BP_XProfile_Field::render_admin_form( string $message = '', string $message_type = 'error' )

Output the admin form for this field.




(string) (Optional) Message to display.

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) error or udpated

Default value: 'error'


File: bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-field.php

	public function render_admin_form( $message = '', $message_type = 'error' ) {

		// Users Admin URL
		$users_url = bp_get_admin_url( 'admin.php' );

		// Add New
		if ( empty( $this->id ) ) {
			$title  = __( 'Add New Field', 'buddyboss' );
			$button = __( 'Save', 'buddyboss' );
			$action = add_query_arg( array(
				'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
				'mode'     => 'add_field',
				'group_id' => (int) $this->group_id
			), $users_url . '#tabs-' . (int) $this->group_id );

			if ( ! empty( $_POST['saveField'] ) ) {
				$this->name        = $_POST['title'];
				$this->description = $_POST['description'];
				$this->is_required = $_POST['required'];
				$this->type        = $_POST['fieldtype'];
				$this->field_order = $_POST['field_order'];

				if ( ! empty( $_POST["sort_order_{$this->type}"] ) ) {
					$this->order_by = $_POST["sort_order_{$this->type}"];

			// Edit
		} else {
			$title  = __( 'Edit Field', 'buddyboss' );
			$button = __( 'Update', 'buddyboss' );
			$action = add_query_arg( array(
				'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
				'mode'     => 'edit_field',
				'group_id' => (int) $this->group_id,
				'field_id' => (int) $this->id
			), $users_url . '#tabs-' . (int) $this->group_id );
		} ?>

        <div class="wrap">
			$users_tab = count( bp_core_get_users_admin_tabs() );
			if ( $users_tab > 1 ) {
                <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"><?php bp_core_admin_users_tabs( __( 'Profile Fields', 'buddyboss' ) ); ?></h2><?php
            <h1 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>

			if ( $this->id ) {
				$action_add = add_query_arg( array(
					'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
					'mode'     => 'add_field',
					'group_id' => (int) $this->group_id
				), $users_url . '#tabs-' . (int) $this->group_id );


                <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $action_add ); ?>"
                   class="page-title-action"><?php esc_html_e( 'Add New Field', 'buddyboss' ); ?></a>

			<?php if ( ( ! empty( $message ) ) || ( isset( $_GET['type'] ) && 'updated' === $_GET['type'] ) ) : ?>

				if ( isset( $_GET['type'] ) && 'updated' === $_GET['type'] ) {
					$message      = __( 'The field was saved successfully.', 'buddyboss' );
					$message_type = 'updated';
				} ?>
                <div id="message" class="<?php echo $message_type; ?> fade">
                    <p><?php echo esc_html( $message ); ?></p>

			<?php endif; ?>

            <form id="bp-xprofile-add-field" action="<?php echo esc_url( $action ); ?>" method="post">
                <div id="poststuff">
                    <div id="post-body"
                         class="metabox-holder columns-<?php echo ( 1 == get_current_screen()->get_columns() ) ? '1' : '2'; ?>">
                        <div id="post-body-content">


							// Output the name & description fields.
							$this->name_and_description(); ?>

                        </div><!-- #post-body-content -->

                        <div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">


							// Output the sumbit metabox.
							$this->submit_metabox( $button );

							// Output the required metabox.

							// Output the profile types metabox.

							// Output the field visibility metaboxes.

							 * Fires after XProfile Field sidebar metabox.
							 * @since BuddyPress 2.2.0
							 * @param BP_XProfile_Field $this Current XProfile field.
							do_action( 'xprofile_field_after_sidebarbox', $this ); ?>


                        <div id="postbox-container-2" class="postbox-container">


							 * Fires before XProfile Field content metabox.
							 * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0
							 * @param BP_XProfile_Field $this Current XProfile field.
							do_action( 'xprofile_field_before_contentbox', $this );

							// Output the field attributes metabox.

							// Output hidden inputs for default field.

							 * Fires after XProfile Field content metabox.
							 * @since BuddyPress 2.2.0
							 * @param BP_XProfile_Field $this Current XProfile field.
							do_action( 'xprofile_field_after_contentbox', $this ); ?>

                    </div><!-- #post-body -->
                </div><!-- #poststuff -->



Version Description
BuddyPress 1.9.0 BuddyPress 1.9.0
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 Added the paramter $message_type Introduced.


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