xprofile_filter_kses( string $content, object|null $data_obj = null, int|null $field_id = null )

Run profile field values through kses with filterable allowed tags.




(string) (Required) Content to filter.


(object|null) (Optional) The BP_XProfile_ProfileData object.

Default value: null


(int|null) (Optional) The ID of the profile field.

Default value: null


(string) $content


File: bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-filters.php

function xprofile_filter_kses( $content, $data_obj = null ) {
	global $allowedtags;

	$xprofile_allowedtags             = $allowedtags;
	$xprofile_allowedtags['a']['rel'] = array();

	// If the field supports rich text, we must allow tags that appear in wp_editor().
	if ( $data_obj instanceof BP_XProfile_ProfileData && bp_xprofile_is_richtext_enabled_for_field( $data_obj->field_id ) ) {
		$richtext_tags = array(
			'img'  => array( 'id' => 1, 'class' => 1, 'src' => 1, 'alt' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1 ),
			'ul'   => array( 'id' => 1, 'class' => 1 ),
			'ol'   => array( 'id' => 1, 'class' => 1 ),
			'li'   => array( 'id' => 1, 'class' => 1 ),
			'span' => array( 'style' => 1 ),
			'p'    => array( 'style' => 1 ),

		$xprofile_allowedtags = array_merge( $allowedtags, $richtext_tags );

	 * Filters the allowed tags for use within xprofile_filter_kses().
	 * @since BuddyPress 1.5.0
	 * @param array                   $xprofile_allowedtags Array of allowed tags for profile field values.
	 * @param BP_XProfile_ProfileData $data_obj             The BP_XProfile_ProfileData object.
	$xprofile_allowedtags = apply_filters( 'xprofile_allowed_tags', $xprofile_allowedtags, $data_obj );
	return wp_kses( $content, $xprofile_allowedtags );


Version Description
BuddyPress 1.5.0 Introduced.


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