groups_format_notifications( string $action, int $item_id, int $secondary_item_id, int $total_items, string $format = 'string' )

Format notifications for the Groups component.




(string) (Required) The kind of notification being rendered.


(int) (Required) The primary item ID.


(int) (Required) The secondary item ID.


(int) (Required) The total number of messaging-related notifications waiting for the user.


(string) (Optional) 'string' for BuddyBar-compatible notifications; 'array' for WP Toolbar. Default: 'string'.

Default value: 'string'




File: bp-groups/bp-groups-notifications.php

function groups_format_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = 'string' ) {

	switch ( $action ) {
		case 'new_membership_request':
			$group_id = $item_id;
			$requesting_user_id = $secondary_item_id;

			$group = groups_get_group( $group_id );
			$group_link = bp_get_group_permalink( $group );
			$amount = 'single';

			// Set up the string and the filter
			// because different values are passed to the filters,
			// we'll return values inline.
			if ( (int) $total_items > 1 ) {
				$text = sprintf( __( '%1$d new membership requests for the group "%2$s"', 'buddyboss' ), (int) $total_items, $group->name );
				$amount = 'multiple';
				$notification_link = $group_link . 'admin/membership-requests/?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {

					 * Filters groups multiple new membership request notification for string format.
					 * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on item count and action.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_new_membership_requests_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for request.
					 * @param string $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of membership requests.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . 's_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $total_items, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {

					 * Filters groups multiple new membership request notification for any non-string format.
					 * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on item count and action.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_new_membership_requests_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param string $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of membership requests.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . 's_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $total_items, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
			} else {
				$user_fullname = bp_core_get_user_displayname( $requesting_user_id );
				$text = sprintf( __( '%s requests group membership', 'buddyboss' ), $user_fullname );
				$notification_link = $group_link . 'admin/membership-requests/?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {

					 * Filters groups single new membership request notification for string format.
					 * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on item count and action.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_new_membership_request_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for request.
					 * @param string $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $user_fullname     Full name of requesting user.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $user_fullname, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {

					 * Filters groups single new membership request notification for any non-string format.
					 * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on item count and action.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_new_membership_request_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param string $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $user_fullname     Full name of requesting user.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $user_fullname, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );


		case 'membership_request_accepted':
			$group_id = $item_id;

			$group = groups_get_group( $group_id );
			$group_link = bp_get_group_permalink( $group );
			$amount = 'single';

			if ( (int) $total_items > 1 ) {
				$text = sprintf( __( '%d accepted group membership requests', 'buddyboss' ), (int) $total_items, $group->name );
				$amount = 'multiple';
				$notification_link = trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_groups_slug() ) . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {

					 * Filters multiple accepted group membership requests notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_membership_request_accepted_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of accepted requests.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $total_items, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {

					 * Filters multiple accepted group membership requests notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_membership_request_accepted_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of accepted requests.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $total_items, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
			} else {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'Membership for group "%s" accepted', 'buddyboss' ), $group->name );
				$filter = 'bp_groups_single_membership_request_accepted_notification';
				$notification_link = $group_link . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {

					 * Filters single accepted group membership request notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_membership_request_accepted_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param string $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {

					 * Filters single accepted group membership request notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_membership_request_accepted_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param string $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( $filter, array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );


		case 'membership_request_rejected':
			$group_id = $item_id;

			$group = groups_get_group( $group_id );
			$group_link = bp_get_group_permalink( $group );
			$amount = 'single';

			if ( (int) $total_items > 1 ) {
				$text = sprintf( __( '%d rejected group membership requests', 'buddyboss' ), (int) $total_items, $group->name );
				$amount = 'multiple';
				$notification_link = trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_groups_slug() ) . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {

					 * Filters multiple rejected group membership requests notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_membership_request_rejected_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $total_items, $group->name );
				} else {

					 * Filters multiple rejected group membership requests notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_membership_request_rejected_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $total_items, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
			} else {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'Membership for group "%s" rejected', 'buddyboss' ), $group->name );
				$notification_link = $group_link . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {

					 * Filters single rejected group membership requests notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_membership_request_rejected_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {

					 * Filters single rejected group membership requests notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_membership_request_rejected_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );


		case 'member_promoted_to_admin':
			$group_id = $item_id;

