BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Wall French Translation

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    (maybe for @jeanpierre)

    In the BuddyPress activities, when I’m posting something, my name appears.
    It is something like “Eric Heymans posted xxxx 3 days ago”
    In BuddyBoss Wall, the name (when it is me) is replaced by “You” and that is working because the verb used after is at the past (like posted or published).
    In French, the translation of “You” could be ‘Tu” or “Vous”
    Then, there is an issue with the verb because it is written 3 times differently depending of “Tu”, “Vous” or “il/elle”
    I believe you should leave the original parameter available in the translation string (us_US) to capture the name.
    If not, this will look strange in French… but in other languages as well (all the languages were the 2nd person singular or plural is not the same as the 3d person singular).

    What do you think ?

    PS : I made some changes in the fr_FR translation file that you might find useful, including some omission of closing html Span stuff (causing some interesting CSS breaks)




    hi @ericheymans, We will check again for “You” parameter and “Name” parameters.
    You have both options to select You or Name parameter, Please check the Wall plugin setting once.
    I have attached the screenshot.
    Thanks for the language files, we will update it within our plugin.


    Hi @vapvarun

    This works



    🙂 I will close this topic, feel free to create new topic for any further queries.
    Varun Dubey

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