bp_media_get( array|string $args = '' )

Retrieve an media or medias.


The bp_media_get() function shares all arguments with BP_Media::get(). The following is a list of bp_media_get() parameters that have different default values from BP_Media::get() (value in parentheses is the default for the bp_media_get()).

  • ‘per_page’ (false)

See also

  • BP_Media::get(): For more information on accepted arguments and the format of the returned value.



(array|string) (Optional) See BP_Media::get() for description.

Default value: ''


(array) $media See BP_Media::get() for description.


File: bp-media/bp-media-functions.php

function bp_media_get( $args = '' ) {

	$r = bp_parse_args( $args, array(
		'max'               => false,        // Maximum number of results to return.
		'fields'            => 'all',
		'page'              => 1,            // Page 1 without a per_page will result in no pagination.
		'per_page'          => false,        // results per page
		'sort'              => 'DESC',       // sort ASC or DESC
		'order_by'          => false,       // order by

		// want to limit the query.
		'user_id'           => false,
		'activity_id'       => false,
		'album_id'          => false,
		'group_id'          => false,
		'search_terms'      => false,        // Pass search terms as a string
		'privacy'           => false,        // privacy of media
		'exclude'           => false,        // Comma-separated list of activity IDs to exclude.
		'count_total'       => false,
	), 'media_get' );

	$media = BP_Media::get( array(
		'page'              => $r['page'],
		'per_page'          => $r['per_page'],
		'user_id'           => $r['user_id'],
		'activity_id'       => $r['activity_id'],
		'album_id'          => $r['album_id'],
		'group_id'          => $r['group_id'],
		'max'               => $r['max'],
		'sort'              => $r['sort'],
		'order_by'          => $r['order_by'],
		'search_terms'      => $r['search_terms'],
		'privacy'           => $r['privacy'],
		'exclude'           => $r['exclude'],
		'count_total'       => $r['count_total'],
		'fields'            => $r['fields'],
	) );

	 * Filters the requested media item(s).
	 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
	 * @param BP_Media  $media Requested media object.
	 * @param array     $r     Arguments used for the media query.
	return apply_filters_ref_array( 'bp_media_get', array( &$media, &$r ) );


Version Description
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 Introduced.


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