BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Accordion Shortcode

  • This topic has 12 replies, 5 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Alyssa.
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    I’ve begun looking into the shortcodes included in the new Boss theme (which are great!) but when I insert an accordion it seems the default is for it to be open. How can I make the default closed? Thanks!




    I’d like to second this question, I’m looking to do the same thing. Thanks!


    @tjchester—Any help? Thanks! —Chris



    @cvandonk sorry guys, was a feature so new I had no idea we had it. I tried to have another developer step in but that didn’t happen. So now that I’ve investigated this isn’t possible as far as I know. I’ll send this to the devs as a request or perhaps get the API associated with the accordion shortcodes.


    Thanks for following up @tjchester! Finger’s crossed that we’ll see it added soon … —Chris


    @cvandonk @sauntvalerian @tjchester

    This feature has been added for the next release. Accordions will default to closed, and you can optionally select one of your choosing to default as open.


    Any word on when this update is coming out? I’m using jQuery accordions (not the shortcode) and my accordion defaults to open. Going to have to fix this bug manually unless you’re releasing this update soon?


    @michael Any word on when this update is coming out? I need to fix this issue and default it to closed.



    @benjeske Our last update was released April 8th. Typically no more than 1 update per month except in extreme cases. Give us a couple more weeks to close out some other small bugs and QA testing and we should have another release.


    @tjchester Sounds good, thanks. We pushed our product launch back 30 days so I’ve got plenty of time to resolve this bug.

    I had another question about this update as well, do you plan to include WordPress 4.2+ support?



    @benjeske we are always updating to be current with WP and BP. With that said we should be current with 4.2 already. Are you finding a conflict with a new 4.2 feature?


    I was having some sort of issue with the Buddypress update, but I just updated to WordPress 4.2.1 without any issues that I can see. I’m on Buddypress 2.2.1 and trying to update to but it white screens wordpress and I have to disable my child theme from FTP.



    @benjeske I haven’t had any issues with updating. Do you have any custom code in functions.php? Perhaps there is a function in there conflicting? Your server logs should be able to point you in the right direction.

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