Global CSS Styles

Global CSS Styles are styles used throughout the app across the app's screens and components. You can overwrite anyone of these styles in your code to change the look of the app.

import {
} from "react-native";
import {getStatusBarHeight} from "react-native-status-bar-height";
import {ifIphoneX} from "react-native-iphone-x-helper";
import {isTabletOrIPad, shadeColor, shadeColorForBackground} from "../utils";
import normalize from "./normalize";
import {fontFamilyMappingFunction, fontWeightMappingFunction} from "../fonts";
import {getExternalCodeSetup} from "../externalCode/externalRepo";
import {configureGlobalStyle} from "../externalCode/configurators";
import {memoize} from "../utils/memoize";
import type {Typography} from "../services/types/branding";
import {Typographies} from "../services/enums/branding";
import FontManager from "../FontManager";
import {BOTTOM_SHEET_HEADER_HEIGHT} from "../components/BottomSheet/BottomSheetHeader";
import {generateAssetsFontCss} from "../utils/jsUtils";
import {useSafeAreaInsets} from "react-native-safe-area-context";

export const HEADERHEIGHT ={ios: 44, android: 56});
export const BARHEIGHT = Platform.OS === "android" ? 0 : getStatusBarHeight();
export const STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT ={
	android: StatusBar.currentHeight,
const {width, height} = Dimensions.get("window");

export const DEVICE_WIDTH = Platform.isPad
	? width > height
		? height
		: width
	: width;
export const DEVICE_HEIGHT = Platform.isPad
	? width < height
		? height
		: width
	: height;

export const GUTTER = 17;
export const BOTTOM_SAFE_AREA = ifIphoneX(45, 20);
const minIpadSafeAreaValue = val => (val < 10 ? 10 : val);
export const correctBottomSafeArea = val =>
		? minIpadSafeAreaValue(val) + 10
		: Platform.OS === "android"
			? val + 20
			: val;
export const TOP_SAFE_AREA = ifIphoneX(44, 0);
export const topSafeAreaWithDynamicIsland = () => {
	const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();
	return === 59 ? : TOP_SAFE_AREA;

export const isHaveDynamicIsland = () => {
	const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();
	return === 59;

export const LIST_FILTER_HEIGHT = 61;
export const SEGMENT_FILTER_HEIGHT = 53;

	medium: "RobotoMedium"

// const colors
export const WHITE_COLOR = "#FFFFFF";
export const PALE_WHITE_COLOR = "#EDEEF2";
export const BLACK_COLOR = "#000000";
export const DARK_BLUE_COLOR = "#122b46";
export const GREY_COLOR = "rgba(0,0,0,0.33)";
export const LIGHT_WHITE_COLOR = "rgba(255,255,255,0.33)";
export const MEDIUM_WHITE_COLOR = "rgba(255,255,255,0.7)";
export const DARK_GREY_COLOR = "rgba(0,0,0,0.55)";
export const LIGHT_GREY_COLOR = "rgba(70,89,135,0.10)";
export const SUCCESS_COLOR = "#10D639";
export const WARNING_COLOR = "#FF3B30";
export const ERROR_TEXT_COLOR = "#A84B46";
export const XPROFILE_TEXT_COLOR = "#080808";
export const XPROFILE_META_TEXT_COLOR = "#787E8B";
export const FILTER_BG = "rgba(98, 100, 151, 0.11)";
export const LIST_HEADER_BG = "#F9F9F9";
export const TAG_BACKGROUND = "#F7F8F9";
export const BORDER_COLOR_ALT = "#c6c6c8";
export const INPUT_BORDER_COLOR_ALT = "#95A0AC";
export const OPTIONS_INACTIVE_COLOR = "#C3C5CA";
export const HEADER_BORDER_COLOR = "rgba(87, 87, 91,0.4)";
export const SHADOW_TEXT = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)";
export const SHADOW = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)";
export const BB_DARK_COLOR = "#333659";
export const BB_SIGNATURE_ORANGE_COLOR = "#df613c";

// for quiz question learndash indicator colors
const indicatorColors = {
	currentLabel: "#235af3",
	reviewLabel: "#ED9615",
	answeredLabel: "#a1b6c9",
	correctLabel: "#00c349",
	incorrectLabel: "#f11414"

const localColors = {
	shadow: SHADOW,
	shadowText: SHADOW_TEXT,
	xProfileTextColor: XPROFILE_TEXT_COLOR,
	filterBg: FILTER_BG,
	whiteColor: WHITE_COLOR,
	paleWhiteColor: PALE_WHITE_COLOR,
	blackColor: BLACK_COLOR,
	darkBlueColor: DARK_BLUE_COLOR,
	greyColor: GREY_COLOR,
	darkGreyColor: DARK_GREY_COLOR,
	lightGreyColor: LIGHT_GREY_COLOR,
	successColor: SUCCESS_COLOR,
	errorTextColor: ERROR_TEXT_COLOR,
	warningColor: WARNING_COLOR,
	tagBackground: TAG_BACKGROUND,
	borderColorAlt: BORDER_COLOR_ALT,
	inputBorderColorAlt: INPUT_BORDER_COLOR_ALT,
	optionsInactiveColor: OPTIONS_INACTIVE_COLOR,
	defaultBlockButtonBackgroundColor: DEFAULT_BLOCK_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
	bbDarkColor: BB_DARK_COLOR,
	bbSignatureOrangeColor: BB_SIGNATURE_ORANGE_COLOR

interface LinearGradientReturnType {
	angle: number;
	colors: string[];
	locations: number[];
 * @param  {string} gradientString linear-gradient({angle}deg,{rgba color1} {loc1}%,{rgb color2} {loc2}%, ....)
 * @return {LinearGradientReturnType}                {angle: string, colors: Array, locations: Array}
export const retrieveLinearGradientPropsFromString = gradientString => {
	const angle =
		gradientString.match(/[0-9]+deg/gi)?.[0].replace("deg", "") || "0";
	const colors =
		gradientString.match(/rgb(a)?\((([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?),?){4}\)\s[0-9]+\%/gi) ||
	const locations = (gradientString.match(/[0-9]+%/gi) || []).map(
		loc => Number(loc.replace("%", "")) / 100

	return {angle: Number(angle), colors, locations};

 * @param  {string} gradientString radial-gradient({{rgb color1} {loc1}%,{rgb color2} {loc2}%, ....)
 * @return {Object}                {colors: Array, stops: Array}
export const retrieveRadialGradientPropsFromString = gradientString => {
	const colors =
		gradientString.match(/rgb(a)?\((([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?),?){4}\)\s[0-9]+\%/gi) ||
	const stops = (gradientString.match(/[0-9]+%/gi) || []).map(
		loc => Number(loc.replace("%", "")) / 100
	return {colors, stops};

export const textRTLStyleFix = (moreStyle = {}, defaultStyle = {}) =>
	I18nManager.isRTL ? {writingDirection: "rtl", ...moreStyle} : defaultStyle;

export const viewRTLStyleFix = (moreStyle = {}, defaultStyle = {}) =>
	I18nManager.isRTL ? {transform: [{scaleX: -1}], ...moreStyle} : defaultStyle;

export const gradientViewRTLFix = ({start, end}) =>
	I18nManager.isRTL ? {start: end, end: start} : {start, end};

type Weights =
	| "normal"
	| "bold"
	| "100"
	| "200"
	| "300"
	| "400"
	| "500"
	| "600"
	| "700"
	| "800"
	| "900";

type FontWeightsType = {
	thin: Weights,
	ultraLight: Weights,
	light: Weights,
	regular: Weights,
	medium: Weights,
	semiBold: Weights,
	bold: Weights,
	heavy: Weights,
	black: Weights

export let FontWeights: FontWeightsType = {
	thin: "100",
	ultraLight: "200",
	light: "300",
	regular: "400",
	medium: "500",
	semiBold: "600",
	bold: "700",
	heavy: "800",
	black: "900"

if (Platform.OS === "android") {
	FontWeights = Object.entries(FontWeights).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => {
		if (["thin", "ultraLight", "light", "regular"].includes(key)) {
			acc[key] = "400";
		} else if (key === "medium") {
			acc[key] = "500";
		} else if (key === "semiBold") {
			acc[key] = "600";
		} else {
			acc[key] = "700";
		return acc;
	}, {});

const buildGlobalStyles = (
	fontFamilyMapping = fontFamilyMappingFunction,
	fontWeightMapping = fontWeightMappingFunction
) => {
	const externalCodeSetup = getExternalCodeSetup();
	const externalInputColors = externalCodeSetup.cssApi.inputColors
		? externalCodeSetup.cssApi.inputColors
		: {};

	const inputColors = baseColor => {
		return {
				externalInputColors.inputPlaceholderColor ||
				shadeColor(baseColor, 0.28),
				externalInputColors.inputBorderColor || shadeColor(baseColor, 0.12),
				externalInputColors.inputFocusBorderColor || baseColor,
				externalInputColors.inputIconColor || shadeColor(baseColor, 0.28)

	const {
	} = styles.colors;

	const {
	} = localColors;

	// derived colors

	const searchColor = shadeColor("#000000", 0.9);
	const searchPlaceholderColor = shadeColorForBackground(
	const searchBgColor = shadeColorForBackground("#000000", headerBg, 0.1);
	const lightSearchColor = shadeColor("#FFFFFF", 0.95);
	const searchPlaceholderLightColor = shadeColorForBackground(
	const lightSearchBg = shadeColorForBackground("#FFFFFF", headerBg, 0.2);

	const authBg = authBgColor;
	const regBg = regBgColor;
	const linkColor = primaryColor;
	const lightTextColor = descLightTextColor;
	const iconsColor = greyColor;
	const linkArrowColor = shadeColor(linkColor, 0.45);
	const textIconColor = shadeColor(textColor, 0.5);
	const iapBenefitsCheckmarkBg = shadeColor(iapBenefitsCheckmark, 0.2);
	const coursesBg = bodyBg;
	const highlightColor = primaryColor;
	const filterBottomSheetBg = bodyBg;
	const placeholderColor = shadeColor(textColor, 0.5);
	const derivedColors = {
	const authInputColors = inputColors(textColor);

	const customColors = externalCodeSetup.cssApi.customColors;

	const typography: Typography = styles.typography;

