bp_email_get_type_schema( string $field = 'description' )

Get a list of emails for populating email type taxonomy terms.




(string) (Optional) defaults to "description" for backwards compatibility. Other values: "all".

Default value: 'description'


(array) The array of email types and their schema.

  • 'description'
    (string) The description of the action which causes this to trigger.
  • 'unsubscribe'
    (array) Replacing this with false indicates that a user cannot unsubscribe from this type.
    • 'meta_key'
      (string) The meta_key used to toggle the email setting for this notification.
    • 'message'
      (string) The message shown when the user has successfully unsubscribed.


File: bp-core/bp-core-functions.php

function bp_email_get_type_schema( $field = 'description' ) {
	$activity_comment = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has replied to an activity update that the recipient posted.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_activity_new_reply',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone replies to an update or comment you posted.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$activity_comment_author = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has replied to a comment on an activity update that the recipient posted.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_activity_new_reply',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone replies to an update or comment you posted.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$activity_at_message = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient was mentioned in an activity update.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_activity_new_mention',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone mentions you in an update.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$groups_at_message = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient was mentioned in a group activity update.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_activity_new_mention',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone mentions you in an update.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$core_user_registration = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient has registered for an account.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> false,

	$core_user_registration_with_blog = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient has registered for an account and site.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> false,

	$friends_request = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has sent an invitation to connect to the recipient.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_friends_friendship_request',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone sends you an invitation to connect.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$friends_request_accepted = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient has had an invitation to connect accepted by a member.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_friends_friendship_accepted',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone accepts your invitation to connect.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$groups_details_updated = array(
		'description'	=> __( "A group's details were updated.", 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_groups_group_updated',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when one of your groups is updated.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$groups_invitation = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has sent a group invitation to the recipient.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_groups_invite',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when you are invited to join a group.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$groups_member_promoted = array(
		'description'	=> __( "Recipient's status within a group has changed.", 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_groups_admin_promotion',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when you have been promoted in a group.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$groups_membership_request = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has requested permission to join a group.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_groups_membership_request',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone requests to be a member of your group.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$messages_unread = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient has received a private message.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_messages_new_message',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone sends you a message.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$settings_verify_email_change = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient has changed their email address.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> false,

	$groups_membership_request_accepted = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient had requested to join a group, which was accepted.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_membership_request_completed',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when your request to join a group has been accepted or denied.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$groups_membership_request_rejected = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient had requested to join a group, which was rejected.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_membership_request_completed',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when your request to join a group has been accepted or denied.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$bbp_new_forum_topic = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has created a new forum discussion.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_bbp_new_forum_topic',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when a member will create a new forum discussion.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$bbp_new_forum_reply = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'A member has replied to a forum discussion that the participant is following.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> array(
			'meta_key'	=> 'notification_bbp_new_forum_reply',
			'message'	=> __( 'You will no longer receive emails when a member will reply to one of your forum discussions.', 'buddyboss' ),

	$invites_member_invite = array(
		'description'	=> __( 'Recipient has been invited by a member to join the website.', 'buddyboss' ),
		'unsubscribe'	=> false,

	$types = array(
		'activity-comment'                   => $activity_comment,
		'activity-comment-author'            => $activity_comment_author,
		'activity-at-message'                => $activity_at_message,
		'groups-at-message'                  => $groups_at_message,
		'core-user-registration'             => $core_user_registration,
		'core-user-registration-with-blog'   => $core_user_registration_with_blog,
		'friends-request'                    => $friends_request,
		'friends-request-accepted'           => $friends_request_accepted,
		'groups-details-updated'             => $groups_details_updated,
		'groups-invitation'                  => $groups_invitation,
		'groups-member-promoted'             => $groups_member_promoted,
		'groups-membership-request'          => $groups_membership_request,
		'messages-unread'                    => $messages_unread,
		'settings-verify-email-change'       => $settings_verify_email_change,
		'groups-membership-request-accepted' => $groups_membership_request_accepted,
		'groups-membership-request-rejected' => $groups_membership_request_rejected,
		'bbp-new-forum-topic'                => $bbp_new_forum_topic,
		'bbp-new-forum-reply'                => $bbp_new_forum_reply,
		'invites-member-invite'              => $invites_member_invite,

	if ( $field !== 'all' ) {
		return wp_list_pluck( $types, $field );
	} else {
		return $types;


Version Description
BuddyPress 2.7.0 $field argument added. BuddyPress 2.7.0 $field argument added.
BuddyPress 2.5.1 Introduced.


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