BuddyBoss App

Google Firebase

In this tutorial, we will go through how to connect your free Google Firebase V1 to your Buddyboss app. Google Firebase is how your app handles notifications to your customers’ devices for both your Android and iOS platforms. 

Create a Project

Login to your Google Firebase Console then click Add Project.

Enter a Name for your project then click Continue

(Optional) Enable Google Analytics for your project then click Continue. 

If you enabled Google Analytics, select your Google Analytics account or select Default Account for Firebase. Click Create Project.

Your Firebase project is now ready!

Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1)

In your project’s home page navigate to the project overview settings found on the left menu sidebar.  

Once in your project settings, navigate to the second option – Cloud Messaging.

Here you can first see the status of your Firebase Cloud Messaging API.

First, you want to check that your Cloud Messaging API is ‘Enabled’, donated by the green enabled tick next to ‘Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1).

NOTE: If your V1 API is already enabled you can skip to the ‘Create a Service Key’ section of this article. If you are not seeing the green enabled tick then the following information will walk you through enabling your Firebase API.

To enable your API select the 3 dot ellipses in the right corner which will give you the option to link to ‘Manage API in Google Cloud Console’

You will then be redirected to the Google Cloud Messaging API product. Select ‘Manage’.

You will then see the option to either enable or disable the API at the top and you will also see the status of your API, make sure it says ‘Enabled’.

Once you are happy your API is enabled you can move on to creating a firebase service key.

Generate Account Key

Now your Firebase API is enabled you can create your service account and key. Let’s navigate back to your Google Firebase Project Settings where you will select the ‘Service Account’ tab in the top menu bar.

Scroll down until you see the option to ‘Generate new private key’. 

A pop-up will appear to ‘Generate Key’ and the key will now be downloaded to your computer. Please note the warning to save this key somewhere safe!

Create Firebase Apps

You will need to create a Firebase app for each type of build (release or test) you will create on your BuddyBoss App plugin.

On the Project Overview page, click the iOS or Android button.

Enter your Bundle ID. Note: You can get this at BuddyBoss App > Configure > iOS Settings or Android Settings > App Configuration.

Then Click Register App.

For iOS

For Android

Download the config file. Then click Next until step 5. 

Connect Firebase to Buddyboss 

Navigate to your WordPress admin Buddyboss App – Configure – Google Firebase to upload your downloaded .JSON file under Firebase Cloud Messaging API V1.

NOTE: If you already have the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) set up, the new V1 API supersedes the legacy API.

Next, upload your release and test app configuration files for both iOS and Android.

Then click Save Settings.


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