	 * @param  {[type]} pixels the custom size
	 * @param  {String} key one of
	 *	"bodyText" | "appHeaderTitle" | "appHeadings" | "appTabBar" | "appMenus"
	const calcFontSize = (pixels, key = Typographies.bodyText) =>
		(pixels * typography[key].scale) / 100;

	const _setFont = ({
		weight = FontWeights.regular,
		typography = Typographies.bodyText,
	}) => {
		let fontStyle = {
			fontFamily: fontFamilyMapping(family),
			fontWeight: weight
		if (family !== "Default") {
			fontStyle = FontManager.createFontStyles(family, {
				weight: Number(weight)

			const fontWeightKey = Object.keys(FontWeights).filter(weight =>
				fontStyle.fontFamily?.match(new RegExp(weight, "i"))

			if (fontWeightKey) fontStyle["fontWeight"] = FontWeights[fontWeightKey];

		return Object.assign(
				fontSize: headingTag
					? calcHeadingFontSize(headingTag, size)
					: calcFontSize(size, typography)
			color && {color},
	const setFont = memoize(_setFont, {
		normalizer: args => JSON.stringify(args[0])

	const BASE_HEADING_SIZE = 26;

	const calcHeadingFontSize = (headingTag, size = BASE_HEADING_SIZE) => {
		const baseFontSize = calcFontSize(size, Typographies.appHeadings);
		let scale = 1;
		switch (headingTag) {
			case "h1":
				scale = 2.0;
			case "h2":
				scale = 1.6;
			case "h3":
				scale = 1.2;
			case "h4":
				scale = 1.0;
			case "h5":
				scale = 0.8;
			case "h6":
				scale = 0.6;
				scale = 1;
		return Math.floor(baseFontSize * scale);

	const {
		appHeaderTitle: listHeaderTitle,
	} = typography;

	const setHeadingFont = args =>
			weight: args.weight || FontWeights.regular,
			typography: Typographies.appHeadings

	const setListHeaderFont = args =>
			weight: args.weight || FontWeights.bold,
			typography: Typographies.appHeaderTitle

	const setAppMenusFont = args =>
			weight: args.weight || FontWeights.semiBold,
			typography: Typographies.appMenus

	const globalStylesDefault = {
		// Small font style. Used On: Product Price Duration screen and Search screen
		smallText: setFont({
			size: 12,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
		// To show outer area of filter segment for Photos and Album. Used On: Album Screen & Photos screen
		photosSegmentFilterWrapper: {
			backgroundColor: headerBg,
			flexDirection: "row",
			justifyContent: "center",
			height: FontManager.applyFontHeightAdjustment(
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor
		// To show inner area of filter segment for Photos and Album. Used On:  Album Screen & Photos screen
		photosSegmentFilterInner: {
			width: DEVICE_WIDTH - GUTTER * 2,
			marginTop: 10,
			marginBottom: 20
		// not used
		groupInviteMessageText: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
		developmentSessionTitle: setHeadingFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Styles to show revoking button of email invites. Used On: Email Invites screen
		emailInvitesRevokeButtonText: setHeadingFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: warningColor
		// Header font styling of email invite. Used On: Email Invites screen
		emailInvitesHeader: setHeadingFont({
			size: 20,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Settings screen list inactive radio button. Used On: Setting Screen
		radio: {
			height: 25,
			width: 25,
			borderRadius: 25 / 2,
			borderWidth: 1.5,
			borderColor: optionsInactiveColor
		// Setting screen list active radio button. Used On: Setting Screen
		activeRadio: {
			height: 25,
			width: 25,
			borderRadius: 25 / 2,
			borderWidth: 8,
			borderColor: highlightColor
		// Header font styling for privacy setting screen. Used On: Privacy Setting Screen
		privacySettingsHeader: setHeadingFont({
			size: 22,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Text font styling for privacy setting screen. Used On: Privacy Setting Screen
		privacySettingsItemText: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
		// Header font styling for privacy setting screen. Used On: Privacy Setting Screen
		privacySettingsHeader: setHeadingFont({
			size: 22,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Text font styling for access denied text. Used On: Access Denied Cover
		accessDeniedHeader: setHeadingFont({
			size: 22,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Text font styling for access denied header. Used On: Access Denied Cover
		accessDeniedText: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
		// Navigation header right icon styles. Used On: Email Invite Message Screen,Group Message Create Postscreen, Email Prefrence Screen,Group Invite Setting Screen,Login Info Screen,Privacy Setting Screen,Cover Photo screen, Photo screen,Setting Screen,Email Invites send Screen,profile Screen
		headerRightButton: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			paddingHorizontal: 14,
			borderRadius: 14,
			backgroundColor: headerIconColor,
			minWidth: 63,
			height: 28
		// Navigation header right text button font styles. Used On:  Email Invite Message Screen,Group Message Create Postscreen, Email Prefrence Screen,Group Invite Setting Screen,Login Info Screen,Privacy Setting Screen,Cover Photo screen, Photo screen,Setting Screen,Email Invites send Screen,profile Screen
		headerRightButtonText: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: headerBg,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
		//Text font styling used for descriptional text. Used On: Email Invite Message Screen, Photo Description screen, Setting About Screen
		helperText: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
		// Radio font styling on Report Screen. Used On: Report Form Screen
		reportRadios: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
		// Text style. Used On: report form screen header title
		reportHeaderTitle: {
				size: 20,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			width: 200,
			textAlign: "center"

		schedulePostHeaderTitle: {
				size: 20,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			width: 200
		// Modal handler style. Used On: Options Modal and Schedule Post Modal
		modalHandleStyle: {
			alignSelf: "center",
			top: -15,
			width: 45,
			height: 5,
			borderRadius: 5,
			backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)"
		// not used
		signUpTitle: {
			marginBottom: 60,
				size: 28,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
		// Confirm text styling. Used On: Edit profile screen
		nativeConfirmText: {
				size: 17,
				color: highlightColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
			paddingTop: 1,
			paddingRight: 2
		// Cancel text styling. Used On: AppMultiSelectModal
		nativeCancelText: {
				size: 17,
				color: greyColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
			paddingTop: 1,
			paddingRight: 2
		// Search bar text input style. Used On: Search
		searchBarText: {
				size: 17,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			flex: 1,
			paddingTop: 0,
			paddingBottom: 0
		// Form input label styling. Used On:  Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		formLabel: setHeadingFont({
			size: 20,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Form sub-label (secondary label) font styling. Used On:  Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		formSubLabel: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
		// Form input field style. Used On: Privacy setting screen, login info screen, Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		formItemContainer: {paddingBottom: 32},
		// Form input field style. Used On: Quiz screen, survey screen, Edit profile Screen, Subscription Screen, Signup screen, Advanced search screen, Email Invite Screen, Document Screen, Code Verifcation Screen,Forgot Screen, Login Screen,Activity Screen
		formInput: {
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			minHeight: 50,
			borderRadius: 10,
			borderColor: inputBorderColorAlt,
			backgroundColor: bodyBg
		// Form input field text style. Used On: Quiz screen, survey screen, Edit profile Screen, Subscription Screen, Signup screen, Advanced search screen, Email Invite Screen, Document Screen, Code Verifcation Screen,Forgot Screen, Login Screen,Activity Screen
		formInputText: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: textColor,
				ios: FontWeights.medium,
				android: FontWeights.regular
		// Textarea style. Used On: Email Invite Screen, Signup screen, Advanced search screen, Document Screen, Edit Profile screen
		formTextArea: {minHeight: 150, paddingTop: 12},
		// Form dropdown style. Used On: Signup screen, Advanced search screen, Setting screen
		formDropdown: {
			borderRadius: 10,
			minHeight: 48,
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			backgroundColor: bodyBg,
			borderBottomWidth: 0
		// Form checkbox outer style. Used On: Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		formCheckboxOuter: {paddingLeft: 16},
		// Form checkbox inner style. Used On: Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		formCheckboxInner: {
			borderTopColor: borderColorAlt,
			paddingRight: 16,
			minHeight: 48
		// style used for sign up fields checkbox, single checkbox and container component. Used On: Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		selectContainer: {backgroundColor: bodyBg, borderRadius: 10},
		// not used
		selectItemOuter: {paddingLeft: 16},
		// style for signup fields like container. Used On: Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		selectItemInner: {
			borderTopColor: borderColorAlt,
			paddingRight: 16,
			minHeight: 48
		// Form picker style. Used On: Signup screen, Advanced search screen
		nativeAccessoryText: {color: highlightColor},
		// Edit profile's add another button text style. Used On: Edit profile Screen
		repeaterButtonText: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: highlightColor
		// View As restore modal header title styles. Used On: Profile Screen
		viewAsRestoreHeaderTitle: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// View As restore modal header user font styles. Used On: Profile Screen
		viewAsRestoreHeaderUser: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// View As screen title font style. Used On: Profile Screen, Course Screen
		viewAsRestoreTitle: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// View As screen user name font style. Used On: Profile Screen, Course Screen
		viewAsRestoreUser: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Points Screen user points title font style. Used On: Points Screen
		pointsTitle: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			size: 22
		// Points Screen awarded points sub title font style. Used On: Points Screen
		pointsSubTitle: setFont({
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			size: 17
		// Achievement Title font style. Used On: Achievement screen, BlockedUser screen
		achievementTitle: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			size: 17
		// Achievement SubTitle style. Used On: Achievement screen, BlockedUser screen
		achievementSubtitle: setFont({
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			size: 13
		// Acheivement screen content font style. Used On: Achievement screen
		achievementContent: setFont({
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			size: 15
		// Achievement screen required step header font style. Used On: Achievement screen
		achievementSheetInnerContent: setFont({
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			size: 13
		// Ranks Screen title style. Used On: Ranks screen
		rankTitle: setFont({
			size: 19,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// not used
		rankDesc: setFont({
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// Profile Cover photo text heading style. Used On: Cover
		profileCoverEditTitle: setFont({
			size: 19,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// Profile Cover photo text descriptional style. Used On: Cover screen
		profileCoverEditDesc: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// Profile Display user name style. Used On: App Lock Screen, Profile screen
		xProfileNicename: setFont({
			size: calcFontSize(14),
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: headingsColor
		// Profile member joined date style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileJoined: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// Profile user name style. Used On: App Lock Screen, Profile screen
		xProfileTitle: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			size: 22
		// Profile followers count style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileCount: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			size: 17
		// Profile follower title  based upon count style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileCountTitle: setFont({
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			size: 13
		// Profile group name style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileSectionText: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			size: 22,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
		// profile list field item title style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileItemTitle: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Profile list item fields value style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileItemValue: {
			flexShrink: 1,
				color: textColor,
				size: 20,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Profile list URL link fields style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileItemLink: {
			flexShrink: 1,
				color: linkColor,
				size: 20,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Profile list textarea fields style. Used On: Profile screen
		xProfileItemTextArea: {
				color: textColor,
				size: 20,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			flexShrink: 1
		// Quiz text input style. Used On: Question screen
		quizTextInput: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		// Style for rendering quiz question. Used On: Question Screen, Quiz Single Screen
		quizQuestionText: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor,
		// Course title style. Used On: Course screen, Lesson Single Screen
		courseHeaderTitle: setFont({
			size: 27,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
		// Course subtitle Style. Used On: Learn Topic Single Screen, Lesson Single Screen, Quiz Single Screen
		courseHeaderSubTitle: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
		// General text tyle used in various ways like to show privacy text, group name. Used On: Activity Screen, Document Screen, Group Screen, Add Topic Screen
		activityPostInText: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
		// Parent group subtitle style. Used On: App header through out app
		parentGroupSubTitle: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Parent group title style. Used On: App header through out app
		parentGroupTitle: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// General Screen title text style. Used On: Forum Single Screen, Blog Screen, Login Screen, Forget Screen, Code Verification Screen
		textHeaderTitle: setFont({
			size: 28,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		//Screen title for Code verification screen
		textHeaderTitleCodeVerification: {
			size: 28
		//Screen title for Forgot password screen
		textHeaderTitleForgotPassword: {},
		//Confirmation message in code verification screen
		codeVerificationConfirmation: {},

