bbp_insert_forum( array $forum_data = array(), arrap $forum_meta = array() )

A wrapper for wp_insert_post() that also includes the necessary meta values for the forum to function properly.




(array) (Optional) Forum post data

Default value: array()


(arrap) (Optional) Forum meta data

Default value: array()


File: bp-forums/forums/functions.php

function bbp_insert_forum( $forum_data = array(), $forum_meta = array() ) {

	// Forum
	$forum_data = bbp_parse_args( $forum_data, array(
		'post_parent'    => 0, // forum ID
		'post_status'    => bbp_get_public_status_id(),
		'post_type'      => bbp_get_forum_post_type(),
		'post_author'    => bbp_get_current_user_id(),
		'post_password'  => '',
		'post_content'   => '',
		'post_title'     => '',
		'menu_order'     => 0,
		'comment_status' => 'closed'
	), 'insert_forum' );

	// Insert forum
	$forum_id   = wp_insert_post( $forum_data );

	// Bail if no forum was added
	if ( empty( $forum_id ) ) {
		return false;

	// Forum meta
	$forum_meta = bbp_parse_args( $forum_meta, array(
		'reply_count'          => 0,
		'topic_count'          => 0,
		'topic_count_hidden'   => 0,
		'total_reply_count'    => 0,
		'total_topic_count'    => 0,
		'last_topic_id'        => 0,
		'last_reply_id'        => 0,
		'last_active_id'       => 0,
		'last_active_time'     => 0,
		'forum_subforum_count' => 0,
	), 'insert_forum_meta' );

	// Insert forum meta
	foreach ( $forum_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {
		update_post_meta( $forum_id, '_bbp_' . $meta_key, $meta_value );

	// Return new forum ID
	return $forum_id;


Version Description
bbPress (r3349) Introduced.


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