BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Wall CUSTOM_USER_(META_)TABLE

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    current implementations of Buddyboss-Wall have sql Queries like this in wall-function.php @275 for example:

        $sql  = "SELECT user_id,meta_value FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}usermeta
                WHERE meta_key = 'bp_favorite_activities'
                AND user_id != $loggedin_user_id
                AND (";
        $sql .= ' meta_value LIKE "%' . implode( '%" OR meta_value LIKE "%', $activity_ids ) . '%" )';

    Unfortunateley my Website uses both custom user metatables and custom user tables, like this:
    $table_prefix = ‘myprefix_’;
    define(‘CUSTOM_USER_TABLE’, ‘differentprefix_users’);
    define(‘CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE’, ‘differentprefix_usermeta’);

    As a result, in the above code {$wpdb->base_prefix} uses myprefix_ prepending it to the usermeta tablename.
    If I was using define('CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE', 'myprefixhere_myusermetatable'); Buddyboss-Wall should still be able to use appropriate queries, which at current state it does not.

    Custom Usertables and Custom Usermetatables are not accounted for. Am I to wait for a fix for this, or is there any way to incorporate a workaround so make it update-safe for me?

    Best regards




    @arturhartwig I’ll forward this to the devs for a permanent fix. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.



    This is fixed for the next release

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