BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Inbox Missing (key) functionality Buddyboss Theme -> labels pane

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    Hi Varun, I noticed that some key functionality is missing when using the Inbox plugin with the Buddyboss Theme, I would like to request this a prio 1 problem.

    When using the Buddyboss theme the labels pane isn’t visible, this makes it impossible to select labeled post if there isn’t (by accident) on message visible. See screenshots. This is a oversight which should be tested out in the 1.0 release, again, I request that this problem is fixed asap.

    See screenshots.





    Hi @mth75
    Sorry It’s still in our development phase. I have pinged them again to cover this up.
    Varun Dubey



    You will be happy to know, this is now fixed and released. You will need to update both your BuddyBoss theme and BuddyBoss Inbox plugin for it to work. If Inbox is enabled, you will see a labels pane on the left side of the page.


    @michael @vapvarun

    Hi Michael, indeed, i’m happy that this issue is resolved quickly, and my users can actually use the function like it’s intended to be used.



    ps: i’m still waiting for a test possibility for themes (in my own testenv) without a prior buy!



    Awesome, glad you like it

    Which themes do you want to test? We already deal with piracy right now, we need to enable license keys in themes before we can comfortably give them out for testing.


    @michael I’m sorry to hear your dealing with the downsides of internet. I want to test the Social Market theme, as a complete replacement for my current BuddyBoss Theme. I do a lot of custom work, both in back office as css, and I can only test if the theme work for me in my own test env.


    @mth75 Thanks. We’ll be implementing license keys at some point, as many other themes shops do, which should help with the situation. Please email our support directly and ask for me, reference this thread. We can work something out here.


    Hi @mth75,

    Please drop a mail from our contact page, I will forward your concern to Michael.

    Varun Dubey



    Hi Varun, something went wrong … message is, see picture. Strange slider in Windows 10 visible, discovered by accident both in MS Edge and Google Chrome visible, only on Win10.


    Hi @mth75
    Try following css to fix it

    .messages #buddypress #object-nav #label-panel .bb-label-container {
      overflow: auto !important;

    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun yes, works, please be sure to roll this fix in the next update. Best Marc


    Hi @mth75
    I have added it inside our todo list to push inside our coming updates
    Varun Dubey

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