BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss theme The theme ads by default a div wrapper to select elements

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    The theme ads by default a div wrapper to select elements:

    and also ads ads
    <span style=”display: inline”>

    I think it looks great! But I just don’t need this for what I need to accomplish.

    How can I prevent the theme from adding those wrappers? The website is oigente.com and if you visit it from a phone or resize the browser you will see.

    Thank you!



    Hi @karlos

    it is added inside
    buddyboss/js/buddyboss.js initialed as init_select()
    you can modify and overide inside the child theme

    function init_select() {
    				var current = 0;
    				$selects = $('#page select:not([multiple]):not(#activity-privacy):not(.bp-ap-selectbox)');
    				$selects.each( function() {
    					var $select = $(this),
    				    $wrap, id, $span, $label, dynamic = false;
    					if ( this.style.display === 'none' ) {
                        $wrap = $('<div class="buddyboss-select"></div>');
                        if($(this).hasClass('large')) {
                            $wrap = $('<div class="buddyboss-select large"></div>');
    					id      = this.getAttribute('id') || 'buddyboss-select-' + current;
    					$span  = $select.prev('span');
    					$select.wrap( $wrap );
                        $inner_wrap = $('<div class="buddyboss-select-inner"></div>');
                        $select.wrap( $inner_wrap );
    					if ( ! $span.length ) {
    						$span  = $('<span></span>').hide();
    						dynamic = true;
                        $span.insertBefore( $select );
    					// Set data on select element to use later
    					$select.data( 'buddyboss-select-info', {
    						state:     'init',
    						dynamic:   dynamic,
    						$wrap:     $wrap,
    						$label:    $span,
    						orig_text: $span.text()
    					} );
    					// On select change, repopulate label
    					$select.on( 'change', function( e ) {

    You can remove it

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