BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner BuddyPanel – Sidebar Icons?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Question


    Hello there,

    I’m getting familiar with your theme socialer. So far everything went well.
    But now inside the BuddyPanel I want so set for a custom-forum-link the forum-icon.
    I also noticed that the ‘my course’ area is without the right icon?

    Can you help me with this?




    It looks as if you’ve set up a custom link for courses… Is that right? The page icon is just the default icon used for any custom links.

    I would like to know as well how to change icons. The problem is that when you have the buddypanel closed the page icons look the same, this is confusing to the user.


    No, I’ve created it over: appearance/menu/buddypanel/learndash/my courses

    Is this right? Please explain to me how I can get the ordinary icon. :))))))




    I need still help. 🙂




    Hi @chdhesi0, Please check the following tutorial to change icons from BuddyPanel menus

    BuddyBoss Tutorials


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