
Send group message to group members.



File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/groups/ajax.php

function bp_nouveau_ajax_groups_send_message() {

	global $wpdb, $bp;

	if ( false === bp_disable_group_messages() ) {

	if ( empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) {

	$response = array(
		'feedback' => '<div class="bp-feedback error"><span class="bp-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span><p>' . __( 'There was a problem loading recipients. Please try again.', 'buddyboss' ) . '</p></div>',
		'type'     => 'error',

	if ( false === bp_is_active( 'messages' ) ) {
		wp_send_json_error( $response );

	if ( empty( $_POST['nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['nonce'], 'send_messages_users' ) ) {
		wp_send_json_error( $response );

	if ( isset( $_POST['gif'] ) && '' !== $_POST['gif'] ) {
		$_POST['gif_data'] = json_decode( wp_kses_stripslashes( $_POST['gif'] ), true );

	if ( isset( $_POST['media'] ) && '' !== $_POST['media'] ) {
		$_POST['media'] = json_decode( wp_kses_stripslashes( $_POST['media'] ), true );

	if ( isset( $_POST['document'] ) && '' !== $_POST['document'] ) {
		$_POST['document'] = json_decode( wp_kses_stripslashes( $_POST['document'] ), true );

	if ( '' === $_POST['content'] && ( ! empty( $_POST['document'] ) || !empty( $_POST['media'] ) ) ) {
		$_POST['content'] = '&nbsp;';

	// Get Members list if "All Group Members" selected.
	if ( 'all' === $_POST['users'] ) {

		// Fetch all the group members.
		$args = array(
			'per_page'            => 9999999999999999999,
			'group_id'            => trim( $_POST['group'] ),
			'exclude'             => array( bp_loggedin_user_id() ),
			'exclude_admins_mods' => false,

		$group_members = groups_get_group_members( $args );
		$members       = wp_list_pluck( $group_members['members'], 'ID' );

		// We get members array from $_POST['users_list'] because user already selected them.
	} else {
		$members = $_POST['users_list'];

	if ( empty( $members ) ) {
		$response['feedback'] = 'No Members Selected.';
		wp_send_json_error( $response );

	$group         = ( isset( $_POST ) && isset( $_POST['group'] ) && '' !== $_POST['group'] ) ? trim( $_POST['group'] ) : ''; // Group id
	$message_users = ( isset( $_POST ) && isset( $_POST['users'] ) && '' !== $_POST['users'] ) ? trim( $_POST['users'] ) : ''; // all - individual
	$message_type  = ( isset( $_POST ) && isset( $_POST['type'] ) && '' !== $_POST['type'] ) ? trim( $_POST['type'] ) : ''; // open - private

	if ( empty( $group ) ) {
		$response['feedback'] = 'No group Selected.';
		wp_send_json_error( $response );

	// If "Group Thread" selected.
	if ( 'open' === $message_type ) {

		// "All Group Members" selected.
		if ( 'all' === $message_users ) {

			// Comma separated members list to find in meta query.
			$message_users_ids = implode( ',', $members );

			// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "message_users_ids".
			$_POST['message_meta_users_list'] = $message_users_ids;

			$group_thread                 = groups_get_groupmeta( (int) $group, 'group_message_thread' );
			$is_deleted                   = false;
			$group_thread_id              = '';
			$_POST['message_thread_type'] = '';

			if ( '' !== $group_thread ) {
				$total_threads = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT is_deleted FROM {$bp->messages->table_name_recipients} WHERE thread_id = %d", (int) $group_thread ) ); // db call ok; no-cache ok;
				foreach ( $total_threads as $thread ) {
					if ( 1 === (int) $thread->is_deleted ) {
						$is_deleted = true;

				if ( $is_deleted ) {
					// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
					$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

			if ( '' !== $group_thread && ! $is_deleted && isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && empty( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) ) {
				// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
				$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';
				$group_thread_id              = $group_thread;
			} else {

				// Backward compatibility when we dont store thread_id in group meta.
				$meta = array(
						'key'     => 'group_id',
						'value'   => $group,
						'compare' => '=',
						'key'     => 'group_message_users',
						'value'   => 'all',
						'compare' => '=',
						'key'     => 'group_message_type',
						'value'   => 'open',
						'compare' => '=',
						'key'   => 'message_users_ids',
						'value' => $message_users_ids,

				// Check if there is already previously group thread created.
				if ( bp_has_message_threads( array( 'meta_query' => $meta ) ) ) {

