Major release!
New Features:
- Flatter, cleaner design
- Admin options to change colors and fonts
- Homepage slider
- All images switched to retina font icons
- Major code cleanup
Bug Fixes:
- All language strings are now translatable
- Touch-to-swipe photos now work correctly on all Activity tabs
- Fixed PHP errors and deprecated functions
- Fixed issue with double scroll bar on desktop
- Fixed ajax-loader issues
- Faster load time for BuddyPress content
- Improved legacy plugin handling, removed opacity hack
- Fixed the split second header “jump” on mobile devices
- Better performance on mobile Safari
- Better commenting throughout
- Admin data inputs are sanitized for better security
- Properly enqueued buddypress.js
- More intuitive folder structure in /buddyboss-inc/
- Many other random bug fixes
Changed Files:
- 404.php
- _changelog.txt
- /bbpress/form-search.php
- /bbpress/loop-single-reply.php
- /bbpress/loop-single-topic.php
- /buddyboss-inc/* (all files changed)
- /buddypress/* (all files changed)
- buddypress.php
- content-buddypress.php
- content-slides.php (new)
- content.php
- /css/adminbar-desktop.css (new)
- /css/adminbar-fixed.css (removed)
- /css/adminbar-floating.css (removed)
- /css/adminbar-mobile.css
- /css/bbpress.css
- /css/buddypress.css
- /css/ie.css (removed)
- /css/plugins.css
- /css/wordpress.css
- editor-style.css
- footer.php
- front-page.php
- header.php
- /images/* (all files changed)
- /js/buddyboss.js
- /js/buddypress.js
- /js/css3-mediaqueries.js (removed)
- /js/mobile-main.js
- /languages/
- /languages/en_US.po
- screenshot.png
- sidebar-buddypress.php
- sidebar.php
- style.css
Minimum Requirements:
- Requires WordPress 3.8
- Dropped support for IE8 – as did Google in 2012
Tested With:
- WordPress
- WordPress 3.8
- BuddyPress 1.7, 1.8, 1.9+
- bbPress 2.4, 2.5+
- Mobile
- iOS 6, 7
- Android 4.1+
- Browsers
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer 9+
- Gabriel Merovingi from myCRED points management plugin
- For fixing PHP errors and deprecated functions
- For creating a BuddyBoss compatible myCRED addon