		// Header title style for display userType, userNickname. Used On: Profile Screen & Group Screen
		textHeaderMeta: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: descTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Group screen short description text style. Used On: Group Screen
		textHeaderShortContent: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Group header action button text style. Used On: Group Screen
		textHeaderActionButton: setFont({
			size: 12,
			color: linkColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Widget title font style. Used On Home screen
		textSingleScreenTab: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// not used
		textGroupBreadCrumb: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: descTextColor
		// Comment text font style. Used On: Blog Screen
		textItemSubtitle: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descTextColor
		// not used
		viewAsSwitchButton: {backgroundColor: secondaryButtonBg},
		// Not used yet
		viewAsSwitchButtonLabel: {
			color: secondaryButtonColor,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// List load more view style. Used On: Album Screen, Photo Screen
		loadMoreButton: {
			padding: 15,
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center",
			backgroundColor: primaryButtonBg,
			borderRadius: 20,
			marginHorizontal: GUTTER,
			marginTop: 20
		// List load more text style. Used On: Album Screen, Photo Screen
		loadMoreButtonText: {
				size:{android: 16, ios: 17}),
				weight: FontWeights.medium,
				color: primaryButtonColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Shadow for the group header avatar. Used On: Group screen
		shadow: {
			shadowOffset: {width: 0, height: 0},
			shadowRadius: 3,
			shadowColor: blackColor,
			shadowOpacity: 0.15,
			elevation: 1,
			zIndex: 1
		// Shadow to provide below in group header avatar. Used On: Group screen
		shadowBelow: {
			shadowOffset: {width: 0, height: 2},
			shadowRadius: 1,
			shadowColor: blackColor,
			shadowOpacity: 0.12,
			elevation: 1,
			zIndex: 1
		// Screen view container style. Used On menu  screen and profile Screens
		container: {
			flex: 1,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg
		// Title style for button and screen item title . Used On  Group screen, Course screen, Blog screen
		title: setFont({
			size: 18,
			color: textColor
		// Title style. Used On: Document Screen & Photo Screen
		heading: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			typography: Typographies.appHeadings
		// Group screen action button style. Used On: Group screen and Delete group screen
		boldText: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: textColor
		// General text style used in various screen. File name style in document screen. Used On: Document Screen
		semiboldText: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// General text style used in various screen. Used On: Many major and minor module such as quiz screen, album create screen, activity screen & Blog screen.
		text: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		// Descriptional text style for cover photo and setting form screen. Used On: Profile Cover screen & Setting Screen
		desc: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descTextColor
		// Various screen text style used for radio text, label text, title text etc. Used On: Question screen, List screen, Quiz screen, Report Screen, Forum Screen.
		textAlt: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		// Various screen text style used for radio text, label text, title text etc. Used On: Question screen, List screen, Quiz screen, Report Screen, Forum Screen.
		textAltMedium: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		// Blog Screen button text style. Used On: Blog Screen
		textAltSemi: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// Blog screen text style. Used On: Blog screen
		textMeta: setFont({
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// messages thread date header, Link handling setting header
		textMetaSemiBold: setFont({
			size: 14,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// not used
		xProfileSubtitle: setFont({
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: headingsColor
		// Various screen text style. Used On: Quiz Result screen, Product screen, Question screen, Notification list item
		regularText: {
				size: 15,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: textColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Html Page text style. Used On: Forum screen, Paragraph Screen, Question Essay Screen, Forums topic screen
		textHtml: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		// Notification content text style. Used On: Notification screen
		notificationHtml: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		// Activity header Html Style. Used On: Activity screen
		activityHtml: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		activityHtmlrawtext: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		activityHtmlp: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		activityHtmla: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// not used
		countText: setFont({
			size: 34,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		// Small text style. Used On: Various screens like Menu Screen, Forgot password screen & Auth screen
		textSmall: {
				size: 14,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: shadeColor(textColor, 0.64)
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Button color style. Used On: Export Data Screen, Advanced Search Screen
		primaryButtonColor: {
			color: primaryButtonColor
		// Button text color style. Used On: Export Data Screen, Advanced Search Screen
		primaryButtonColorText: setFont({
			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.bold
		// Link style. Used On: Filter Screen,Blog Screen, Course screen, Login Screen
		link: {
				size: 14,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: linkColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Blog delete & report button style. Used On: Blog Screen
		deleteLink: {
				size: 14,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: warningColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Cancel search text style. Used On: Search Screen
		cancelSearch: {
				size: 17,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: linkColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Blog screen icon button text style. Used On: Blog Screen
		// Group message screen list select unselect text style. Used On: Group Screen
		// widget title see more label text style. Used On Home Screen
		seeLink: {
				size:{ios: 17, android: 16}),
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: linkColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Various screen's label text style. Used On: Profile screen, Edit profile screen, Document screen, Topic screen
		linkRegular: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: linkColor
		// not used
		linkArrow: {
			width: 10,
			height: 8,
			marginRight: 6
		// Forward arrow style. Used On: Login screen, Social Login screen, Course screen
		linkArrowRight: {
			width: 10,
			height: 8,
			marginLeft: 6
		// Previous button, Next button, lesson complete button, mark as complete button, login as guest button, login with email button view style.
		// Used On: Couuse screen, topic screen, login screen, social login screen.
		linkWithArrow: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center"
		// List view style. Used On: Group list and common list screen
		listWrap: {
			flex: 1,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg
		// Text input style. Used On: quiz form screen, form screen, add topic screen, link account screen, login screen, reply screen
		input: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: textColor
		// Quiz form invalid text field style. Used On: Quiz screen
		invalidField: setFont({
			size: 12,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: warningColor
		// Input description. Used on: Advanced search
		inputDesc: setFont({
			size: 12,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descTextColor
		// not in use
		label: {
				size: 12,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: textColor
			marginBottom: 7
		// Form page text input wrap view style. Used On: Quiz screen, Link Account screen, Login screen, Reply screen
		inputWrap: {
			position: "relative",
			paddingTop: 0,
			paddingBottom: 0,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// Matrix Question type style. Used On: Quiz screen
		quizInput: {
				size: 14,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: textColor
			paddingLeft: 10,
			paddingRight: 10,
			height: 36,
			borderRadius: 3,
			borderWidth: 1,
			borderColor: borderColor
		// Button label text style. Used On: Menu item screen
		buttonLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: secondaryButtonColor
		// Input label text style. Used On: Reset password screen
		resetPasswordInputLabel: {
				size: 17,
				weight: FontWeights.medium,
				color: secondaryButtonColor
			marginBottom: 10
		// Reset password instructions text style. Used On: Reset password screen
		resetPasswordInstructions: {
				size: 15,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: descTextColor
			paddingVertical: 10
		// Reset password instructions steps text style. Used On: Reset password screen
		resetPasswordInstructionsSteps: setFont({
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// group header member avatar button style. Used On: group screen
		singleScreenActionButton: {
			paddingHorizontal: 22,
			height: 28,
			borderRadius: 37 / 2,
			backgroundColor: whiteColor
		// Input text style used in Edit profile screen
		// Dropdown text style. Used On setting form screen
		profileInputText: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		// Date picker view style. Used On: edit profile screen
		profileInput: {
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			minHeight: 48,
			borderRadius: 10,
			borderColor: inputBorderColorAlt,
			backgroundColor: bodyBg
		// Dropdown style. Used On: Edit Profile screen
		profileDropdown: {
			borderRadius: 10,
			minHeight: 48,
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			backgroundColor: bodyBg,
			borderBottomWidth: 0
		// Profile field label text style. Used On: Edit Profile screen
		profileInputLabel: setFont({
			size: 20,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Form item descriptional field text style. Used On: Email invites screen Edit Profile screen
		profileInputDesc: setFont({
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descLightTextColor
		// Home page bottom tab icon wrapper style. Used On: Home Screen
		profileItemIconWrap: {
			width: 22
		// Home page bottom tab icon  style. Used On: Home Screen
		profileItemIcon: {
			alignSelf: "center"
		// Global button view style. Used On: almost every screen
		button: {
			height: 46,
			backgroundColor: primaryButtonBg,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			borderRadius: 12
		// Global secondary button style. Used On: almost every screen
		buttonSecondary: {
			height: 46,
			backgroundColor: secondaryButtonBg,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			borderRadius: 12
		// Global button text style. Used On: almost every screen
		buttonPrimaryLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: primaryButtonColor
		// Global secondary button text style. Used On: almost every screen
		buttonSecondaryLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: secondaryButtonColor
		// Add item button text style. Used On: email invite composer screen
		buttonText: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: secondaryButtonColor
		// List button style. Used On: list screen in the app
		listButton: {
			height: 50,
			backgroundColor: "transparent",
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row"
		// product screen button style. Used On: Product screen, subscriptions screen
		roundButton: {
			height: 38,
			borderRadius: 19
		// Course introductional video play button style. Used On: course screen
		playButton: {
			width: 38,
			height: 38,
			borderRadius: 19,
			borderStyle: "solid",
			borderWidth: 1.2,
			borderColor: whiteColor,
			padding: 0,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center"
		// upload media button style. Used On: Feedback screen, Photo screen, cover screen
		primaryButtonContainer: {backgroundColor: primaryButtonBg},
		// delete media button style. Used On: Feedback screen, Photo screen, cover screen
		secondaryButtonContainer: {backgroundColor: secondaryButtonBg},
		// not used
		primaryButtonLabel: {color: primaryButtonColor},
		// not used
		secondaryButtonLabel: {color: secondaryButtonColor},
		// Login button, forget button style
		// Used On: Login screen, Forgot Passwoard Screen
		authButtonContainer: {backgroundColor: authButtonBgColor},
		//labels of  Login button, forget button style
		// Used On: Login screen, Forgot Passwoard Screen
		authButtonLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: authButtonTextColor
		// Signup button, verification code button
		// Used On: Signup screen, Code Verification Screen
		regButtonContainer: {backgroundColor: regButtonBgColor},
		//labels of Signup button, verification code button
