Return the unique id of the topic tag taxonomy
(string) The unique topic tag taxonomy
File: bp-forums/topics/template.php
function bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id() { return apply_filters( 'bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id', bbpress()->topic_tag_tax_id ); }
Version | Description |
bbPress (r3348) | Introduced. |
Uses | Description |
bp-forums/classes/class-bbpress.php: bbpress() |
The main function responsible for returning the one true bbPress Instance to functions everywhere. |
Used By | Description |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::get_topic_tags() |
Get Topic Tags. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-actions-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Actions_Endpoint::merge_item() |
Merge Topic |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-actions-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Actions_Endpoint::split_item() |
Split Topic |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::get_items() |
Retrieve Topics. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::create_item() |
Create a topic. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::update_item() |
Update/Edit a topic. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-reply-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Reply_Endpoint::create_item() |
Create a reply. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-reply-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Reply_Endpoint::update_item() |
Update/Edit a reply. |
bp-forums/admin/metaboxes.php: bbp_dashboard_widget_right_now() |
Forums Dashboard Right Now Widget |
bp-forums/core/template-loader.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_template() |
Get the topic template |
bp-forums/core/template-loader.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_edit_template() |
Get the topic edit template |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_form_topic_tags() |
Return value of topic tags field |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_description() |
Return the description of the current tag |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_slug() |
Return the slug of the current tag |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_link() |
Return the link of the current tag |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_edit_link() |
Return the link of the current tag |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_topic_tag_tax_id() |
Output the unique id of the topic tag taxonomy |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_id() |
Return the id of the current tag |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_name() |
Return the name of the current tag |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_list() |
Return the tags of a topic |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_has_topics() |
The main topic loop. WordPress makes this easy for us |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_get_topic_tag_names() |
Get topic tags for a specific topic ID |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_spam_topic() |
Marks a topic as spam |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_unspam_topic() |
Unspams a topic |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_edit_topic_tag_handler() |
Handles the front end tag management (renaming, merging, destroying) |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_merge_topic_handler() |
Merge topic handler |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_split_topic_handler() |
Split topic handler |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_new_topic_handler() |
Handles the front end topic submission |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_edit_topic_handler() |
Handles the front end edit topic submission |
bp-forums/classes/class-bbpress.php: bbPress::add_rewrite_rules() |
Add Forums-specific rewrite rules for uri’s that are not setup for us by way of custom post types or taxonomies. This includes: – Front-end editing – Topic views – User profiles |
bp-forums/classes/class-bbpress.php: bbPress::register_taxonomies() |
Register the topic tag taxonomy |
bp-forums/common/shortcodes.php: BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic_tags() |
Display a tag cloud of all topic tags in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
bp-forums/common/shortcodes.php: BBP_Shortcodes::display_topics_of_tag_query() |
Filter the query for topic tags |
bp-forums/common/template.php: bbp_get_breadcrumb() |
Return a breadcrumb ( forum -> topic -> reply ) |
bp-forums/common/template.php: bbp_body_class() |
Use the above is_() functions to output a body class for each scenario |
bp-forums/common/template.php: bbp_is_topic_tag() |
Check if the current page is a topic tag |
bp-forums/common/template.php: bbp_is_topic_tag_edit() |
Check if the current page is editing a topic tag |
bp-forums/common/functions.php: bbp_get_statistics() |
Get the forum statistics |
bp-forums/extend/akismet.php: BBP_Akismet::filter_post_terms() |
Handle any terms submitted with a post flagged as spam |
bp-forums/admin.php: bp_tags_admin_tags_listing_add_tab() |
Add Navigation tab on top of the page BuddyBoss > Forums > Tags Templates |
bp-forums/admin.php: bbp_set_platform_tab_submenu_active() |
Highlights the submenu item using WordPress native styles. |
bp-forums/admin.php: bp_core_get_forums_admin_tabs() |
Register tabs for the BuddyBoss > Forums screens. |
bp-forums/admin.php: bp_forums_highlight_topic_tag_parent_menu() |
Make parent menu highlight when on topic tag page |
bp-forums/admin.php: bp_forums_highlight_topic_tag_submenu() |
Make submenu highlight when on topic tag page |
bp-forums/replies/functions.php: bbp_new_reply_handler() |
Handles the front end reply submission |
bp-forums/replies/functions.php: bbp_edit_reply_handler() |
Handles the front end edit reply submission |
We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Search our developer docs, contact support, or connect with our sales team.