					$thread_id = 0;

					while ( bp_message_threads() ) {
						$thread_id = bp_get_message_thread_id();

						if ( $thread_id ) {

					// If $thread_id found then add as a reply to that thread.
					if ( $thread_id ) {
						$group_thread_id = $thread_id;

						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';

						// Create a new group thread.
					} else {
						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

					// Create a new group thread.
				} else {
					// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
					$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

			 * Create Message based on the `message_thread_type` and `group_thread_id`.
			if ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'new' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) {
				$send = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
						'recipients'    => $members,
						'subject'       => wp_trim_words( $_POST['content'], messages_get_default_subject_length() ),
						'content'       => $_POST['content'],
						'error_type'    => 'wp_error',
						'append_thread' => false,

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $send ) && ! empty( $send ) ) {
					groups_update_groupmeta( (int) $group, 'group_message_thread', $send );

				bp_groups_messages_validate_message( $send );
			} elseif ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'reply' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] && ! empty( $group_thread_id ) ) {
				groups_update_groupmeta( (int) $group, 'group_message_thread', $group_thread_id );

				$new_reply = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
						'thread_id'    => $group_thread_id,
						'subject'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
						'content'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
						'date_sent'    => bp_core_current_time(),
						'mark_visible' => true,
						'error_type'   => 'wp_error',

				bp_groups_messages_validate_message( $new_reply );

			// "Individual Members" Selected.
		} else {
			$meta = array(
					'key'     => 'group_message_type',
					'value'   => 'open',
					'compare' => '!=',

			$individual_thread_id         = 0;
			$_POST['message_thread_type'] = '';

			// Check if there is already previously individual group thread created.
			if ( bp_has_message_threads( array( 'meta_query' => $meta ) ) ) {

				$thread_id = 0;

				while ( bp_message_threads() ) {
					$thread_id = bp_get_message_thread_id();

					if ( $thread_id ) {

						// get the thread recipients.
						$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread_id );
						$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
						$previous_thread_recipients = array();

						// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
						foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
							if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
								$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

						$current_recipients = array();
						$current_recipients = $members;
						$members_recipients = array();

						// Store current recipients to $members array.
						foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
							$members_recipients[] = (int) $single_recipients;

						// check both previous and current recipients are same.
						$is_recipient_match = ( is_array( $previous_thread_recipients ) && is_array( $members_recipients ) && count( $previous_thread_recipients ) === count( $members_recipients ) && array_diff( $previous_thread_recipients, $members_recipients ) === array_diff( $members_recipients, $previous_thread_recipients ) );

						$group_thread = (int) groups_get_groupmeta( (int) $group, 'group_message_thread' );

						// If recipients are matched.
						if ( $is_recipient_match && (int) $thread_id !== $group_thread ) {

				// If $thread_id found then add as a reply to that thread.
				if ( $thread_id ) {
					// get the thread recipients.
					$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread_id );
					$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
					$previous_thread_recipients = array();

					$last_message = BP_Messages_Thread::get_last_message( $thread_id );
					$message_type = bp_messages_get_meta( $last_message->id, 'group_message_users', true );

					// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
					foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
						if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
							$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

					$current_recipients = array();
					$current_recipients = $members;
					$members_recipients = array();

					// Store current recipients to $members array.
					foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
						$members_recipients[] = (int) $single_recipients;

					// check both previous and current recipients are same.
					$is_recipient_match = ( is_array( $previous_thread_recipients ) && is_array( $members_recipients ) && count( $previous_thread_recipients ) === count( $members_recipients ) && array_diff( $previous_thread_recipients, $members_recipients ) === array_diff( $members_recipients, $previous_thread_recipients ) );

					$group_thread = (int) groups_get_groupmeta( (int) $group, 'group_message_thread' );

					// If recipients are matched.
					if ( $is_recipient_match && (int) $thread_id !== $group_thread ) {
						$individual_thread_id = $thread_id;

						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';

						// Else recipients not matched.
					} else {
						$previous_threads = BP_Messages_Message::get_existing_threads( $members, bp_loggedin_user_id() );
						$existing_thread  = 0;
						if ( $previous_threads ) {
							foreach ( $previous_threads as $thread ) {

								$is_active_recipient = BP_Messages_Thread::is_thread_recipient( $thread->thread_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );

								if ( $is_active_recipient ) {
									// get the thread recipients.
									$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread->thread_id );
									$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
									$previous_thread_recipients = array();

									// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
									foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
										if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
											$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

									$current_recipients = array();
									$current_recipients = $members;
									$members            = array();

									// Store current recipients to $members array.
									foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
										$members[] = (int) $single_recipients;

									// check both previous and current recipients are same.
									$is_recipient_match = ( is_array( $previous_thread_recipients ) && is_array( $members ) && count( $previous_thread_recipients ) === count( $members ) && array_diff( $previous_thread_recipients, $members ) === array_diff( $members, $previous_thread_recipients ) );

									// check any messages of this thread should not be a open & all.
									$message_ids  = wp_list_pluck( $thread->messages, 'id' );
									$add_existing = true;
									foreach ( $message_ids as $id ) {
										// group_message_users not open.
										$message_users = bp_messages_get_meta( $id, 'group_message_users', true ); // all - individual.
										if ( 'all' === $message_users ) {
											$add_existing = false;

									// If recipients are matched.
									if ( $is_recipient_match && $add_existing ) {
										$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;

							if ( $existing_thread > 0 ) {
								$individual_thread_id = $existing_thread;

								// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
								$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';
							} else {
								// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
								$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';
						} else {
							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';
					// Else no thread found.
				} else {
					$previous_threads = BP_Messages_Message::get_existing_threads( $members, bp_loggedin_user_id() );
					$existing_thread  = 0;
					if ( $previous_threads ) {
						foreach ( $previous_threads as $thread ) {
							$is_active_recipient = BP_Messages_Thread::is_thread_recipient( $thread->thread_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );
							if ( $is_active_recipient ) {

								// get the thread recipients.
								$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread->thread_id );
								$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
								$previous_thread_recipients = array();

								// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
								foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
									if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
										$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

								$current_recipients = array();
								$current_recipients = $members;
								$members            = array();

								// Store current recipients to $members array.
								foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
									$members[] = (int) $single_recipients;

								// check both previous and current recipients are same.
								$is_recipient_match = ( is_array( $previous_thread_recipients ) && is_array( $members ) && count( $previous_thread_recipients ) === count( $members ) && array_diff( $previous_thread_recipients, $members ) === array_diff( $members, $previous_thread_recipients ) );

								// check any messages of this thread should not be a open & all.
								$message_ids  = wp_list_pluck( $thread->messages, 'id' );
								$add_existing = true;
								foreach ( $message_ids as $id ) {
									// group_message_users not open
									$message_users = bp_messages_get_meta( $id, 'group_message_users', true ); // all - individual.
									if ( 'all' === $message_users ) {
										$add_existing = false;

								// If recipients are matched.
								if ( $is_recipient_match && $add_existing ) {
									$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;

						if ( $existing_thread > 0 ) {
							$individual_thread_id = $existing_thread;

							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';
						} else {
							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';
					} else {
						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

				// Else no previous thread found.
			} else {
				$previous_threads = BP_Messages_Message::get_existing_threads( $members, bp_loggedin_user_id() );
				$existing_thread  = 0;

				if ( $previous_threads ) {
					foreach ( $previous_threads as $thread ) {

						$is_active_recipient = BP_Messages_Thread::is_thread_recipient( $thread->thread_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );

						if ( $is_active_recipient ) {
							// get the thread recipients.
							$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread->thread_id );
							$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
							$previous_thread_recipients = array();

							// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
							foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
								if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
									$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

							$current_recipients = array();
							$current_recipients = $members;
							$members            = array();

							// Store current recipients to $members array.
							foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
								$members[] = (int) $single_recipients;

							// check both previous and current recipients are same.
							$is_recipient_match = ( is_array( $previous_thread_recipients ) && is_array( $members ) && count( $previous_thread_recipients ) === count( $members ) && array_diff( $previous_thread_recipients, $members ) === array_diff( $members, $previous_thread_recipients ) );

							// check any messages of this thread should not be a open & all.
							$message_ids  = wp_list_pluck( $thread->messages, 'id' );
							$add_existing = true;
							foreach ( $message_ids as $id ) {
								// group_message_users not open
								$message_users = bp_messages_get_meta( $id, 'group_message_users', true ); // all - individual.
								if ( 'all' === $message_users ) {
									$add_existing = false;

							// If recipients are matched.
							if ( $is_recipient_match && $add_existing ) {
								$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;

					if ( $existing_thread > 0 ) {
						$individual_thread_id = $existing_thread;

						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';
					} else {
						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';
				} else {
					// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
					$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

