BP_XProfile_User_Admin::user_admin_avatar_metabox( WP_User|null $user = null )
Render the Avatar metabox to moderate inappropriate images.
- $user
(WP_User|null) (Optional) The WP_User object for the user being edited.
Default value: null
File: bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-user-admin.php
public function user_admin_avatar_metabox( $user = null ) { if ( empty( $user->ID ) ) { return; } ?> <div class="avatar"> <?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => $user->ID, 'object' => 'user', 'type' => 'full', 'title' => $user->display_name ) ); ?> <?php if ( bp_get_user_has_avatar( $user->ID ) ) : $query_args = array( 'user_id' => $user->ID, 'action' => 'delete_avatar' ); if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['wp_http_referer'] ) ) { $wp_http_referer = wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['wp_http_referer'] ); $wp_http_referer = remove_query_arg( array( 'action', 'updated' ), $wp_http_referer ); $wp_http_referer = wp_validate_redirect( esc_url_raw( $wp_http_referer ) ); $query_args['wp_http_referer'] = urlencode( $wp_http_referer ); } $community_url = add_query_arg( $query_args, buddypress()->members->admin->edit_profile_url ); $delete_link = wp_nonce_url( $community_url, 'delete_avatar' ); ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $delete_link ); ?>" class="bp-xprofile-avatar-user-admin"><?php esc_html_e( 'Delete Profile Photo', 'buddyboss' ); ?></a> <?php endif; // Load the Avatar UI templates if user avatar uploads are enabled and current WordPress version is supported. if ( ! bp_core_get_root_option( 'bp-disable-avatar-uploads' ) && bp_attachments_is_wp_version_supported() ) : ?> <a href="#TB_inline?width=800px&height=400px&inlineId=bp-xprofile-avatar-editor" class="thickbox bp-xprofile-avatar-user-edit"><?php esc_html_e( 'Edit Profile Photo', 'buddyboss' ); ?></a> <div id="bp-xprofile-avatar-editor" style="display:none;"> <?php bp_attachments_get_template_part( 'avatars/index' ); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php }
Version | Description |
BuddyPress 2.0.0 | Introduced. |
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