BP_Group_Extension::init( array $args = array() )

Initialize the extension, using your config settings.


Your plugin should call this method at the very end of its constructor, like so:

public function __construct() { $args = array( ‘slug’ => ‘my-group-extension’, ‘name’ => ‘My Group Extension’, // … );

  parent::init( $args );




(array) (Optional) Array of initialization arguments.

  • 'slug'
    (string) Unique, URL-safe identifier for your extension.
  • 'name'
    (string) Translatable name for your extension. Used to populate navigation items.
  • 'visibility'
    (string) Optional. Set to 'public' for your extension (the main tab as well as the widget) to be available to anyone who can access the group; set to 'private' otherwise. Default: 'public'.
  • 'nav_item_position'
    (int) Optional. Location of the nav item in the tab list. Default: 81.
  • 'enable_nav_item'
    (bool) Optional. Whether the extension's tab should be accessible to anyone who can view the group. Default: true.
  • 'nav_item_name'
    (string) Optional. The translatable text you want to appear in the nav tab. Default: the value of $name.
  • 'display_hook'
    (string) Optional. The WordPress action that the widget_display() method is hooked to. Default: 'groups_custom_group_boxes'.
  • 'template_file'
    (string) Optional. Theme-relative path to the template file BP should use to load the content of your main extension tab. Default: 'groups/single/plugins.php'.
  • 'screens'
    (array) A multi-dimensional array of configuration information for the extension screens. See docblock of BP_Group_Extension for more details.
  • 'access'
    (string|array) Which users can visit the plugin's tab. Possible values: 'anyone', 'loggedin', 'member', 'mod', 'admin' or 'noone'. ('member', 'mod', 'admin' refer to user's role in group.) Note that 'mod' targets only group moderators. If you want to allow access to group moderators and admins, specify array( 'mod', 'admin' ). Defaults to 'anyone' for public groups and 'member' for private groups.
  • 'show_tab'
    (string|array) Which users can see the plugin's navigation tab. Possible values: 'anyone', 'loggedin', 'member', 'mod', 'admin' or 'noone'. ('member', 'mod', 'admin' refer to user's role in group.) Note that 'mod' targets only group moderators. If you want to show the tab to group moderators and admins, specify array( 'mod', 'admin' ). Defaults to 'anyone' for public groups and 'member' for private groups.

Default value: array()


File: bp-groups/classes/class-bp-group-extension.php

	public function init( $args = array() ) {
		// Store the raw arguments.
		$this->params_raw = $args;

		// Before this init() method was introduced, plugins were
		// encouraged to set their config directly. For backward
		// compatibility with these plugins, we detect whether this is
		// one of those legacy plugins, and parse any legacy arguments
		// with those passed to init().
		$args = $this->parse_args_r( $args, $this->legacy_properties_converted );

		// Parse with defaults.
		$this->params = $this->parse_args_r( $args, array(
			'slug'              => $this->slug,
			'name'              => $this->name,
			'visibility'        => $this->visibility,
			'nav_item_position' => $this->nav_item_position,
			'enable_nav_item'   => (bool) $this->enable_nav_item,
			'nav_item_name'     => $this->nav_item_name,
			'display_hook'      => $this->display_hook,
			'template_file'     => $this->template_file,
			'screens'           => $this->get_default_screens(),
			'access'            => null,
			'show_tab'          => null,
		) );

		$this->initialized = true;


Version Description
BuddyPress 1.8.0 Introduced.


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