bp_attachments_create_item_type( string $type = 'avatar', array $args = array() )

Use the absolute path to an image to set an attachment type for a given item.




(string) (Optional) The attachment type to create (avatar or cover_image). Default: avatar.

Default value: 'avatar'


(array) (Optional)

  • 'item_id'
    (int) The ID of the object (Required). Default: 0.
  • 'object'
    (string) The object type (eg: group, user, blog) (Required). Default: 'user'.
  • 'component'
    (string) The component for the object (eg: groups, xprofile, blogs). Default: ''.
  • 'image'
    (string) The absolute path to the image (Required). Default: ''.
  • 'crop_w'
    (int) Crop width. Default: 0.
  • 'crop_h'
    (int) Crop height. Default: 0.
  • 'crop_x'
    (int) The horizontal starting point of the crop. Default: 0.
  • 'crop_y'
    (int) The vertical starting point of the crop. Default: 0.

Default value: array()


(bool) True on success, false otherwise.


File: bp-core/bp-core-attachments.php

function bp_attachments_create_item_type( $type = 'avatar', $args = array() ) {
	if ( empty( $type ) || ( $type !== 'avatar' && $type !== 'cover_image' ) ) {
		return false;

	$r = bp_parse_args( $args, array(
		'item_id'   => 0,
		'object'    => 'user',
		'component' => '',
		'image'     => '',
		'crop_w'    => 0,
		'crop_h'    => 0,
		'crop_x'    => 0,
		'crop_y'    => 0
	), 'create_item_' . $type );

	if ( empty( $r['item_id'] ) || empty( $r['object'] ) || ! file_exists( $r['image'] ) || ! @getimagesize( $r['image'] ) ) {
		return false;

	// Make sure the file path is safe.
	if ( 1 === validate_file( $r['image'] ) ) {
		return false;

	// Set the component if not already done.
	if ( empty( $r['component'] ) ) {
		if ( 'user' === $r['object'] ) {
			$r['component'] = 'xprofile';
		} else {
			$r['component'] = $r['object'] . 's';

	// Get allowed mimes for the Attachment type and check the image one is.
	$allowed_mimes = bp_attachments_get_allowed_mimes( $type );
	$is_allowed    = wp_check_filetype( $r['image'], $allowed_mimes );

	// It's not an image.
	if ( ! $is_allowed['ext'] ) {
		return false;

	// Init the Attachment data.
	$attachment_data = array();

	if ( 'avatar' === $type ) {
		// Set crop width for the avatar if not given.
		if ( empty( $r['crop_w'] ) ) {
			$r['crop_w'] = bp_core_avatar_full_width();

		// Set crop height for the avatar if not given.
		if ( empty( $r['crop_h'] ) ) {
			$r['crop_h'] = bp_core_avatar_full_height();

		if ( is_callable( $r['component'] . '_avatar_upload_dir' ) ) {
			$dir_args = array( $r['item_id'] );

			// In case  of xprofile, we need an extra argument.
			if ( 'xprofile' === $r['component'] ) {
				$dir_args = array( false, $r['item_id'] );

			$attachment_data = call_user_func_array( $r['component'] . '_avatar_upload_dir', $dir_args );
	} elseif ( 'cover_image' === $type ) {
		$attachment_data = bp_attachments_cover_image_upload_dir();

		// The BP Attachments Uploads Dir is not set, stop.
		if ( ! $attachment_data ) {
			return false;

		// Default to members for xProfile.
		$object_subdir = 'members';

		if ( 'xprofile' !== $r['component'] ) {
			$object_subdir = sanitize_key( $r['component'] );

		// Set Subdir.
		$attachment_data['subdir'] = $object_subdir . '/' . $r['item_id'] . '/cover-image';

		// Set Path.
		$attachment_data['path'] = trailingslashit( $attachment_data['basedir'] ) . $attachment_data['subdir'];

	if ( ! isset( $attachment_data['path'] ) || ! isset( $attachment_data['subdir'] ) ) {
		return false;

	// It's not a regular upload, we may need to create some folders.
	if ( ! is_dir( $attachment_data['path'] ) ) {
		if ( ! wp_mkdir_p( $attachment_data['path'] ) ) {
			return false;

	// Set the image name and path.
	$image_file_name = wp_unique_filename( $attachment_data['path'], basename( $r['image'] ) );
	$image_file_path = $attachment_data['path'] . '/' . $image_file_name;

	// Copy the image file into the avatar dir.
	if ( ! copy( $r['image'], $image_file_path ) ) {
		return false;

	// Init the response.
	$created = false;

	// It's an avatar, we need to crop it.
	if ( 'avatar' === $type ) {
		$created = bp_core_avatar_handle_crop( array(
			'object'        => $r['object'],
			'avatar_dir'    => trim( dirname( $attachment_data['subdir'] ), '/' ),
			'item_id'       => (int) $r['item_id'],
			'original_file' => trailingslashit( $attachment_data['subdir'] ) . $image_file_name,
			'crop_w'        => $r['crop_w'],
			'crop_h'        => $r['crop_h'],
			'crop_x'        => $r['crop_x'],
			'crop_y'        => $r['crop_y']
		) );

	// It's a cover photo we need to fit it to feature's dimensions.
	} elseif ( 'cover_image' === $type ) {
		$cover_image = bp_attachments_cover_image_generate_file( array(
			'file'            => $image_file_path,
			'component'       => $r['component'],
			'cover_image_dir' => $attachment_data['path']
		) );

		$created = ! empty( $cover_image['cover_file'] );

	// Remove copied file if it fails.
	if ( ! $created ) {
		@unlink( $image_file_path );

	// Return the response.
	return $created;


Version Description
BuddyPress 2.4.0 Introduced.


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