		// Used On: Signup screen, Code Verification Screen
		regButtonLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: regButtonTextColor
		twitterLoginButton: {},
		facebookLoginButton: {},
		googleLoginButton: {},
		appleLoginButton: {},
		// Screens bottom button style. Used On: Course screen Style, social login screen, Subscription screen
		footerButton: {
			height: 48,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row"
		// Inner button style. Used On: App Screens, Notiication Screen, Lists Screens
		buttonInner: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center"
		mediaItem: {
			width: 80,
			height: 80,
			marginRight: 15,
			resizeMode: "cover"
		// Logo Style. Used On: Social Login screen
		logo: {
			width: "100%",
			height: "100%",
			maxHeight: 100,
			maxWidth: 150,
			resizeMode: "contain"
		// Header style. Used On: Login Screen, link account screen, code verification screen, forgot password screen
		authHeader: {
			flex: 1,
			marginTop: 50
		// Screen text style. Used On:login screen, urvey screen, profile block for home screen, link account screen
		screenTitle: {
				weight: FontWeights.bold,
				color: headingsColor,
				size: 20
			marginTop: 14,
			backgroundColor: "transparent",
			marginBottom: 14
		// Screen header style. Used On: course screen, profile list screen, course material screen, course quizzes screen
		iosStyleScreenTitle: {
				color: headerColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold,
				size: 34
			// marginBottom: 9
		// Screen subtitle style. Used On: Over the whole app
		iosStyleScreenSubtitle: {
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold,
				size: 16
		// Title style. Used On: Single group screen
		titleWithButton: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center",
			marginTop: 14,
			marginBottom: 14
		// Short content text style. Used On: Group screen, Link account screen
		screenDescription: {
			textAlign: "center",
			backgroundColor: "transparent",
			width: 279
		// Group header details text view style. Used On: group screen
		// Profile block user points detail view style. Used On: home screen
		screenMetas: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			marginTop: 12,
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Screens inner text style. Used On: profile blocks home screen, cretificate screen, group screen, more screen
		screenMeta: {
				size: 14,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: descLightTextColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Single group screen admin view style
		screenHeaderBottom: {
			marginTop: "auto",
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center"
		// Quiz result list view style. Used On: Quiz details screen
		listItem: {
			paddingTop: 25,
			paddingRight: 16,
			paddingBottom: 16,
			paddingLeft: 16,
			position: "relative"
		// Forum topic title & sub forum title text style. Used On: single forum screen
		forumListTitle: setFont({
			size: 21,
			weight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		// Forum item view style. Used On: forum list screen
		forumListItem: {
			paddingHorizontal: GUTTER,
			position: "relative"
		// reply list item view style. Used On: notification reply item and thoughout the app reply view
		replyListItem: {
			paddingBottom: 16,
			paddingHorizontal: 16
		// List item header view. Used On: topic single screen, more screen
		itemHeader: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			justifyContent: "space-between",
			alignItems: "flex-start"
		// List item content view. Used On: topic single screen, more screen
		itemContent: {
			marginTop: 7,
			marginLeft: 42,
			marginBottom: 12
		// Topic single screen header's footer view style
		// Merge topic screen footer view style
		itemFooterMeta: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center",
			marginLeft: 43
		// List item footer view style. Used On: document screen, forum single screen, topic single screen
		itemFooter: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center"
		// List item left side view style. Used On: more screen, Reply screen
		itemLeft: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "flex-start",
			flex: 1
		// Name text style. Used On: setting screen, merge topic screen, reply screen
		itemName: {
				size: 17,
				weight: FontWeights.medium,
				color: headingsColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Course status text style. Used On: course screen
		itemText: {
				size: 15,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: textColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Course header author name text style. Used On: course screen
		itemAuthorName: {
				size: 17,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
				color: headingsColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// App screens inner text style. Used On: topic screen, group screen, Blog screen, forum screen, result screen, profile screen, Lesson screen
		itemMeta: {
				size: 13,
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Icon style. Used On: filter list and Topic single screen
		optionItemIcon: {
			height: 24,
			width: 24,
			tintColor: textColor,
			marginRight: 13
		// not used
		progressCount: {
				size: 17,
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Forum header title text style. Used On: Forum screen
		linkMeta: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: linkColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Date text style. Used On: message screen, reply screen, notification screen
		itemLightMeta: {
				size: 16,
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Dot seprator style. Used On: blog screen, course screen, forum screen, group screen, topic screen, document screen
		dotSep: {
			width: 3,
			height: 3,
			marginLeft: 8,
			marginRight: 8,
			backgroundColor: descLightTextColor,
			borderRadius: 2
		// Widget title style. Used On: course widget, group widget
		widgetItemTitle: setFont({
			size: 17,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// screen inner text and button style. Used On: survet screen, topic screen, forum screen, certificates screen
		itemTitle: setFont({
			size: 17,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// Sub forum title text style. Used On: sub forum screen
		subForumTitle: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Title text style. Used On: Notification screen, move reply screen, merge topic screen, split reply screen
		itemTopicTitle: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// List item descriptional text style. Used On: forum screen, edit profile screen, product single screenemail invites send screen
		itemDesc: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descTextColor
		// Large content text style. Used On: subscription screen, topic single screen, course screen
		itemAltDesc: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: lightTextColor
		// Member item view style. Used On: member screen
		itemAvatar: {
			marginRight: 10,
			width: 32,
			height: 32,
			borderRadius: 15,
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Sub-forum list view style. Used On: forum screen
		itemSubforums: {
			maxWidth: 260
		// Topic item parent view style. Used On: topic screen
		itemSticky: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(notifColor, 0.2),
			borderLeftColor: notifColor,
			borderLeftWidth: 2
		// Topic item parent view style. Used On: topic screen
		itemClosed: {
			opacity: 0.6,
			backgroundColor: bodyBg,
			borderLeftColor: borderColor,
			borderLeftWidth: 2
		// Parent view style. Used On: new reply item and topic single screen
		itemSpam: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(warningColor, 0.3),
			borderLeftColor: warningColor,
			borderLeftWidth: 2
		// Popup dialog style. Used On: activity screen
		dialogPopup: {
			borderRadius: 8,
			flexDirection: "column"
		// Popup dialog inner style. Used On: activity screen
		dialogPopupInner: {
			paddingVertical: 8
		// Popup dialog button style. Used On: activity screen
		dialogPopupButton: {
			paddingVertical: 10
		// general view style. Used On: various screen in the application
		bottomBorder: {
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// view style. Used On: document screen, block modal, report form screen
		topBorder: {
			borderTopColor: borderColor,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// avatar wrapper view. Used On: photo description screen, learn topic single screen, Lesson Single screen
		avatarWrap: {
			marginRight: 10
		// not in used yet
		listSeparator: {
			height: 22,
			backgroundColor: bodyBg
		// Seperator style for activity list screen
		listSeparatorBordered: {
			borderTopColor: borderColor,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			marginHorizontal: GUTTER
		// Bottom tab bar menu label style. Used On: home screen
		menuLabelStyle: setFont({
			color: appTabBar.color || textColor,
			size: appTabBar.size || 10,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Parent view style. Used On: more screen, setting about screen, setting privacy screen, setting screen, setting push screen
		settingsPage: {
			backgroundColor: bodyBg,
			flex: 1
		// Separator view style. Used On: group single screen, setting about screen, setting privacy screen, setting push screen, setting screen, email preference screen
		settingsSeparator: {
			marginTop: 22,
			height: 0,
			marginBottom: 0
		// Icon style for group single screen, setting screen
		settingsItemIcon: {
			alignSelf: "center",
			height: 30,
			width: 30
		// More icon style. Used On: more screen
		moreItemIcon: {
			alignSelf: "center",
			height: 30,
			width: 30
		// Setting list item title style. Used On: group single screen, merge topic screen, more screen, setting screen,
		settingsItemTitle: setAppMenusFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Setting list text style. Used On: Setting screen
		settingsTitleInfo: {
				size: 16,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
				color: descLightTextColor
			marginRight: 16
		// Seperator style on forum single screen, select screen
		separator: {
			backgroundColor: borderColor
		// Logout view style. Used On: setting screen
		logout: {
			height: 60,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center"
		// Logout text style. Used On: setting screen
		logoutInner: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: warningColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Icon style for filter dropdown
		subFilterIcon: {
			width: "100%"
		// Search wrapper style used on group picker modal
		panelSimple: {
			backgroundColor: filterBottomSheetBg,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderTopRightRadius: 12,
			borderTopLeftRadius: 12,
			padding: 15
		// Parent view style. Used On: Modal and bottomsheet header
		panelHeader: {
			backgroundColor: filterBottomSheetBg,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			justifyContent: "space-between",
			paddingLeft: 20,
			paddingRight: 16,
			borderTopRightRadius: 12,
			borderTopLeftRadius: 12
		// Parent view style. Used On: album single list pure, topic single screen and action sheet button wrapper
		panel: {
			backgroundColor: filterBottomSheetBg,
			paddingTop: 12,
			paddingBottom: 20,
			shadowColor: whiteColor,
			shadowOpacity: 0.1,
			shadowRadius: 10,
			zIndex: 1,
			height: "100%"
		// View style. Used On: Document screen and filter list
		panelInner: {
			paddingTop: 12,
			paddingHorizontal: 20
		// sub filter text style. Used On: fitler list
		panelSubtitleText: {
				size: 13,
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			textTransform: "uppercase",
			marginTop: 8
		// not used
		panelSubtitle: {
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			paddingBottom: 7
		panelSubtitleAlt: {},
		// Text style. Used On: blog screen product screen, my library screen, sign up screen
		filterTitle: {
				size: 20,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			marginRight: 8
		// Photo delete button text style. Used On: photo screen
		bottomSheetAlertTitle: {
				size: 15,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			marginRight: 8
		// View style. Used On: topic single screen, more screen, block user screen
		roundBox: {
			marginTop: 12,
			borderRadius: 10,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			overflow: "hidden"
		// View style to sgow list item. Used On: topic single screen  and filter list
		filterListItem: {
			marginLeft: 16,
			paddingRight: 20,
			justifyContent: "center",
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderTopColor: borderColor,
			height: 52
		// Active filter list view style. Used On: filter list
		activeListFilter: {
			color: textColor
		// Active background view style. Used On: activity privacy screen and filter list
		activeBg: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(linkColor, 0.08)
		// Active border view style. Used On: activity privacy screen and filter list
		activeBorder: {
			borderColor: shadeColor(linkColor, 0.4),
			borderWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// Text style. Used On: profile header
		activeText: {
			fontWeight: FontWeights["medium"],
			color: linkColor
		// Header view style. Used On: course materials screen, course quizzes screen, course section screen,
