my child theme’s functions.php, and they just broke the admin bar completely.

    I realize this might be a BuddyPress thing rather than BuddyBoss, but I’m hoping one of you Very Smart People can point me in the direction of some current, reliable instructions. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty, I just want to ensure I’m using the correct instructions for the most current version of BuddyPress/WordPress.

    Here is a run down of what I am trying to do:

    * Remove or modify the “My Sites” menu (change the name, or just take it out).
    * Add an “Account” link to the menu, just below “Profile”. This will go to an absolute URL.
    * Add a submenu link (also absolute) below “Account” (like the flyout submenu of “Profile” shown in the screenshot) with an “Upgrade” link in it.

    I would be very grateful for any help.




    Hi @kalico
    The admin menu is actually the BuddyPress admin bar. It is generated through the BuddyPress plugin and not through the theme. Read this doc about modifying the admin bar: http://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/modifying-the-buddypress-admin-bar/
    Varun Dubey


    Thanks @vapvarun. I’ll take a look at that. It hasn’t been updated in 2 years, so hopefully it’s still accurate. I wish BuddyPress would do a better job of maintaining their documentation.


    Hi @kalico,
    These will be updated if they have any structure change, BuddyPress still follow same apprach for admin bar.
    Varun Dubey

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