
Query for IDs of users that match the query parameters.


Perform a database query to specifically get only user IDs, using existing query variables set previously in the constructor.

Also used to quickly perform user total counts.


File: bp-core/classes/class-bp-user-query.php

	public function do_user_ids_query() {
		global $wpdb;

		// If counting using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, set it up here.
		if ( 'sql_calc_found_rows' == $this->query_vars['count_total'] ) {
			$this->uid_clauses['select'] = str_replace( 'SELECT', 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', $this->uid_clauses['select'] );

        if ( is_array( $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] ) ) {
            $orderby_multiple = array();
            foreach ( $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] as $part ) {
                $orderby_multiple[] = $part[0] . ' ' . $part[1];//column_name DESC/ASC

            $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] = "ORDER BY " . implode( ', ', $orderby_multiple );
            $this->uid_clauses['order'] = "";

		// Get the specific user ids.
		$this->user_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "{$this->uid_clauses['select']} {$this->uid_clauses['where']} {$this->uid_clauses['orderby']} {$this->uid_clauses['order']} {$this->uid_clauses['limit']}" );

        // Get the total user count.
		if ( 'sql_calc_found_rows' == $this->query_vars['count_total'] ) {

			 * Filters the found user SQL statements before query.
			 * If "sql_calc_found_rows" is the provided count_total query var
			 * then the value will be "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()". Otherwise it will
			 * use a "SELECT COUNT()" query statement.
			 * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0
			 * @param string        $value SQL statement to select FOUND_ROWS().
			 * @param BP_User_Query $this  Current BP_User_Query instance.
			$this->total_users = $wpdb->get_var( apply_filters( 'bp_found_user_query', "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", $this ) );
		} elseif ( 'count_query' == $this->query_vars['count_total'] ) {
			$count_select      = preg_replace( '/^SELECT.*?FROM (\S+) u/', "SELECT COUNT(u.{$this->uid_name}) FROM $1 u", $this->uid_clauses['select'] );

			/** This filter is documented in bp-core/classes/class-bp-user-query.php */
			$this->total_users = $wpdb->get_var( apply_filters( 'bp_found_user_query', "{$count_select} {$this->uid_clauses['where']}", $this ) );


Version Description
BuddyPress 1.7.0 Introduced.


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