		iosFilterHeader: {
			marginTop: 10,
			paddingHorizontal: GUTTER
		// View style. Used On: activity filter list and filter list
		iosFilterWrap: {
			borderColor: borderColorAlt
		// View style. Used On: filter list header
		iosFilterWrapInner: {
			paddingLeft: GUTTER,
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center"
		// Bottom view style. Used On: filter list header
		iosFilterBottomBorder: {
			marginHorizontal: GUTTER,
			borderColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// Single filter wrap style  used for filter list
		iosSingleFilterWrap: {
			borderRadius: 15,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			height: 30,
			borderWidth: 1
		// Single filter text style  used for filter list
		iosSingleFilterText: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Parent view style for tab bar
		filter: {
			backgroundColor: filterBg,
			zIndex: 1
		// Inner text style. Used On: course single screen
		courseExcerpt: {
				size: 17,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			lineHeight: 25
		// Bubble icon view style. Used On: document scren, more screen, profile screen, social group screen
		newFilterBubble: {
			borderRadius: 10,
			height: 20,
			minWidth: 30,
			paddingHorizontal: 4,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(primaryColor, 0.1),
			marginLeft: 4
		// Bubble icon text style. Used On: document screen, more screen, profile screen, social group screen
		newFilterBubbleText: {
				size: 11,
				color: primaryColor,
				weight: FontWeights.heavy
			marginHorizontal: 3
		// Filter bubble count style. Used On: tab bar screen
		filterBubble: {
			borderRadius: 6,
			height: 20,
			minWidth: 20,
			paddingHorizontal: 4,
			backgroundColor: filterBg,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			marginLeft: 8
		// Filter bubble text style. Used On: tab bar screen
		filterBubbleText: setFont({
			size: 11,
			color: linkColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold
		// Filter line style. Used On: tab bar screen
		filterLine: {
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: 1
		// Filter row style. Used On: buddy press filter
		filtersRow: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "flex-end"
		// not used
		filtersMain: {
			flex: 1
		// Active filter view style. Used On: tab bar screen
		activeFilter: {
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			borderBottomColor: highlightColor,
			opacity: 1
		// Filter text style. Used On: filter list, tab bar screen, topic single screen
		filterText: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// View style. Used On: merge topic screen, move reply screen, setting push screen, split reply screen
		notificationBox: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(notifColor, 0.2),
			paddingVertical: 10,
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor
		// not used
		notificationStatusAccepted: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: successColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// not used
		notificationStatusRejected: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: warningColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Text style. Used On: merge topic screen, move reply screen, setting push screen, split reply screen
		notificationBoxText: {
				size: 12,
				color: notifColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			lineHeight: Math.ceil(calcFontSize(12) * 1.17)
		// Item view style. Used On: merge topic screen, move reply screen, setting  screen, split reply screen
		itemBox: {
			backgroundColor: bodyBg,
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			paddingTop: 15,
			paddingBottom: 17,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor
		// not used
		itemBoxInner: {
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			paddingVertical: 20,
			paddingHorizontal: 17
		itemBoxTitle: {},
		// row view style. Used On: through out the app
		row: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			alignItems: "center"
		// not used
		widgetNotif: {
			paddingTop: 14,
			paddingRight: 16,
			paddingBottom: 7, //12 - 5
			paddingLeft: 16
		// widget inner style for widget screen. Used On: home screen
		widgetInner: {
			paddingVertical: 25
		// widget header style for widget title. Used On: home screen
		widgetHeader: {
			alignItems: "flex-end",
			marginBottom: 18,
			paddingHorizontal: GUTTER
		// widget content style for forum/topic/users widget. Used On: home screen
		widgetContent: {
			paddingHorizontal: GUTTER
		// widget border style for activity/notification/progress/forum/topic/users widget. Used On: home screen
		widgetBorder: {
				ios: GUTTER,
				android: GUTTER
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor
		// not used
		widgetNotifTitle: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// widget item description. Used On: quiz result screen and home screen
		widgetItemDesc: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// widget item large description. Used On: course widget screen
		widgetItemDescFat: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// widget title style used for widget. Used On: home screen
		widgetTitle: {
				color: headingsColor,
				size: 26,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
				headingTag: "h5"
			flex: 1,
			flexWrap: "wrap"
		// widget see link style. Used On: home screen
		widgetSeeLink: {
			paddingLeft: 10
		// not used
		widgetProgressItemText: {
				size: 13 * Math.min(DEVICE_WIDTH / 420, 1),
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			backgroundColor: "transparent",
			lineHeight: Math.ceil(calcFontSize(11) * 1.46)
		// action button wrapper view. Used On: Thourgh out the app
		actionButtonWrap: {
			marginLeft: 16,
			paddingVertical: 15,
			borderTopColor: borderColor
		// button view style. Used On: Various menu screens
		wrappedButton: {
			height: FontManager.applyFontHeightAdjustment(30, Typographies.bodyText),
			backgroundColor: secondaryButtonBg,
			borderRadius: 15,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center"
		// icon button view style. Used On: filter list
		wrappedIconButton: {
			width: 48,
			height: 48,
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(whiteColor, 0.18),
			borderRadius: 24
		// Round icon button style. Used On: Throught out the app
		wrappedIconButtonHighlight: {
			width: 48,
			height: 48,
			backgroundColor: highlightColor,
			borderRadius: 24
		// button view style
		wrappedActionIcon: {
			backgroundColor: filterBg,
			borderRadius: 15,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			width: 32,
			height: 32
		// action icon text button style
		actionIconText: setFont({
			size: 12,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// button text style. Used On: group screen, block user screen,notification screen, profile screen
		wrappedTextButton: {
			paddingHorizontal: 16,
			borderRadius: 14,
			height: FontManager.applyFontHeightAdjustment(28, Typographies.bodyText),
			minWidth: 50
		// button text style. Used On: group screen, block user screen,notification screen, profile screen
		wrappedTextButtonLabel: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: linkColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		quickLinksContainer: {},
		// text style. Used On: members screen
		restCount: setFont({
			size: 11,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// not used
		drawerMeta: {
				size: 11,
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			lineHeight: Math.ceil(calcFontSize(11) * 1.45)
		// not used
		sitesTitle: setFont({
			size: 38,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold
		// blog name style. Used On: Site selection screen and Auth site selection screen, Email invite message screen
		siteTitle: {
			flex: 1,
				size: 17,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
		// not used
		userHandle: {
			marginBottom: 14,
			color: descTextColor
		// user full name text style. Used On: more screen
		moreName: setFont({
			size: 19,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// header title text style used app header
		appHeaderTitle: {
				size: 17,
				color: headerColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			marginLeft: "auto",
			marginRight: "auto",
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// content style. Used On: home screen, Quiz single screen, Blog screen
		content: {
				size: 16,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			lineHeight: calcFontSize(16 * 1.47)
		contentPlain: {
				size: 16,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
		// link content style. Used On: home screen, blog screen
		linkContent: {
				size: 16,
				color: linkColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			//		textDecorationLine: "none"
		// caption text style. Used On: album screen, course screen, audio block, video block, quote block, lesson single screen
		caption: {
				size: 16,
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			textAlign: "center",
			marginTop: 10
		// not used
		borderTop: {
			borderTopColor: borderColor,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// global header style. Used On: app header
		header: {
			backgroundColor: headerBg,
			borderBottomColor: "transparent",
			elevation: 0,
			shadowOpacity: 0,
			paddingLeft: 10,
			paddingRight: 10
		// header style. Used On: group single screen and link account screen
		headerTransparent: {
			borderBottomColor: "transparent",
			elevation: 0,
			shadowOpacity: 0,
			paddingLeft: 10,
			paddingRight: 10
		// header border style. Used On: app header
		headerBorder: {
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// header logo style. Used On: app header
		headerLogo: {
			width: "100%",
			flex: 1,
			alignItems: "center"
		// header title style. Used On: app header
		headerCustomTitle: {
			marginHorizontal: 16,
			maxWidth: DEVICE_WIDTH * 0.39,
			alignItems: "center"
		// header left button view style. Used On: app header
		headerButtonLeft: {
			position: "absolute",
			left: 0,
			top: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			justifyContent: "center",
			alignItems: "flex-start"
		// header right button view style. Used On: app header
		headerButtonRight: {
			position: "absolute",
			right: 0,
			top: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			justifyContent: "center",
			alignItems: "flex-end"
		// not used
		headerTitle: {
			marginLeft: "auto",
			marginRight: "auto"
		// header title text style. Used On: through out app
		headerText: {
				size: 17,
				color: headerIconColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			maxWidth: DEVICE_WIDTH * 0.2
		// save button text style used in app
		// cancel button text style used in app
		headerTextButton: {
			padding: 5
		// header left text style. Used On: many screens
		headerTextButtonLeft: {
			padding: 5,
			marginLeft: 10
		// header right text style. Used On: many screens
		headerTextButtonRight: {
			padding: 5,
			marginRight: 10
		// not used
		headerLeft: {
			position: "relative",
			left: -5
		// not in used yet
		headerRight: {
			position: "relative",
			right: -5
		// empty icon style. Used On: empty list screen, quiz offline scree, email invite screen, quiz single screen
		emptyIcon: {
			marginBottom: 24,
			height: 90,
			minWidth: 90,
			opacity: 0.8,
			tintColor: shadeColor(descLightTextColor, 0.4)
		// empty text style. Used On: empty list screen, quiz offline scree, quiz single screen
		emptyTitle: {
				size: 20,
				textAlign: "center",
				color: descLightTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			marginBottom: 1
		// empty quiz text style. Used On: quiz offline screen and quiz single screen
		emptyDesc: {
				size: 15,
				textAlign: "center",
				color: shadeColor(descLightTextColor, 0.4),
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			lineHeight: calcFontSize(20),
			marginBottom: 1
		// header cover image style. Used On: group single screen
		coverImage: {
			flex: 1,
			width: "100%"
		// section header style. Used On: more screen, setting push screen, email preferance screen
		sectionHeader: setHeadingFont({
			color: shadeColor(headingsColor, 0.4),
			size: 13,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// overlay view style. Used On: video screen, cover screen, group single screen
		overlay: {
			position: "absolute",
			width: "100%",
			height: "100%",
			top: 0,
			left: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			right: 0,
			backgroundColor: customColors.sectionHeader || primaryColor,
			opacity: 0.5
		// not in used yet
		courseOverlay: {
			position: "absolute",
			width: "100%",
			height: "100%",
			top: 0,
			left: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			right: 0,
			backgroundColor: customColors.sectionHeader || primaryColor,
			opacity: 0.5
		// action button dummy view  style
		socialProfileButton: {
			borderColor: "transparent",
			height: 30,
			borderRadius: 15,
			opacity: 1
		// not in used yet
		socialProfileAvatar: {
			width: 80,
			height: 80,
			borderRadius: 40,
			backgroundColor: whiteColor,
			shadowColor: shadeColor(darkBlueColor, 0.12),
			shadowOffset: {
				width: 0,
				height: 3
			shadowRadius: 5,
			shadowOpacity: 1,
			justifyContent: "center",
			alignItems: "center"
		// input text label style. Used On: quiz form screen
