BP_REST_Document_Endpoint::bbp_document_update_rest_field_callback( object $object, object $value )

The function to use to update the document’s value of the topic REST Field.




(object) (Required) Value for the schema.


(object) (Required) The value of the REST Field to save.




File: bp-document/classes/class-bp-rest-document-endpoint.php

	protected function bbp_document_update_rest_field_callback( $object, $value ) {

		$documents = wp_parse_id_list( $object );
		if ( empty( $documents ) ) {
			$value->bbp_documents = null;

			return $value;

		$post_id = $value->ID;

		$reply_id = 0;
		$topic_id = 0;
		$forum_id = 0;

		// save activity id if it is saved in forums and enabled in platform settings.
		$main_activity_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_bbp_activity_id', true );

		// fetch currently uploaded document ids.
		$existing_document_ids            = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'bp_document_ids', true );
		$existing_document_attachment_ids = array();
		$existing_document_attachments    = array();

		if ( ! empty( $existing_document_ids ) ) {
			$existing_document_ids = explode( ',', $existing_document_ids );

			foreach ( $existing_document_ids as $existing_document_id ) {
				$existing_document_object = new BP_Document( $existing_document_id );

				if ( ! empty( $existing_document_object->attachment_id ) ) {
					$existing_document_attachment_ids[]                     = $existing_document_object->attachment_id;
					$existing_document_attachments[ $existing_document_id ] = $existing_document_object->attachment_id;

		$document_ids     = array();
		$menu_order_count = 0;

		if ( ! empty( $documents ) ) {
			foreach ( $documents as $document ) {

				$wp_attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $document );

				// when the file found to be empty it's means it's not a valid attachment.
				if ( empty( $wp_attachment_url ) ) {

				$menu_order_count ++;

				$attachment_id = ! empty( $document ) ? $document : 0;
				$menu_order    = $menu_order_count;

				if ( ! empty( $existing_document_attachment_ids ) ) {
					$index = array_search( $attachment_id, $existing_document_attachment_ids, true );
					if ( ! empty( $attachment_id ) && false !== $index ) {
						$exisiting_document_id    = array_search( $attachment_id, $existing_document_attachments, true );
						$existing_document_update = new BP_Document( $exisiting_document_id );

						$existing_document_update->menu_order = $menu_order;

						unset( $existing_document_ids[ $index ] );
						$document_ids[] = $exisiting_document_id;

				if ( 0 === $reply_id && bbp_get_reply_post_type() === get_post_type( $post_id ) ) {
					$reply_id = $post_id;
					$topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $reply_id );
					$forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $topic_id );
				} elseif ( 0 === $topic_id && bbp_get_topic_post_type() === get_post_type( $post_id ) ) {
					$topic_id = $post_id;
					$forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $topic_id );
				} elseif ( 0 === $forum_id && bbp_get_forum_post_type() === get_post_type( $post_id ) ) {
					$forum_id = $post_id;

				// extract the nice title name.
				$title     = get_the_title( $attachment_id );
				$file      = get_attached_file( $attachment_id );
				$file_type = wp_check_filetype( $file );
				$file_name = basename( $file );

				$document_id = bp_document_add(
						'attachment_id' => $attachment_id,
						'title'         => $title,
						'folder_id'     => 0,
						'group_id'      => 0,
						'privacy'       => 'forums',
						'error_type'    => 'wp_error',
						'menu_order'    => $menu_order,

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $document_id ) && ! empty( $document_id ) ) {
					$document_ids[] = $document_id;

					// save document meta.
					bp_document_update_meta( $document_id, 'forum_id', $forum_id );
					bp_document_update_meta( $document_id, 'topic_id', $topic_id );
					bp_document_update_meta( $document_id, 'reply_id', $reply_id );
					bp_document_update_meta( $document_id, 'file_name', $file_name );
					bp_document_update_meta( $document_id, 'extension', '.' . $file_type['ext'] );

					// save document is saved in attachment.
					update_post_meta( $attachment_id, 'bp_document_saved', true );

		$document_ids = implode( ',', $document_ids );

		// Save all attachment ids in forums post meta.
		update_post_meta( $post_id, 'bp_document_ids', $document_ids );

		// save document meta for activity.
		if ( ! empty( $main_activity_id ) && bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) {
			bp_activity_update_meta( $main_activity_id, 'bp_document_ids', $document_ids );

		// delete documents which were not saved or removed from form.
		if ( ! empty( $existing_document_ids ) ) {
			foreach ( $existing_document_ids as $document_id ) {
				bp_document_delete( array( 'id' => $document_id ) );



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