
BuddyPress Global Search Type – Parent class



File: bp-search/classes/class-bp-search-types.php

	abstract class Bp_Search_Type {

		 * search term. might be used later for caching purposes
		 * @var string
		protected $search_term = '';

		 * The variable to hold search results.
		 * @var array
		protected $search_results = array( 'total_match_count'=>false, 'items'=> array(), 'items_title'=> array(), 'html_generated' => false );

		/* Magic Methods
		 * ===================================================================

		 * A dummy magic method to prevent this class from being cloned.
		 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
		public function __clone() {
			_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('Cheatin\' huh?', 'buddyboss'), '1.7');

		 * A dummy magic method to prevent this class being unserialized.
		 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
		public function __wakeup() {
			_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('Cheatin\' huh?', 'buddyboss'), '1.7');

		 * Returns the sql query to be used in performing an 'all' items search.
		 * @param string $search_term
		 * @return string sql query
		 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
		public function union_sql( $search_term ){
			$this->search_term = $search_term;//save it for future reference may be.

			return $this->sql($search_term);

		public function add_search_item( $item_id ){
			if( !in_array( $item_id, $this->search_results['items'] ) )
				$this->search_results['items'][$item_id] = '';

		public function get_title( $item_id ){
			if( !$this->search_results['html_generated'] ){
				$this->search_results['html_generated'] = true;//do once only

			return isset( $this->search_results['items'][$item_id]['title'] ) ? $this->search_results['items'][$item_id]['title'] : $this->search_term;

		public function get_total_match_count( $search_term ){
			$this->search_term = $search_term;//save it for future reference may be.

			global $wpdb;
			$sql = $this->sql( $search_term, true );
			return $wpdb->get_var( $sql );

		 * This function must be overriden by inheritingn classes
		 * @param string $search_term
		 * @param boolean $only_totalrow_count
		abstract function sql( $search_term, $only_totalrow_count=false );

		 * Get the html for given search result.
		 * @param int $itemid
		 * @param string $template_type Optional
		 * @return string
		public function get_html( $itemid, $template_type='' ){
			if( !$this->search_results['html_generated'] ){
				$this->generate_html( $template_type );
				$this->search_results['html_generated'] = true;//do once only

			return isset( $this->search_results['items'][$itemid] ) ? @$this->search_results['items'][$itemid]['html'] : '';



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