		inputLabel: !== "Default"
				? FontManager.createFontStyles(
				: {fontFamily: fontFamilyMapping(},
		// description title style used for course description screen
		courseDescriptionTitle: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// course date text style. Used On: course screen
		courseDate: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// course includes label text style. Used On: course screen
		courseIncludesTitle: {
				size: 13,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			textTransform: "uppercase"
		// course round view style. Used On: course material screen,course quiz sceen, course single screen, learn topic single screen, lesson single screen
		courseRoundBox: {
			marginBottom: 16,
			borderRadius: 10,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg
		// not used
		courseRoundBoxStart: {
			borderTopRightRadius: 10,
			borderTopLeftRadius: 10,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			height: 10
		// not used
		courseRoundBoxEnd: {
			borderBottomRightRadius: 10,
			borderBottomLeftRadius: 10,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			height: 10
		// course title style. Used On: course single screen, lesson single screen and learn topic single screen
		courseRoundBoxTitleAbove: {
				size: 22,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			marginBottom: 9
		// not used
		courseRoundBoxTitle: {
				size: 16,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.heavy
			marginBottom: 8
		// course quiz text style. Used On: course screen
		courseRoundBoxSectionTitle: {
				size: 17,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			marginBottom: 10
		// not used
		courseRoundP: {
			padding: 18
		// not used
		courseContentBoxItem: {
			paddingHorizontal: 18,
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			justifyContent: "space-between",
			alignItems: "center",
			paddingTop: 10,
			height: 60
		// progress list item and learn item parent view style
		courseRoundBoxItem: {
			paddingHorizontal: 18,
			height: 50,
			justifyContent: "center"
		// title text style. Used On: progress list item and learn item
		courseRoundBoxItemText: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// not used
		courseRoundBoxItemCount: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// course section parent view style. Used On: course section screen
		courseRoundBoxSeparator: {
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// course status tag text style. Used On: course widget
		courseStatusTagText: setFont({
			size: 12,
			color: whiteColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// course item view style. Used On: course widget
		courseItem: {
			overflow: "hidden"
		// Course item content view. Used On: course widget horizontal list
		courseItemContent: {
			flex: 1,
			marginRight: 5
		// course item view style. Used On: course widget horizontal list
		courseItemWrap: {
			flex: 1,
			flexDirection: "row",
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			paddingBottom: 18
		// Error text style for IAP courses. Used On: IAP screen
		courseIapErrorText: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// product price text style. Used On: store product dropdown view in IAP screen
		courseFooterPriceText: setFont({
			size: 20,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// not used
		bigTitle: {
				size: 28,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// not used
		subtitle: {
			marginBottom: 10,
				size: 14,
				color: highlightColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
		// not used
		lessonTitle: setFont({
			size: 22,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// complete lesson style. Used On: lesson single screen
		completeButton: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Lesson complete button view style. Used On: lesson single screen
		completeLessonButtonW: {
			height: 40,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			borderRadius: 10
		// Topic complete button view style. Used On: learn topic single screen
		completeTopicButtonW: {
			height: 40,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			borderRadius: 10
		// Quiz complete button view style. Used On: quiz results screen
		quizResultButton: {
			height: 40,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center",
			flexDirection: "row",
			borderRadius: 10
		// Complete Lesson button text style. Used On: Lesson single screen
		completeLessonButton: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.bold
		// Complete topic button style. Used On: learn topic single screen
		completeTopicButton: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Complete quiz text style. Used On: quiz results screen
		quizResultButtonLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Quiz category tag view style. Used On: quiz single Screen
		categoryTag: {
			backgroundColor: tagBackground,
			height: 27,
			borderRadius: 13,
			paddingHorizontal: 14,
			marginTop: 10,
			marginRight: 7,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center"
		// certificates and quiz category tag text style. Used On: certificates screen and quiz single screen
		categoryTagInner: setFont({
			size: 22,
			color: lightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// course category tag view style. Used On: single course screen, lesson single screen
		courseCategoryTag: {
			backgroundColor: secondaryButtonBg,
			height: 30,
			borderRadius: 16,
			paddingHorizontal: 14,
			marginTop: 10,
			marginRight: 6,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "center"
		// course category tag text style. Used On: single course screen, lesson single screen
		courseCategoryTagInner: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: secondaryButtonColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// not used
		section: {
			marginBottom: 30
		// course menu item title text view wrapper style. Used On: course screen
		sectionTitleWrap: {
			justifyContent: "center",
			marginBottom: 15,
			marginLeft: 15
		// // course menu item title text style. Used On: course screen
		sectionTitle: {
				size: 20,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			letterSpacing: 0.7,
			marginRight: 8
		// course menu view style. Used On: course screen
		sectionItem: {
			borderLeftColor: "transparent",
			borderLeftWidth: 2,
			paddingHorizontal: 15
		// course menu item view style. Used On: course screen
		sectionItemInner: {
			height: 48,
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		// course menu title text style. Used On: course screen
		sectionText: {
				size: 14,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			flex: 1,
			marginRight: 10
		// not used
		profileHeaderColor: {
			color: headingsColor,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium
		// Album widget header text style. Used On: album screen
		profileAlbumHeaderText: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Album widget text style. Used On: album screen
		profileAlbumText: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Profile header view style. Used On: Profile screen
		flexColumnCenter: {
			flexDirection: "column",
			justifyContent: "center",
			alignItems: "center"
		// course item locked view style. Used On: course menu list screen
		locked: {
			opacity: 0.5
		// Section view to show course progess  and labels in course screen
		sectionItemDetails: {
			marginLeft: "auto"
		// not in use
		lessonTopicCount: {
			marginRight: 11
		// Home page block title text style. Used On: home screen
		h5pTitle: {
				size: 18,
				color: secondaryButtonColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// course progression normal text style. Used On: course screen
		progressText: {
				size: 17,
				color: whiteColor,
				weight: FontWeights.heavy
			lineHeight: Math.ceil(calcFontSize(12) * 1.42),
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// course progression large text style. Used On: course screen
		progressLargeText: {
				size: 18,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// check button text style for correct and incorrect answer and for quiz timer. Used On: Quiz screen
		quizCheckTitle: {
				size: 18,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// not used
		quizQuestionStatus: {
				size: 16,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// not used
		quizCheckMessage: {
				size: 18,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Quiz overview & quiz next button style. Used On: Quiz screen
		checkDialogButton: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold
		// not used
		quizResultsTitle: {
				size: 15,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Question hint view style. Used On: Quiz screen
		quizDetailsButton: {
				size: 15,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Quiz start button style. Used On: Quiz screen
		quizStartButtonLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: primaryButtonColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Quiz submit button style. Used On: Quiz screen
		quizSubmitButtonLabel: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: primaryButtonColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		quizTakeAgainButtonLabel: {},
		quizReviewButtonLabel: {},
		// Couuse Menu Side header bar text style. Course Screen
		sideMenuHeader: {
				size: 16,
				color: whiteColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			marginBottom: 30
		// Screen Scrolling header view style. Used On: Course Screen, Notification Screen, Profile Screen
		scrollHeaderContainer: {
			flex: 1,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			...(Platform.OS === "android" ? {paddingTop: NAV_HEIGHT} : {})
		// Screen header style. Used On: many screens like CodeVerification Screen, Forget Screen, Link Account scrren, Social login screen, Lesson Single screen
		fakeHeader: {
			backgroundColor: headerBg,
			alignItems: "center",
			paddingTop: BARHEIGHT
		// List Status bar style. Used On: List Screens
		fakeBar: {
			height: NAV_HEIGHT,
			backgroundColor: headerBg,
			position: "absolute",
			width: "100%",
			top: 0
		// header container style. Used On: CodeVerification Screen, Forget Screen, Link Account scrren, Social login screen
		fakeHeaderOffset: {
		//Header styling used in Forgot Password screen
		fakeHeaderForgotPassword: {
		//Header styling used in Code verification screen
		fakeHeaderCodeVerification: {
		// not used
		fakeBarOffset: {
			marginTop: BARHEIGHT
		// Not in Use yet
		fakeHeaderFix: {
			position: "absolute",
			top: 0,
			left: 0,
			right: 0
		// Countdown Timer text style. Used On: Lesson Single Screen, Quiz Single Screen & Topic Single Screen
		timer: {
			marginLeft: "auto",
			marginRight: 18,
				size: 16,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
		// not used
		placeholder: {
			backgroundColor: whiteColor,
			opacity: 0.15,
			color: "transparent"
		// not used
		placeholderDark: {
			backgroundColor: headingsColor,
			opacity: 0.1,
			color: "transparent"
		// not used
		placeholderDarkTin: {
			backgroundColor: headingsColor,
			opacity: 0.1,
			color: "transparent",
			height: 9
		// Course description video place holder style. Used On: Course Screen
		place: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(whiteColor, 0.15)
		// Content Place holder Style. Used On: many screens like Quiz screen, lesson screen, Course Screen, Sign up screen
		placeDarkTin: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(headingsColor, 0.05),
			height: 9
		// Place holder text style. Used On: Topic screen, Lesson Screen
		placeDark: {
			backgroundColor: shadeColor(headingsColor, 0.05)
		// not used
		holderOneLine: {
			width: 100
		// not used
		pointTitle: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Result title text style. Used On: Result screen
		resultTitle: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// not used
		footerButtonFixed: {
			position: "absolute",
			left: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			width: "100%",
			backgroundColor: whiteColor
		// Quiz result screen sub title text style. Used On: Quiz Result screen
		resultsSubTitle: {
				size: 22,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			marginBottom: 20
		// Quiz result screen row header text style. Used On: Quiz Result screen
		tableHeaderCell: setFont({
			size: 11,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Quiz result row item text style. Used On: Quiz Result screen
		tableCell: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Quiz Screen save result text style. Used On: Quiz Result screen
		saveButton: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Activity screen Post Date Style. Used On: Activity screen
		activityDate: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		scheduleActivityDate: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: textIconColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Activity screen Comment Date Style. Used On: Activity screen
		activityDateComment: setFont({
			size: 12,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Activity screen and Blog screen Comment count & Like count Style. Used On: Activity Screen & Blog screen
		activityCount: {
				size: 13,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			marginTop:{ios: 1, android: -2, default: 1})