			 * Create Message based on the `message_thread_type` and `individual_thread_id`.
			if ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'new' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) {
				$send = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
						'recipients'    => $members,
						'subject'       => wp_trim_words( $_POST['content'], messages_get_default_subject_length() ),
						'content'       => $_POST['content'],
						'error_type'    => 'wp_error',
						'append_thread' => false,

				bp_groups_messages_validate_message( $send, 'individual' );
			} elseif ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'reply' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] && ! empty( $individual_thread_id ) ) {
				$new_reply = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
						'thread_id'    => $individual_thread_id,
						'subject'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
						'content'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
						'date_sent'    => bp_core_current_time(),
						'mark_visible' => true,
						'error_type'   => 'wp_error',

				bp_groups_messages_validate_message( $new_reply, 'individual' );

		// Else "Private Reply (BCC)" selected.
	} else {

		// We have to send Message to all members to "Individual" message in both cases like "All Group Members" OR "Individual Members" selected.
		foreach ( $members as $member ) {
			$meta = array(
					'key'     => 'group_message_type',
					'value'   => 'open',
					'compare' => '!=',

			$thread_loop_message_member = $member;
			$thread_loop_message_sent   = false;

			// Find existing thread which are private.
			if ( bp_has_message_threads( array( 'meta_query' => $meta ) ) ) {

				$thread_id = 0;

				$member_thread_id = 0;

				while ( bp_message_threads() ) {

					$thread_id = bp_get_message_thread_id();

					if ( $thread_id ) {
						// get the thread recipients.
						$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread_id );
						$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
						$previous_thread_recipients = array();

						// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
						foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
							if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
								$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

						$current_recipients   = array();
						$current_recipients[] = $thread_loop_message_member;
						$member_arr           = array();

						// Store current recipients to $members array.
						foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
							$member_arr[] = (int) $single_recipients;

						$first_message = BP_Messages_Thread::get_first_message( $thread_id );
						$message_user  = bp_messages_get_meta( $first_message->id, 'group_message_users', true );
						$message_type  = bp_messages_get_meta( $first_message->id, 'group_message_type', true ); // open - private.

						// check both previous and current recipients are same.
						$is_recipient_match = ( $previous_thread_recipients == $member_arr );

						// If recipients are matched.
						if ( $is_recipient_match && 'all' !== $message_user ) {
							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';
							$member_thread_id             = $thread_id;

							$thread_loop_message_sent = true;

							// If recipients then break the loop and go ahead because we don't need to check other threads.
						} elseif ( $is_recipient_match && 'all' === $message_user && 'open' !== $message_type ) {
							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';
							$member_thread_id             = $thread_id;

							$thread_loop_message_sent = true;

							// If recipients then break the loop and go ahead because we don't need to check other threads.

				// If there is no any thread matched.
				if ( false === $thread_loop_message_sent ) {
					$member_check     = array();
					$member_check[]   = $member;
					$member_check[]   = bp_loggedin_user_id();
					$previous_threads = BP_Messages_Message::get_existing_threads( $member_check, bp_loggedin_user_id() );
					$existing_thread  = 0;

					if ( $previous_threads ) {
						foreach ( $previous_threads as $thread ) {

							$is_active_recipient = BP_Messages_Thread::is_thread_recipient( $thread->thread_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );

							if ( $is_active_recipient ) {
								// get the thread recipients.
								$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread->thread_id );
								$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
								$previous_thread_recipients = array();

								// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
								foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
									if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
										$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

								$current_recipients = array();
								if ( is_array( $member ) ) {
									$current_recipients = $member;
								} else {
									$current_recipients[] = $member;
								$members = array();

								// Store current recipients to $members array.
								foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
									$members[] = (int) $single_recipients;

								$first_message = BP_Messages_Thread::get_first_message( $thread->thread_id );
								$message_user  = bp_messages_get_meta( $first_message->id, 'group_message_users', true );
								$message_type  = bp_messages_get_meta( $first_message->id, 'group_message_type', true ); // open - private

								// check both previous and current recipients are same.
								$is_recipient_match = ( $previous_thread_recipients == $members );

								// If recipients are matched.
								if ( $is_recipient_match && 'all' !== $message_user ) {
									$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;
								} elseif ( $is_recipient_match && 'all' === $message_user && 'open' !== $message_type ) {
									$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;

						if ( $existing_thread > 0 ) {
							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';

							$member_thread_id = $existing_thread;

						} else {
							// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
							$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';
					} else {
						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

