bbp_stick_topic( int $topic_id, int $super = false )

Sticks a topic to a forum or front




(int) (Optional) Topic id


(int) (Optional) Should we make the topic a super sticky?

Default value: false


(bool) True on success, false on failure


File: bp-forums/topics/functions.php

function bbp_stick_topic( $topic_id = 0, $super = false ) {
	$topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $topic_id );

	// Bail if a topic is not a topic (prevents revisions as stickies)
	if ( ! bbp_is_topic( $topic_id ) )
		return false;

	// We may have a super sticky to which we want to convert into a normal
	// sticky and vice versa; unstick the topic first to avoid any possible error.
	bbp_unstick_topic( $topic_id );

	$forum_id = empty( $super ) ? bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $topic_id ) : 0;
	$stickies = bbp_get_stickies( $forum_id );

	do_action( 'bbp_stick_topic', $topic_id, $super );

	if ( !is_array( $stickies ) ) {
		$stickies   = array( $topic_id );
	} else {
		$stickies[] = $topic_id;

	// Pull out duplicates and empties
	$stickies = array_unique( array_filter( $stickies ) );

	// Unset incorrectly stuck revisions
	foreach ( (array) $stickies as $key => $id ) {
		if ( ! bbp_is_topic( $id ) ) {
			unset( $stickies[$key] );

	// Reset keys
	$stickies = array_values( $stickies );
	$success  = !empty( $super ) ? update_option( '_bbp_super_sticky_topics', $stickies ) : update_post_meta( $forum_id, '_bbp_sticky_topics', $stickies );

	do_action( 'bbp_sticked_topic', $topic_id, $super, $success );

	return (bool) $success;


Version Description
bbPress (r2754) Introduced.


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