		activityButtonLabel: {
				size: 13,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			marginTop:{ios: 1, android: -2, default: 1})

		activityButtonLabel: {
				size: 13,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			marginTop:{ios: 1, android: -2, default: 1})
		// Profile activity's header User Full name Style. Used On: profile Activities screen
		activityUsername: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Profile activity's header User nickname Style. Used On: profile Activities screen
		activityNicename: setFont({
			size: 10,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// not used
		h1: setHeadingFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			headingTag: "h1"
		// not used
		h2: setHeadingFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			headingTag: "h2"
		// not used
		h3: setHeadingFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			headingTag: "h3"
		// not used
		h4: setHeadingFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			headingTag: "h4"
		// not used
		h5: setHeadingFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			headingTag: "h5"
		// not used
		h6: setHeadingFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			headingTag: "h6"
		contentText: !== "Default"
				? FontManager.createFontStyles(
				: {
						fontFamily: fontFamilyMapping(
		blockListItemContainer: {
			overflow: "hidden"
		// Home Screen visible block List item container style. Used On: Home screen
		blockListItemVisibleContainer: {
			overflow: "visible",
			marginTop: -1
		// not used
		blockScreenBlockWrap: {
			marginVertical: 0
		// Activity screen header style. Used On: Activity screen
		actionSheetHeader: {
			borderBottomColor: borderColor,
			borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			alignItems: "center",
			paddingLeft: 20,
			paddingRight: 14,
			paddingBottom: 20,
			marginBottom: 6
		// Action Sheet internal content style. Used On: Group screen, Social group screen & Forum Single screen
		actionSheetContent: {
				size: 17,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			marginTop: 7,
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// action sheet Header content text style. Used On: header section which in turn Used On: many screens.
		actionSheetHeaderContent: {
			marginTop: 3
		// action sheet Header title text style. Used On: header section which in turn Used On: many screens.
		actionSheetHeaderTitle: setFont({
			size: 16,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// Action Sheet internal content style. Used On: Group screen, Social group screen & Forum Single screen
		actionSheetContent: setFont({
			size: 17,
			weight: FontWeights.regular,
			color: descTextColor
		// Message Screen Sender name text. Used On: Message Screen
		messageExcerpt: {
				size: calcFontSize(15),
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			lineHeight: calcFontSize(20),
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Message send to recipeint user in a group text style. Used On: Group message Create Screen
		toUserLabel: {
				size: 15,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// Bolded text style on search for users dropdown. Used On: Group message Create Screen
		toUserInput: {
				size: 15,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			backgroundColor: "transparent"
		// not used
		accountSettingsModalTitle: setFont({
			size: 19,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Export Data modal descriptional text style. Used On: Export data screen
		accountSettingsModalInfoText: {
				size: 14,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			lineHeight: Math.ceil(calcFontSize(15) * 1.2),
			textAlign: "center"
		//  Activity indicator style. Used On: Group Inviite Screen, Privacy setting screen & Login info Screen
		settingsFormContainer: {
			flexGrow: 1,
			paddingTop: 20,
			paddingHorizontal: GUTTER,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg
		// Activity indicator style. Used On: Group Inviite Screen, Privacy setting screen & Login info Screen
		settingsFormLoader: {
			flex: 1,
			alignItems: "center",
			justifyContent: "flex-start",
			paddingTop: 20
		// not used
		settingsFormErrorText: {
			textAlign: "center",
			margin: GUTTER
		// Group invite and Privacy setting Message View style
		settingsFormInfoContainer: {
			paddingBottom: 20
		// Setting List container style. Used On: setting screen
		tabLinksContainer: {
			backgroundColor: whiteColor,
			borderRadius: 10,
			overflow: "hidden",
			marginHorizontal: GUTTER
		// not used
		tabBarText: {
				size: 10,
				color: linkColor,
				weight: FontWeights.medium
			opacity: 1,
			textAlign: "center"
		// Read more text style generally used in app and also used for photo description screen. Used On: Photo description screen and various screens in app
		readMore: {
				size: 13,
				color: linkColor,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
			width: 100
		// Blocked user name text style. Used On: block user screen
		boxTitle: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Modal title. Used on: Change Video Thumbnail screen
		changeVideoThumbTitle: setFont({
			size: 18,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Upload area text. Used on: Change Video Thumbnail screen
		uploadImageText: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Radio button title. Used on: Change Video Thumbnail screen
		radioBoxTitle: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		radioBoxDesc: setFont({
			size: 14,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// not used
		boxDesc: setFont({
			size: 16,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Topic title Text Style. Used On: Topic single screen
		topicSingleTitle: setFont({
			size: 22,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.bold
		// Topic Screen Media Style. Used On: Topic single screen
		topicMediaItem: {
			width: 50,
			height: 54,
			borderRadius: 8,
			marginRight: 8,
			resizeMode: "cover"
		// Forum's topic tag view style. Used On: Forum Topic Screen
		topicTag: {
			backgroundColor: secondaryButtonBg,
			borderRadius: 12,
			paddingVertical: 4,
			paddingHorizontal: 10
		// Forum's topic tag text style. Used On: Forum Topic Screen
		topicTagText: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: secondaryButtonColor,
			weight: FontWeights.medium
		// Group name Title style. Used On: Manage Group Screen
		groupSelect: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Group name and group description text style Used On: Manage Group Screen
		// Setting  Form Item Component Text Style used in heading and select box. Used On: Setting Screen
		groupManageSectionTitle: {
				size: 22,
				color: headingsColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			letterSpacing: 0.25,
			marginBottom: 5
		// Group cover photo text style. Used On: Manage Group screen
		groupManageSectionSubtitle: setFont({
			size: 18,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Advanced Search label text style. Used On: Advance search screen
		advancedSearchLabel: {
			textTransform: "uppercase",
				size: 14,
				weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Products description style. Used On: IAP Screen
		productDescription: setFont({
			size: 17,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Product Title Text Style. Used On: Registration Products screen
		iapSelectProductTitle: {
				size: 18,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			textAlign: "center"
		// Product Price description and Paid Status Text style. Used On: IAP Screen
		iapLabelText: {
				size: 14,
				color: "#fff",
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			textAlign: "center",
			textAlignVertical: "center"
		// Product Title Text Style. Used On: IAP screen
		iapProductTitle: {
				size: 26,
				color: textColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			textAlign: "center"
		// Product Price Text Style. Used On: IAP screen
		iapProductPrice: {
				size: 16,
				color: secondaryButtonColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			textAlign: "center"
		iapCollapsableProductPrice: {
				size: 14,
				color: secondaryButtonColor,
				weight: FontWeights.bold
			textAlign: "center"
		// Product Duration Text Style. Used On: IAP screen
		iapProductPriceDescription: {
				size: 15,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			textAlign: "center"
		iapCollapsableProductPriceDescription: {
				size: 10,
				color: descTextColor,
				weight: FontWeights.regular
			textAlign: "center"
		// Product Missing Duration Text Style. Used On: IAP screen
		iapProductMissingPriceDescription: setFont({
			size: 10,
