bp_activity_get_post_type_tracking_args( string $post_type )
Get tracking arguments for a specific post type.
- $post_type
(Required) Name of the post type.
(object) The tracking arguments of the post type.
File: bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php
function bp_activity_get_post_type_tracking_args( $post_type ) { if ( ! post_type_supports( $post_type, 'buddypress-activity' ) ) { return false; } $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $post_type_support_comments = post_type_supports( $post_type, 'comments' ); $post_type_activity = array( 'component_id' => buddypress()->activity->id, 'action_id' => 'new_' . $post_type, 'format_callback' => 'bp_activity_format_activity_action_custom_post_type_post', 'front_filter' => $post_type_object->labels->name, 'contexts' => array( 'activity' ), 'position' => 0, 'singular' => strtolower( $post_type_object->labels->singular_name ), 'activity_comment' => ! $post_type_support_comments, 'comment_action_id' => false, 'comment_format_callback' => 'bp_activity_format_activity_action_custom_post_type_comment', ); if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->bp_activity ) ) { $post_type_activity = bp_parse_args( (array) $post_type_object->bp_activity, $post_type_activity, $post_type . '_tracking_args' ); } $post_type_activity = (object) $post_type_activity; // Try to get the admin filter from the post type labels. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_admin_filter ) ) { $post_type_activity->admin_filter = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_admin_filter; // Fall back to a generic name. } else { $post_type_activity->admin_filter = __( 'New item published', 'buddyboss' ); } // Check for the front filter in the post type labels. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_front_filter ) ) { $post_type_activity->front_filter = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_front_filter; } // Try to get the action for new post type action on non-multisite installations. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_post ) ) { $post_type_activity->new_post_type_action = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_post; } // Try to get the action for new post type action on multisite installations. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_post_ms ) ) { $post_type_activity->new_post_type_action_ms = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_post_ms; } // If the post type supports comments and has a comment action id, build the comments tracking args if ( $post_type_support_comments && ! empty( $post_type_activity->comment_action_id ) ) { // Init a new container for the activity type for comments $post_type_activity->comments_tracking = new stdClass(); // Build the activity type for comments $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->component_id = $post_type_activity->component_id; $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->action_id = $post_type_activity->comment_action_id; // Try to get the comments admin filter from the post type labels. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_comments_admin_filter ) ) { $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->admin_filter = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_comments_admin_filter; // Fall back to a generic name. } else { $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->admin_filter = __( 'New item comment posted', 'buddyboss' ); } $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->format_callback = $post_type_activity->comment_format_callback; // Check for the comments front filter in the post type labels. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_comments_front_filter ) ) { $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->front_filter = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_comments_front_filter; // Fall back to a generic name. } else { $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->front_filter = __( 'Item comments', 'buddyboss' ); } $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->contexts = $post_type_activity->contexts; $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->position = (int) $post_type_activity->position + 1; // Try to get the action for new post type comment action on non-multisite installations. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_comment ) ) { $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->new_post_type_comment_action = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_comment; } // Try to get the action for new post type comment action on multisite installations. if ( ! empty( $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_comment_ms ) ) { $post_type_activity->comments_tracking->new_post_type_comment_action_ms = $post_type_object->labels->bp_activity_new_comment_ms; } } // Finally make sure we'll be able to find the post type this activity type is associated to. $post_type_activity->post_type = $post_type; /** * Filters tracking arguments for a specific post type. * * @since BuddyPress 2.2.0 * * @param object $post_type_activity The tracking arguments of the post type. * @param string $post_type Name of the post type. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_get_post_type_tracking_args', $post_type_activity, $post_type ); }
Version | Description |
BuddyPress 2.5.0 Add post type comments tracking args | BuddyPress 2.5.0 Add post type comments tracking args |
BuddyPress 2.2.0 | Introduced. |
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