bp_activity_create_summary( string $content, array $activity )

Create a rich summary of an activity item for the activity feed.


More than just a simple excerpt, the summary could contain oEmbeds and other types of media. Currently, it’s only used for blog post items, but it will probably be used for all types of activity in the future.



(string) (Required) The content of the activity item.


(array) (Required) The data passed to bp_activity_add() or the values from an Activity obj.


(string) $summary


File: bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php

function bp_activity_create_summary( $content, $activity ) {
	$args = array(
		'width' => isset( $GLOBALS['content_width'] ) ? (int) $GLOBALS['content_width'] : 'medium',

	// Get the WP_Post object if this activity type is a blog post.
	if ( $activity['type'] === 'new_blog_post' ) {
		$content = get_post( $activity['secondary_item_id'] );

	 * Filter the class name of the media extractor when creating an Activity summary.
	 * Use this filter to change the media extractor used to extract media info for the activity item.
	 * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0
	 * @param string $extractor Class name.
	 * @param string $content   The content of the activity item.
	 * @param array  $activity  The data passed to bp_activity_add() or the values from an Activity obj.
	$extractor = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_create_summary_extractor_class', 'BP_Media_Extractor', $content, $activity );
	$extractor = new $extractor;

	 * Filter the arguments passed to the media extractor when creating an Activity summary.
	 * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0
	 * @param array              $args      Array of bespoke data for the media extractor.
	 * @param string             $content   The content of the activity item.
	 * @param array              $activity  The data passed to bp_activity_add() or the values from an Activity obj.
	 * @param BP_Media_Extractor $extractor The media extractor object.
	$args = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_create_summary_extractor_args', $args, $content, $activity, $extractor );

	// Extract media information from the $content.
	$media = $extractor->extract( $content, BP_Media_Extractor::ALL, $args );

	// If we converted $content to an object earlier, flip it back to a string.
	if ( is_a( $content, 'WP_Post' ) ) {

		// For the post and custom post type get the excerpt first.
		$excerpt = get_the_excerpt( $content->ID );

		// Get the excerpt first if found otherwise it will take the post content.
		$content = ( $excerpt )?:$content->post_content;

	$para_count     = substr_count( strtolower( wpautop( $content ) ), '<p>' );
	$has_audio      = ! empty( $media['has']['audio'] )           && $media['has']['audio'];
	$has_videos     = ! empty( $media['has']['videos'] )          && $media['has']['videos'];
	$has_feat_image = ! empty( $media['has']['featured_images'] ) && $media['has']['featured_images'];
	$has_galleries  = ! empty( $media['has']['galleries'] )       && $media['has']['galleries'];
	$has_images     = ! empty( $media['has']['images'] )          && $media['has']['images'];
	$has_embeds     = false;

	// Embeds must be subtracted from the paragraph count.
	if ( ! empty( $media['has']['embeds'] ) ) {
		$has_embeds = $media['has']['embeds'] > 0;
		$para_count -= $media['has']['embeds'];

	$extracted_media = array();
	$use_media_type  = '';
	$image_source    = '';

	// If it's a short article and there's an embed/audio/video, use it.
	if ( $para_count <= 3 ) {
		if ( $has_embeds ) {
			$use_media_type = 'embeds';
		} elseif ( $has_audio ) {
			$use_media_type = 'audio';
		} elseif ( $has_videos ) {
			$use_media_type = 'videos';

	// If not, or in any other situation, try to use an image.
	if ( ! $use_media_type && $has_images ) {
		$use_media_type = 'images';
		$image_source   = 'html';

		// Featured Image > Galleries > inline <img>.
		if ( $has_feat_image ) {
			$image_source = 'featured_images';

		} elseif ( $has_galleries ) {
			$image_source = 'galleries';

	// Extract an item from the $media results.
	if ( $use_media_type ) {
		if ( $use_media_type === 'images' ) {
			$extracted_media = wp_list_filter( $media[ $use_media_type ], array( 'source' => $image_source ) );
			$extracted_media = array_shift( $extracted_media );
		} else {
			$extracted_media = array_shift( $media[ $use_media_type ] );

		 * Filter the results of the media extractor when creating an Activity summary.
		 * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0
		 * @param array  $extracted_media Extracted media item. See {@link BP_Media_Extractor::extract()} for format.
		 * @param string $content         Content of the activity item.
		 * @param array  $activity        The data passed to bp_activity_add() or the values from an Activity obj.
		 * @param array  $media           All results from the media extraction.
		 *                                See {@link BP_Media_Extractor::extract()} for format.
		 * @param string $use_media_type  The kind of media item that was preferentially extracted.
		 * @param string $image_source    If $use_media_type was "images", the preferential source of the image.
		 *                                Otherwise empty.
		$extracted_media = apply_filters(

	// Generate a text excerpt for this activity item (and remove any oEmbeds URLs).
	$summary = bp_create_excerpt( html_entity_decode( $content ), 225, array(
		'html' => false,
		'filter_shortcodes' => true,
		'strip_tags'        => true,
		'remove_links'      => true
	) );

	if ( $use_media_type === 'embeds' ) {
		$summary .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $extracted_media['url'];
	} elseif ( $use_media_type === 'images' ) {
		$summary .= sprintf( ' <img src="%s">', esc_url( $extracted_media['url'] ) );
	} elseif ( in_array( $use_media_type, array( 'audio', 'videos' ), true ) ) {
		$summary .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $extracted_media['original'];  // Full shortcode.

	 * Filters the newly-generated summary for the activity item.
	 * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0
	 * @param string $summary         Activity summary HTML.
	 * @param string $content         Content of the activity item.
	 * @param array  $activity        The data passed to bp_activity_add() or the values from an Activity obj.
	 * @param array  $extracted_media Media item extracted. See {@link BP_Media_Extractor::extract()} for format.
	return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_create_summary', $summary, $content, $activity, $extracted_media );


Version Description
BuddyPress 2.3.0 Introduced.


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