
Legacy template group directory navigation support added.





File: bp-groups/classes/class-bp-rest-groups-details-endpoint.php

	public function bp_rest_legacy_get_groups_directory_nav_items(){
		$nav_items = array();

		$nav_items['all'] = array(
			'text'      => __( 'All Groups', 'buddyboss' ),
			'slug'      => 'all',
			'count'     => bp_get_total_group_count(),
			'position'  => 5,

		if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {

			$my_groups_count = bp_get_total_group_count_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id() );

			// If the user has groups create a nav item
			if ( $my_groups_count ) {
				$nav_items['personal'] = array(
					'text'     => __( 'My Groups', 'buddyboss' ),
					'slug'      => 'personal', // slug is used because BP_Core_Nav requires it, but it's the scope
					'count'    => $my_groups_count,
					'position' => 15,

			// If the user can create groups, add the create nav
			if ( bp_user_can_create_groups() ) {
				$nav_items['create'] = array(
					'text'     => __( 'Create a Group', 'buddyboss' ),
					'slug'      => 'create', // slug is used because BP_Core_Nav requires it, but it's the scope
					'count'    => false,
					'position' => 999,

		return apply_filters( 'bp_rest_legacy_get_groups_directory_nav_items', $nav_items );


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