			$group = groups_get_group( $group_id );
			$group_link = bp_get_group_permalink( $group );
			$amount = 'single';

			if ( (int) $total_items > 1 ) {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'You were promoted to the role of %s in %d groups', 'buddyboss' ), strtolower( get_group_role_label( $group_id, 'organizer_singular_label_name' ) ), (int) $total_items );
				$amount = 'multiple';
				$notification_link = trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_groups_slug() ) . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {
					 * Filters multiple promoted to group admin notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_member_promoted_to_admin_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $total_items, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {
					 * Filters multiple promoted to group admin notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_member_promoted_to_admin_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $total_items, $text, $notification_link );
			} else {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'You were promoted to the role of %s in the group "%s"', 'buddyboss' ), strtolower( get_group_role_label( $group_id, 'organizer_singular_label_name' ) ), $group->name );
				$notification_link = $group_link . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {
					 * Filters single promoted to group admin notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_member_promoted_to_admin_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {
					 * Filters single promoted to group admin notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_member_promoted_to_admin_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );


		case 'member_promoted_to_mod':
			$group_id = $item_id;

			$group = groups_get_group( $group_id );
			$group_link = bp_get_group_permalink( $group );
			$amount = 'single';

			if ( (int) $total_items > 1 ) {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'You were promoted to a %s in %d groups', 'buddyboss' ), strtolower( get_group_role_label( $group_id, 'moderator_singular_label_name' ) ), (int) $total_items );
				$amount = 'multiple';
				$notification_link = trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_groups_slug() ) . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {
					 * Filters multiple promoted to group mod notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_member_promoted_to_mod_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $total_items, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {
					 * Filters multiple promoted to group mod notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_member_promoted_to_mod_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $total_items, $text, $notification_link );
			} else {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'You were promoted to a %s in the group "%s"', 'buddyboss' ), strtolower( get_group_role_label( $group_id, 'moderator_singular_label_name' ) ), $group->name );
				$notification_link = $group_link . '?n=1';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {
					 * Filters single promoted to group mod notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_member_promoted_to_mod_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {
					 * Filters single promoted to group admin notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_member_promoted_to_mod_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );


		case 'group_invite':
			$group_id = $item_id;
			$group = groups_get_group( $group_id );
			$group_link = bp_get_group_permalink( $group );
			$amount = 'single';

			$notification_link = bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_groups_slug() . '/invites/?n=1';

			if ( (int) $total_items > 1 ) {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'You have %d new group invitations', 'buddyboss' ), (int) $total_items );
				$amount = 'multiple';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {
					 * Filters multiple group invitation notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_group_invite_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $total_items, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {
					 * Filters multiple group invitation notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_multiple_group_invite_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $total_items       Total number of rejected requests.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $total_items, $text, $notification_link );
			} else {
				$text = sprintf( __( 'You have an invitation to the group: %s', 'buddyboss' ), $group->name );
				$filter = 'bp_groups_single_group_invite_notification';

				if ( 'string' == $format ) {
					 * Filters single group invitation notification for string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_group_invite_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param string $string            HTML anchor tag for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', '<a href="' . $notification_link . '">' . $text . '</a>', $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );
				} else {
					 * Filters single group invitation notification for non-string format.
					 * Complete filter - bp_groups_single_group_invite_notification.
					 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
					 * @param array  $array             Array holding permalink and content for notification.
					 * @param int    $group_link        The permalink for the group.
					 * @param string $group->name       Name of the group.
					 * @param string $text              Notification content.
					 * @param string $notification_link The permalink for notification.
					return apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $amount . '_' . $action . '_notification', array(
						'link' => $notification_link,
						'text' => $text
					), $group_link, $group->name, $text, $notification_link );



			 * Filters plugin-added group-related custom component_actions.
			 * @since BuddyPress 2.4.0
			 * @param string $notification      Null value.
			 * @param int    $item_id           The primary item ID.
			 * @param int    $secondary_item_id The secondary item ID.
			 * @param int    $total_items       The total number of messaging-related notifications
			 *                                  waiting for the user.
			 * @param string $format            'string' for BuddyBar-compatible notifications;
			 *                                  'array' for WP Toolbar.
			$custom_action_notification = apply_filters( 'bp_groups_' . $action . '_notification', null, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format );

			if ( ! is_null( $custom_action_notification ) ) {
				return $custom_action_notification;


	 * Fires right before returning the formatted group notifications.
	 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
	 * @param string $action            The type of notification being rendered.
	 * @param int    $item_id           The primary item ID.
	 * @param int    $secondary_item_id The secondary item ID.
	 * @param int    $total_items       Total amount of items to format.
	do_action( 'groups_format_notifications', $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items );

	return false;


Version Description
BuddyPress 1.0.0 Introduced.


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