			color: descTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Product Purchased Text Style. Used On: IAP screen
		iapPurchasedLabel: setFont({
			size: 20,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Document & Photos Folder Move to destination folder text style. Used On: Document Screen & Photos Screen.
		moveToText: setFont({
			size: 15,
			color: textColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		//  Group & Photo Document title Style. Used On: Group Screen & Photos Screen
		folderTitle: setFont({
			size: 22,
			color: headingsColor,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Document screen Filename Text Style. Used On: Document Screen
		documentTitle: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			size: 17,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Document screen list item text style. Used On: Document screen
		documentMeta: setFont({
			size: 13,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Profile Cover photo text heading style. Used On: Cover
		assignmentHeading: setFont({
			size: 25,
			weight: FontWeights.bold,
			color: headingsColor
		// Lesson or Topic Screen Assignments heading text style
		assignmentDesc: {
				size: 13,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: descLightTextColor
			textAlign: "center"
		// Lesson or Topic Screen Assignment List item text style
		assignmentTitle: setFont({
			color: headingsColor,
			size: 17,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold
		// Lesson or Topic Screen Assignment List item heading style
		videoUploadProgressText: setFont({
			size: 11,
			color: whiteColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// Used for playing videos using AppWebView such as vimeo and youtube videos
		webVideoPlayer: {
			borderRadius: 0
		//Used to add style to the video container of downloaded assets
		localVideoContainer: {
			borderRadius: 0
		//Used to add style to the video component of downloaded assets
		localVideoPlayer: {
			borderRadius: 0
		//Used for styling the View component when displaying an offline video message
		offlineVideoContainer: {
			borderRadius: 0
		//Used for styling lesson button container. Used in lesson single screen
		lessonActionButtonContainer: {
			zIndex: 1,
			paddingHorizontal: 15,
			paddingVertical: 15,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		//Used for styling the complete icon. Used in lesson single screen
		lessonActionCompleteIcon: {
			width: 36,
			height: 36
		//Used for styling the activity indicator of action button in lesson single screen
		lessonButtonLoadingIcon: {},
		//Used for styling learn topic button container
		learnTopicActionButtonContainer: {
			zIndex: 1,
			paddingHorizontal: 15,
			paddingVertical: 15,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
		//Used for styling the complete icon. Used in learn topic single screen
		learnTopicActionCompleteIcon: {
			width: 36,
			height: 36
		//Used for styling the activity indicator of action button in learn topic single screen
		learnTopicButtonLoadingContainer: {},
		//Used for styling action button container. Used in quiz results screen
		quizResultButtonContainer: {
			zIndex: 1,
			paddingHorizontal: 15,
			paddingVertical: 15,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			marginBottom: 10
		//Used for styling quiz start button container
		quizStartButtonContainer: {
			paddingTop: 16,
			paddingHorizontal: 20,
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg,
			borderTopWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			borderTopColor: "#C6C6C8"
		//Used for styling quiz start button
		quizStartButton: {
			height: 40
		//Used for styling the activity indicator of start button in quiz single screen
		quizStartButtonLoading: {},
		//Used for styling quiz submit button in quiz single screen
		quizSubmitButton: {
			flex: 1
		//Used for styling quiz submit button container in quiz single screen
		quizSubmitButtonContainer: {
			flexDirection: "row",
			backgroundColor: bodyFrontBg
		//Used for styling the activity indicator of submit button in quiz single screen
		quizSubmitButtonLoading: {},
		//Contains the video player. Used on: Screens where the video block is used
		videoBlockContainer: {
			flex: 1
		//Contains the block components. Used on: LessonSingleScreen
		lessonSingleScreenBlockContainer: {
			paddingTop: 5,
			paddingHorizontal: 5
		//Contains the block components. Used on: LearnTopicSingleScreen
		learnTopicSingleScreenBlockContainer: {
			paddingTop: 5,
			paddingHorizontal: 5
		//Contains the block components. Used on: QuizSingleScreen
		quizSingleScreenBlockContainer: {
			paddingHorizontal: 5
		// progress text showing upload percentage for videos. Used On: New Activity, Comment, Topic, Reply Create screen during video upload
		bottomSheetSeparator: {
			height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
			marginLeft: GUTTER,
			backgroundColor: borderColor
		// Add photos to album option modal separator between header and body of modal style
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			borderTopRightRadius: 12,
			borderTopLeftRadius: 12
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			borderBottomRightRadius: 12,
			borderBottomLeftRadius: 12
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			fontSize: 17,
			marginLeft: 12,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		// Add photos to conversation title style
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			fontSize: 15,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		// Add photos to conversation icon style
		archiveHeadingIcon: {
			width: 20,
			height: 20,
			marginLeft: GUTTER + 20
		// Notification subscription item title style
		subscriptionHeadingText: {
			fontSize: 15,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
		bottomSheetButtonText: {
			fontSize: 17,
			marginLeft: 12,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textColor
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			fontSize: 10,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: textIconColor
		messageErrorMessage: {
			fontSize: 10,
			fontWeight: FontWeights.medium,
			color: warningColor,
			marginHorizontal: 5
		messageErrorIcon: {
			height: 10,
			width: 10
		messageSpinnerIcon: {
			height: 10,
			width: 10,
			marginRight: 5
		messageActionButtonSeparator: {
			backgroundColor: borderColor,
			width: 1.5,
			height: 11,
			marginHorizontal: 5,
			opacity: 0.5
		restrictionMessage: {
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				weight: FontWeights.medium
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				size: calcFontSize(16),
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				weight: FontWeights.bold
			textAlign: "center"
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			color: descTextColor,
			height: 10.5,
			width: 15,
			paddingHorizontal: 15
		groupIconThreadItem: {
			width: 21,
			height: 21,
			color: descLightTextColor,
			marginRight: 5
		//Giphy error
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			size: 13,
			color: textIconColor,
			weight: FontWeights.regular
		// blog list item title style
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			size: 15,
			weight: FontWeights.semiBold,
			color: textColor
		// blog list item image style
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			height: 100,
			width: 100,
			borderRadius: 14,
			overflow: "hidden",
			borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.08)",
			borderWidth: 1
		// blog list item author title style
		blogItemAuthorText: {
				size: 13,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: textColor
			backgroundColor: "transparent",
			marginTop: 8
		// invite using link label style
		inviteLinkLabel: {
				size: 18,
				weight: FontWeights.bold,
				color: linkColor
		// used in schedule post modal
		schedulePostDateGuideline: {
				size: 15,
				weight: FontWeights.regular,
				color: textColor
		//Used in ActivityContentComment
		commentDetailsContainer: {marginLeft: 10, flex: 1},
		//Reaction Hint Text Style
		reactionHintText: {
				size: 15,
				weight: FontWeights.medium,
				color: descTextColor
			textAlign: "center"

	const globalStyles = configureGlobalStyle(externalCodeSetup)(

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			width: 15,
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	const cssApiHooks = getExternalCodeSetup().cssApi;

	return {
		global: globalStyles,
		_globalStyles: globalStyles, // to avoid conflicts with reanimated 3
		htmlContentCss: cssApiHooks.filterContentCss(htmlContentCss, typography),
		colors: {

export const globalStyle = memoize(styles => buildGlobalStyles(styles), {
	max: 1