bp_blogs_post_type_remove_comment( bool $deleted, int $comment_id, object $activity_post_object, string $activity_type = '' )

Remove a synced activity comment from the activity feed.




(bool) (Required) True when a comment post type activity was successfully removed.


(int) (Required) ID of the comment to be removed.


(object) (Required) The post type tracking args object.


(string) (Optional) The post type comment activity type.

Default value: ''


(bool) True on success. False on error.


File: bp-blogs/bp-blogs-functions.php

function bp_blogs_post_type_remove_comment( $deleted, $comment_id, $activity_post_object, $activity_type = '' ) {
	// Remove synced activity comments, if needed.
	if ( ! bp_disable_blogforum_comments() ) {
		// Get associated activity ID from comment meta
		$activity_id = get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'bp_activity_comment_id', true );

		 * Delete the associated activity comment & also remove
		 * child post comments and associated activity comments.
		if ( ! empty( $activity_id ) ) {
			// fetch the activity comments for the activity item
			$activity = bp_activity_get( array(
				'in'               => $activity_id,
				'display_comments' => 'stream',
				'spam'             => 'all',
			) );

			// get all activity comment IDs for the pending deleted item
			if ( ! empty( $activity['activities'] ) ) {
				$activity_ids   = bp_activity_recurse_comments_activity_ids( $activity );
				$activity_ids[] = $activity_id;

				// delete activity items
				foreach ( $activity_ids as $activity_id ) {
					bp_activity_delete( array(
						'id' => $activity_id
					) );

				// remove associated blog comments
				bp_blogs_remove_associated_blog_comments( $activity_ids );

				// rebuild activity comment tree
				BP_Activity_Activity::rebuild_activity_comment_tree( $activity['activities'][0]->item_id );

				// Set the result
				$deleted = true;

	// Backcompat for comments about the 'post' post type.
	if ( 'new_blog_comment' === $activity_type ) {
		 * Fires after a blog comment activity item was removed from activity feed.
		 * @since BuddyPress 1.0.0
		 * @param int $value      ID for the blog associated with the removed comment.
		 * @param int $comment_id ID of the comment being removed.
		 * @param int $value      ID of the current logged in user.
		do_action( 'bp_blogs_remove_comment', get_current_blog_id(), $comment_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );

	return $deleted;


Version Description
BuddyPress 2.5.0 Introduced.


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