BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums General Requests and Feedback Buddyboss 2.0 Theme Update Suggestion

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    Quick suggestion – I noticed that once a forum reaches > 15 posts that a new page is started. The problem? There are no page progression links at the bottom of the list. Therefore, someone reading the forums would scroll down and think the conversation ended at post #15 when in fact there could be dozens more. Yes, there is page progression links at the top, but unless someone is really inquisitive about wondering if there are more posts and then searches for it, they’ll never find out there’s more to be read. Here’s an example from your website on a recent topic: https://www.buddyboss.com/support-forums/topic/buddypress-1-5/

    Can the Buddyboss theme be updated to include obvious page progression links at the bottom of each forum page? It’s probably obvious what I’m talking about but here’s a screenshot as well: http://screencast.com/t/RNwy9y6B If this will take some work and is better reserved for a future update, is there an easy way in the interim to increase the number of posts that can be seen on a single page?

    Thanks in advance for your time!





    I found that a problem as well but just had a look around the code and replicated the pagination to the bottom of the forums as well:


    However one thing that I would prefer is to have page numbers under the forum topic title once a topic goes beyond one page – like the bbpress.org forums: http://bbpress.org/forums/

    This way the user knows it has more than one page AND can jump to to the last page in a click. I have had a look around but can’t find the solution.


    BuddyBoss 2.0 will indeed have pagination at the bottom of the forum. Thanks for the suggestion.


    any chance all the pages will have pagination? It’s much better for search engine traffic if google can read all your pages.

    i tried to use a plugin that gives pagination to all pages but it’s not working right.


    I don’t really understand the question. You mean having pagination on regular WordPress pages? How would it know what to paginate to next?

    If you’re concerned about Google being able to index your pages you should (1) install a sitemap plugin such as Google XML Sitemaps and (2) make sure to have a relatively flat structure to your website, linking to every page on your site from somewhere else. There should be no “ghost” pages that aren’t linked to from somewhere.

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