				 * Create Message based on the `message_thread_type` and `member_thread_id`.
				if ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'new' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) {
					$message = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
							'recipients'    => $member,
							'subject'       => wp_trim_words( $_POST['content'], messages_get_default_subject_length() ),
							'content'       => $_POST['content'],
							'error_type'    => 'wp_error',
							'is_hidden'     => true,
							'append_thread' => false,
				} elseif ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'reply' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] && ! empty( $member_thread_id ) ) {
					$message = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
							'thread_id'    => $member_thread_id,
							'subject'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
							'content'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
							'date_sent'    => bp_core_current_time(),
							'mark_visible' => true,
							'error_type'   => 'wp_error',
				// If no existing private thread found.
			} else {

				$member_check     = array();
				$member_check[]   = $member;
				$member_check[]   = bp_loggedin_user_id();
				$previous_threads = BP_Messages_Message::get_existing_threads( $member_check, bp_loggedin_user_id() );
				$existing_thread  = 0;
				$member_thread_id = 0;

				if ( $previous_threads ) {
					foreach ( $previous_threads as $thread ) {

						$is_active_recipient = BP_Messages_Thread::is_thread_recipient( $thread->thread_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );

						if ( $is_active_recipient ) {

							// get the thread recipients.
							$thread                     = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread->thread_id );
							$thread_recipients          = $thread->get_recipients();
							$previous_thread_recipients = array();

							// Store thread recipients to $previous_ids array.
							foreach ( $thread_recipients as $thread_recipient ) {
								if ( $thread_recipient->user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
									$previous_thread_recipients[] = $thread_recipient->user_id;

							$current_recipients = array();
							if ( is_array( $member ) ) {
								$current_recipients = $member;
							} else {
								$current_recipients[] = $member;
							$members = array();

							// Store current recipients to $members array.
							foreach ( $current_recipients as $single_recipients ) {
								$members[] = (int) $single_recipients;

							$first_message = BP_Messages_Thread::get_first_message( $thread->thread_id );
							$message_user  = bp_messages_get_meta( $first_message->id, 'group_message_users', true );
							$message_type  = bp_messages_get_meta( $first_message->id, 'group_message_type', true ); // open - private.

							// check both previous and current recipients are same.
							$is_recipient_match = ( $previous_thread_recipients == $members );

							// If recipients are matched.
							if ( $is_recipient_match && 'all' !== $message_user ) {
								$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;
							} elseif ( $is_recipient_match && 'all' === $message_user && 'open' !== $message_type ) {
								$existing_thread = (int) $thread->thread_id;

					if ( $existing_thread > 0 ) {
						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'reply';

						$member_thread_id = $existing_thread;
					} else {
						// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
						$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';
				} else {
					// This post variable will using in "bp_media_messages_save_group_data" function for storing message meta "group_message_thread_type".
					$_POST['message_thread_type'] = 'new';

				 * Create Message based on the `message_thread_type` and `member_thread_id`.
				if ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'new' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) {
					$message = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
							'recipients'    => $member,
							'subject'       => wp_trim_words( $_POST['content'], messages_get_default_subject_length() ),
							'content'       => $_POST['content'],
							'error_type'    => 'wp_error',
							'is_hidden'     => true,
							'append_thread' => false,
				} elseif ( isset( $_POST['message_thread_type'] ) && 'reply' === $_POST['message_thread_type'] && ! empty( $member_thread_id ) ) {
					$message = bp_groups_messages_new_message(
							'thread_id'    => $member_thread_id,
							'subject'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
							'content'      => ! empty( $_POST['content'] ) ? $_POST['content'] : ' ',
							'date_sent'    => $date_sent = bp_core_current_time(),
							'mark_visible' => true,
							'error_type'   => 'wp_error',

		if ( is_wp_error( $message ) ) {
			$response['feedback'] = $message->get_error_message();
			wp_send_json_error( $response );
		} elseif ( ! empty( $message ) ) {
			if ( 'all' !== $_POST['users'] ) {
				$response['feedback'] = __( 'Your message was sent privately to %%count%% members of this group.', 'buddyboss' );
			} else {
				$response['feedback'] = __( 'Your message was sent privately to all members of this group.', 'buddyboss' );

			$response['redirect_link'] = '<a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '"> ' . __( 'View message.', 'buddyboss' ) . '</a>';
			$response['type']          = 'success';
			wp_send_json_success( $response );


Version Description
BuddyBoss 1.2.9 Introduced.


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