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    On a fresh install with WP 4.3, BuddyPress, and BuddyBoss 4.2.1, no other plugins active, no custom css, and no custom functions added, debug mode on, I get the following notice in the frontend and in the backend:

    Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use instead in …/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3457

    It’s only a notice but it leads to regular backend crashes. With the theme Twenty Fifteen I don’t get this notice.



    Hi @patloq,
    It is added as High Priority task, we will update theme version shortly.


    Hi @vapvarun,
    Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate that very much. Could you tell what do you mean with “shortly”, e.g. 1 day, week, … ?


    When it will be ready from developers side they will push the update.


    …I’m looking forward to the update.


    Hi @patloq, It is fixed in our theme update ( BuddyBoss 4.2.1 ), if you are still getting that notice , it will be due to other plugins.
    Even BuddyPress plugin itself is generating that notice.


    I have BuddyBoss 4.2.1 installed and this notice is still there only when BuddyBoss is active. When Twenty Fifteen is active there is no notice.


    Hi @acroyes, seems we have tested it without BuddyPress , that’s why notice did not reflected.
    We will fix in our next update. it’s not an issue just an indication that function are depreciated.


    Thanks @vapvarun. It is needed for php7 support.


    It will be fixed before that 🙂

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