bbp_get_single_topic_description( mixed $args = '' )

Return a fancy description of the current topic, including total topics, total replies, and last activity.




(mixed) (Optional) This function supports these arguments: - topic_id: Topic id - before: Before the text - after: After the text - size: Size of the avatar

Default value: ''


(string) Filtered topic description


File: bp-core/deprecated/buddyboss/1.0.php

	function bbp_get_single_topic_description( $args = '' ) {

		// Parse arguments against default values
		$r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
			'topic_id'  => 0,
			'before'    => '<div class="bp-feedback info"><span class="bp-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span><p class="bbp-topic-description">',
			'after'     => '</p></div>',
			'size'      => 14
		), 'get_single_topic_description' );

		// Validate topic_id
		$topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $r['topic_id'] );

		// Unhook the 'view all' query var adder
		remove_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_permalink', 'bbp_add_view_all' );

		// Build the topic description
		$vc_int      = bbp_get_topic_voice_count   ( $topic_id, true  );
		$voice_count = bbp_get_topic_voice_count   ( $topic_id, false );
		$reply_count = bbp_get_topic_replies_link  ( $topic_id        );
		$time_since  = bbp_get_topic_freshness_link( $topic_id        );

		// Singular/Plural
		$voice_count = sprintf( _n( '%s member', '%s members', $vc_int, 'buddyboss' ), $voice_count );

		// Topic has replies
		$last_reply = bbp_get_topic_last_reply_id( $topic_id );
		if ( !empty( $last_reply ) ) {
			$last_updated_by = bbp_get_author_link( array( 'post_id' => $last_reply, 'size' => $r['size'] ) );
			$retstr          = sprintf( esc_html__( 'This discussion contains %1$s, has %2$s, and was last updated by %3$s %4$s.', 'buddyboss' ), $reply_count, $voice_count, $last_updated_by, $time_since );

		// Topic has no replies
		} elseif ( ! empty( $voice_count ) && ! empty( $reply_count ) ) {
			$retstr = sprintf( esc_html__( 'This discussion contains %1$s and has %2$s.', 'buddyboss' ), $voice_count, $reply_count );

		// Topic has no replies and no members
		} elseif ( empty( $voice_count ) && empty( $reply_count ) ) {
			$retstr = sprintf( esc_html__( 'This discussion has no replies.', 'buddyboss' ), $voice_count, $reply_count );

		// Add the 'view all' filter back
		add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_permalink', 'bbp_add_view_all' );

		// Combine the elements together
		$retstr = $r['before'] . $retstr . $r['after'];

		// Return filtered result
		return apply_filters( 'bbp_get_single_topic_description', $retstr, $r );


Version Description
bbPress (r2860) Introduced.


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