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    On a user’s wall, even when there is activity, the message “Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.” is appearing. (See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5yyl7m).

    If I create a message from the wall tab, it will appear, but then if I go to the /activity page, then back to the user profile wall tab, I again receive the “no activity found” message.

    Website is http://www.addictionrehabilitationtools.com




    @block4 can you try disabling other plugins to see if it is a conflict. This will help narrow down the issue.



    Is there a way to have the Wall show up large like in the Advertisement and on the front of multisite. Well I guess I could pull it as the front page but cant see it as a large page at all.

    I cant find the update to Gallery. it has not Auto shown up in Updates. Thanks.

    Has anyone ever apped this? I would like to do that. Perhaps with wpmu’s software.


    Ok. so I pulled Activity to front. I guess I still dont understand well I guess I do. my old frontpage is now the mutisite page correct… so it hides that html and I still get the SEO though right?

    I cant get the Media Gallery Update. Help!



    @rodonnell your SEO is fine. Try downloading it from BuddyBoss.com and update manually.


    Thanks Chester, excited about this theme. It crams it in I give buddyboss and press big thanks, just pushin limits here as it should be, thats why they built it right? So big purchase question here.

    At first the mobile looked like it does in the Advert. But now it looks like my old theme with menus on Android.

    Gotta have Mobile. So BuddyBoss Child does not have actual Mobile “only” funtctionality..

    I am ready to purchase Mobile Only now if you give me the green light that it did not come included with my bboss child.

    Thanks! got a bunch of users coming in and I want to help them. Oh… and I cant find where to upload a picture! I have Space Invaders for Icons! Love Space Invaders though, but most of the Girls don’t.

    You kick butt, and so does Paul too. Lots of fun!


    Is the site directory page usually associated with Activity? Or what is the norm. Thank you.

    Downloaded Gallery, now just need mobile and to see if Gallery works!


    TJ Chester, I can’t get a response anywhere. I have real users for the first time ever and its Game time critical where you cannot miss the window of opportunity, people are just going to discard this project and move on if they have not already. I cant get a profile change with media. Steps?

    And where is the recommended spot for the Wall? What Should consist of the Front Page. I currently have people land on Activity with the Wall there. Can it exist in two spots? Just where does it function best? If I can get them to use the media I am solid or I’m going to lose them.. Thanks in advance.


    Ok. So I moved forward without advice and I WSOD’d with 89 Users in Activity on a Friday Night. I deleted Buddyboss Media and it did not revive the site. I dropped BuddyPress from the Network level and it WSOD, thinking Buddy Press was not working elevated like that. So I am Stuck in WSOD land.


    Brought it back by renaming the wp-content folder. Re-enabled 1/4 of the plugins and on the site level only. Believe that was my original flaw. Would like to touch base with a couple people I have seen with similar setups to determine the proper plugins to be activated at the network level, rather which ones are not necessary at the network level.

    Now the Responsive mobile features have popped up on everyones Devices! Now I like the carpet-bomb approach like most of us but I would again like to outline the proper setup with what I have. And still yet to re-install Gallery.

    I purchased the Mobile Only child theme and I am unsure if it can be used with the buddyboss-child or not. I would like to implement this tonight if I could get some info on this, to me it is unclear if the bb-child will be replaced, it says compatible with use of any other theme so does that mean it would have to be Boss Mobile and no more Boss-Child? Thanks.

    Mobile usage is my question for anyone here. And any insight on Gallery install if you have it, otherwise I think I am good with an install on the site level alongside all other plugins re-installed at the site level, I believe that was the issue.





    @rodonnell sorry we do not monitor the forums 24/7. I post online 1-2 hours per day. We respond within 24 hours, typically. The Mobile Only theme is only required if you want to define which device gets the desktop versus mobile theme with the help of a device switcher plugin.

    Future reference on the WSOD, BuddyPress must be activated prior to BuddyBoss Media being activated. Could have been an issue there.

    What question did oyu have specifically about the media plugin? It should simply be active and good to go, no additional settings or tweaks required.


    When I install it with Multi-Network enabled and it WSOD’s. I have looked through the forum and references to the “order” of installation and config. Thanks, yesterday was just crazy record day spiked off the ole meter. today, not so much lol. I have the mobile theme, I also have the mobile switch applied. So do I upload the mobile them to the themes folder and deactivate the child theme? or simply activate the mobile theme on top of that?




    @rodonnell if you have media network enabled then buddypress needs to be network enabled as well. I really depends on the plugin you are using but I would assume you upload it just like any other theme. You should contact the plugin author for support on that one.


    Hey T.J.
    Thanks again, just so you know Paul had recently told me (I think it was him) that he was in a different time zone by several hours so I attempted to stagger my request with someone else that I knew could be of assistance. I know you are not always there or are required to be, I appreciate the help. Since installing everything on the “site” level and not on the network, aside from multi-network etc. the site is working nice. It would be cool to be directed to a discussion with those who have developed multi-network for some faqs and precedence.

    I could use a basic question answered if its ok. So If I install mobile theme into (themes folder correct) then will it absolve my Child (no css has been added) them altogether, or is the Mobile them just an “Add- On” thank you. I have the Mobile switch installed and in my widget area, so it is ready to go. Thanks again TJ



    @rodonnell I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by absolve your child theme. You should have your child theme set as active then use the theme switcher to define which devices get the mobile theme.

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