bp_group_type_labels_meta_box( WP_Post $post )

Generate group Type Label Meta box.




(WP_Post) (Required)


File: bp-groups/bp-groups-admin.php

function bp_group_type_labels_meta_box( $post ) {

	/* Group Type Labels */
	$meta = get_post_custom( $post->ID );
	$label_name = isset( $meta[ '_bp_group_type_label_name' ] ) ? $meta[ '_bp_group_type_label_name' ][ 0 ] : '';
	$label_singular_name = isset( $meta[ '_bp_group_type_label_singular_name' ] ) ? $meta[ '_bp_group_type_label_singular_name' ][ 0 ] : '';

	<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
				<th scope="col" colspan="2">
					<?php _e( 'Group Type', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<?php _e( 'Plural Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" class="bp-group-type-label-name" name="bp-group-type[label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Teams', 'buddyboss' ); ?>"  value="<?php echo esc_attr( $label_name ); ?>" style="width: 100%" />
					<?php _e( 'Singular Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" class="bp-group-type-singular-name" name="bp-group-type[label_singular_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Team', 'buddyboss' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $label_singular_name ); ?>" style="width: 100%" />
	<?php wp_nonce_field( 'bp-group-type-edit-group-type', '_bp-group-type-nonce' ); ?>

	/* Group Role Labels */
	$group_type_roles   = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_bp_group_type_role_labels', true ) ?: [];
	$organizer_plural   = ( isset( $group_type_roles['organizer_plural_label_name'] ) && $group_type_roles['organizer_plural_label_name'] ) ? $group_type_roles['organizer_plural_label_name'] : '';
	$moderator_plural   = ( isset( $group_type_roles['moderator_plural_label_name'] ) && $group_type_roles['moderator_plural_label_name'] ) ? $group_type_roles['moderator_plural_label_name'] : '';
	$members_plural     = ( isset( $group_type_roles['member_plural_label_name'] ) && $group_type_roles['member_plural_label_name'] ) ? $group_type_roles['member_plural_label_name'] : '';
	$organizer_singular = ( isset( $group_type_roles['organizer_singular_label_name'] ) && $group_type_roles['organizer_singular_label_name'] ) ? $group_type_roles['organizer_singular_label_name'] : '';
	$moderator_singular = ( isset( $group_type_roles['moderator_singular_label_name'] ) && $group_type_roles['moderator_singular_label_name'] ) ? $group_type_roles['moderator_singular_label_name'] : '';
	$members_singular   = ( isset( $group_type_roles['member_singular_label_name'] ) && $group_type_roles['member_singular_label_name'] ) ? $group_type_roles['member_singular_label_name'] : '';

	<br />

	<h3><?php _e( 'Group Roles', 'buddyboss' ); ?></h3>
	<p><?php _e( 'Rename the group member roles for groups of this type (optional).', 'buddyboss' ); ?></p>

	<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
				<th scope="col" colspan="2">
					<?php _e( 'Organizers', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<?php _e( 'Plural Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" name="bp-group-type-role[organizer_plural_label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Organizers', 'buddyboss' ); ?>"  value="<?php echo esc_attr( $organizer_plural ); ?>" style="width: 100%;" />
					<?php _e( 'Singular Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" name="bp-group-type-role[organizer_singular_label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Organizer', 'buddyboss' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $organizer_singular ); ?>" style="width: 100%;" />

	<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
				<th scope="col" colspan="2">
					<?php _e( 'Moderators', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<?php _e( 'Plural Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" name="bp-group-type-role[moderator_plural_label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Moderators', 'buddyboss' ); ?>"  value="<?php echo esc_attr( $moderator_plural ); ?>" style="width: 100%;" />
					<?php _e( 'Singular Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" name="bp-group-type-role[moderator_singular_label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Moderator', 'buddyboss' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $moderator_singular ); ?>" style="width: 100%;" />

	<table class="widefat bp-postbox-table">
				<th scope="col" colspan="2">
					<?php _e( 'Members', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<?php _e( 'Plural Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" name="bp-group-type-role[member_plural_label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Members', 'buddyboss' ); ?>"  value="<?php echo esc_attr( $members_plural ); ?>" style="width: 100%;" />
					<?php _e( 'Singular Label', 'buddyboss' ); ?>
					<input type="text" name="bp-group-type-role[member_singular_label_name]" placeholder="<?php _e( 'e.g. Member', 'buddyboss' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $members_singular ); ?>" style="width: 100%;" />




Version Description
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 Introduced.


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