BP_XProfile_Field_Type_Member_Types::edit_field_options_html( array $args = array() )

Output the edit field options HTML for this field type.


BuddyPress considers a field’s "options" to be, for example, the items in a selectbox. These are stored separately in the database, and their templating is handled separately.

This templating is separate from BP_XProfile_Field_Type::edit_field_html() because it’s also used in the wp-admin screens when creating new fields, and for backwards compatibility.

Must be used inside the bp_profile_fields() template loop.



(array) (Optional) The arguments passed to bp_the_profile_field_options().

Default value: array()


File: bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-field-type-member-types.php

	public function edit_field_options_html( array $args = array() ) {
		global $field;
		$post_type_selected = $this->get_selected_post_type( $field->id );
		$post_selected      = BP_XProfile_ProfileData::get_value_byid( $this->field_obj->id, $args['user_id'] );

		$html = '';

		if ( ! empty( $_POST[ 'field_' . $this->field_obj->id ] ) ) {
			$new_post_selected = (int) $_POST[ 'field_' . $this->field_obj->id ];
			$post_selected     = ( $post_selected != $new_post_selected ) ? $new_post_selected : $post_selected;

		// Add Profile Type selected if users have previously added profile type in his/her account.
		if ( '' === $post_selected ) {
			$member_type = bp_get_member_type( (int) $args['user_id'] );
			if ( '' !== $member_type ) {
				$post_selected = bp_member_type_post_by_type( $member_type );

		// Get posts of custom post type selected.
		$posts = new \WP_Query( array(
			'posts_per_page' => - 1,
			'post_type'      => bp_get_member_type_post_type(),
			'orderby'        => 'title',
			'order'          => 'ASC'
		) );
		if ( $posts ) {

			$html    .= '<option value="">' . /* translators: no option picked in select box */ esc_html__( '----', 'buddyboss' ) . '</option>';

			foreach ( $posts->posts as $post ) {
				$enabled = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_bp_member_type_enable_profile_field', true );
				if ( '' === $enabled || '1' === $enabled ) {
					$html .= sprintf( '<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
						( $post_selected == $post->ID ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
						$post->post_title );

		echo apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_member_type_post_type', $html, $args['type'], $post_type_selected, $this->field_obj->id );


Version Description
BuddyBoss 1.1.3 Introduced.


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