xprofile_update_clone_positions_on_template_position_update( int $template_field_id, int $new_position, int $template_field_group_id )
Update position and group_id for all clone fields when a template/main field’s order is changed.
- $template_field_id
(int) (Required)
- $new_position
(int) (Required)
- $template_field_group_id
(int) (Required)
File: bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-repeaters.php
function xprofile_update_clone_positions_on_template_position_update ( $template_field_id, $new_position, $template_field_group_id ) { // // Check if template field is now moved to another field set // If so // - If the new field set is also a repeater // - Update clone fields, update their group id and sorting numbers // If not // - Update clone fields, update their sorting numbers // global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $clone_field_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT object_id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_meta} WHERE object_type = 'field' AND meta_key = '_cloned_from' AND meta_value = %d", $template_field_id ) ); if ( empty( $clone_field_ids ) || is_wp_error( $clone_field_ids ) ) { return; } //get the old group id //since all clone fields have same group id, we can simply get the group id for the first one $old_group_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT group_id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} WHERE id = %d", $clone_field_ids[ 0 ] ) ); if ( empty( $old_group_id ) || is_wp_error( $old_group_id ) ) { return;//something's not right } $update_field_orders = false; if ( $old_group_id != $template_field_group_id ) { //tempalte field has been moved to a new field group $is_repeater_enabled = 'on' == bp_xprofile_get_meta( $template_field_group_id, 'group', 'is_repeater_enabled' ) ? true : false; if ( $is_repeater_enabled ) { //update group id for all clone fields $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} SET group_id = %d WHERE id IN ( ". implode( ',', $clone_field_ids ) ." )", $template_field_group_id ); $wpdb->query( $sql ); $update_field_orders = true; } } else { //tempalte field is still in same field group $update_field_orders = true; } if ( $update_field_orders ) { $max_cap = bp_profile_field_set_max_cap(); foreach ( $clone_field_ids as $clone_field_id ) { $clone_number = (int) bp_xprofile_get_meta( $clone_field_id, 'field', '_clone_number', true ); $field_order = ( $clone_number * $max_cap ) + $new_position; $wpdb->update( $bp->profile->table_name_fields, array( 'field_order' => $field_order ), array( 'id' => $clone_field_id ), array( '%d' ), array( '%d' ) ); } } }
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BuddyBoss 1.0.0 | Introduced. |
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