bbp_get_the_content( array $args = array() )

Return a textarea or TinyMCE if enabled




(array) (Optional)

Default value: array()


(string) HTML from output buffer


File: bp-forums/common/template.php

	function bbp_get_the_content( $args = array() ) {

		// Parse arguments against default values
		$r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
			'context'           => 'topic',
			'before'            => '<div class="bbp-the-content-wrapper">',
			'after'             => '</div>',
			'wpautop'           => true,
			'media_buttons'     => false,
			'textarea_rows'     => '12',
			'tabindex'          => bbp_get_tab_index(),
			'tabfocus_elements' => 'bbp_topic_title,bbp_topic_tags',
			'editor_class'      => 'bbp-the-content',
			'tinymce'           => false,
			'teeny'             => true,
			'quicktags'         => true,
			'dfw'               => false
		), 'get_the_content' );

		// If using tinymce, remove our escaping and trust tinymce
		if ( bbp_use_wp_editor() && ( false !== $r['tinymce'] ) ) {
			remove_filter( 'bbp_get_form_forum_content', 'esc_textarea' );
			remove_filter( 'bbp_get_form_topic_content', 'esc_textarea' );
			remove_filter( 'bbp_get_form_reply_content', 'esc_textarea' );

		// Assume we are not editing
		$post_content = call_user_func( 'bbp_get_form_' . $r['context'] . '_content' );

		// Start an output buffor

		// Output something before the editor
		if ( !empty( $r['before'] ) ) {
			echo $r['before'];

		// Use TinyMCE if available
		if ( bbp_use_wp_editor() ) :

			// Enable additional TinyMCE plugins before outputting the editor
			add_filter( 'tiny_mce_plugins',   'bbp_get_tiny_mce_plugins'   );
			add_filter( 'teeny_mce_plugins',  'bbp_get_tiny_mce_plugins'   );
			add_filter( 'teeny_mce_buttons',  'bbp_get_teeny_mce_buttons'  );
			add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'bbp_get_quicktags_settings' );

            <div id="bbp_editor_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['editor_class'] ); ?>" tabindex="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['tabindex'] ); ?>">
                <?php echo $post_content; ?>
            <input type="hidden" id="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" name="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_content ); ?>" />

			// Output the editor
//			wp_editor( $post_content, 'bbp_' . $r['context'] . '_content', array(
//				'wpautop'           => $r['wpautop'],
//				'media_buttons'     => $r['media_buttons'],
//				'textarea_rows'     => $r['textarea_rows'],
//				'tabindex'          => $r['tabindex'],
//				'tabfocus_elements' => $r['tabfocus_elements'],
//				'editor_class'      => $r['editor_class'],
//				'tinymce'           => $r['tinymce'],
//				'teeny'             => $r['teeny'],
//				'quicktags'         => $r['quicktags'],
//				'dfw'               => $r['dfw'],
//			) );

			// Remove additional TinyMCE plugins after outputting the editor
			remove_filter( 'tiny_mce_plugins',   'bbp_get_tiny_mce_plugins'   );
			remove_filter( 'teeny_mce_plugins',  'bbp_get_tiny_mce_plugins'   );
			remove_filter( 'teeny_mce_buttons',  'bbp_get_teeny_mce_buttons'  );
			remove_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'bbp_get_quicktags_settings' );

		 * Fallback to normal textarea.
		 * Note that we do not use esc_textarea() here to prevent double
		 * escaping the editable output, mucking up existing content.
		else : ?>

			<textarea id="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['editor_class'] ); ?>" name="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" cols="60" rows="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['textarea_rows'] ); ?>" tabindex="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['tabindex'] ); ?>"><?php echo $post_content; ?></textarea>

		<?php endif;

		// Output something after the editor
		if ( !empty( $r['after'] ) ) {
			echo $r['after'];

		// Put the output into a usable variable
		$output = ob_get_clean();

		return apply_filters( 'bbp_get_the_content', $output, $args, $post_content );


Version Description
bbPress (r3586) Introduced.


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