BP_Media::get( array $args = array() )
Get media items, as specified by parameters.
- $args
(array) (Optional) An array of arguments. All items are optional.
- 'page'
(int) Which page of results to fetch. Using page=1 without per_page will result in no pagination. Default: 1. - 'per_page'
(int|bool) Number of results per page. Default: 20. - 'max'
(int|bool) Maximum number of results to return. Default: false (unlimited). - 'fields'
(string) Media fields to return. Pass 'ids' to get only the media IDs. 'all' returns full media objects. - 'sort'
(string) ASC or DESC. Default: 'DESC'. - 'order_by'
(string) Column to order results by. - 'exclude'
(array) Array of media IDs to exclude. Default: false. - 'search_terms'
(string) Limit results by a search term. Default: false. - 'count_total'
(string|bool) If true, an additional DB query is run to count the total media items for the query. Default: false.
Default value: array()
- 'page'
(array) The array returned has two keys: - 'total' is the count of located medias - 'medias' is an array of the located medias
File: bp-media/classes/class-bp-media.php
public static function get( $args = array() ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $r = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'page' => 1, // The current page. 'per_page' => 20, // Media items per page. 'max' => false, // Max number of items to return. 'fields' => 'all', // Fields to include. 'sort' => 'DESC', // ASC or DESC. 'order_by' => 'date_created', // Column to order by. 'exclude' => false, // Array of ids to exclude. 'in' => false, // Array of ids to limit query by (IN). 'search_terms' => false, // Terms to search by. 'privacy' => false, // public, loggedin, onlyme, friends, grouponly, message. 'count_total' => false, // Whether or not to use count_total. ) ); // Select conditions. $select_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT m.id"; $from_sql = " FROM {$bp->media->table_name} m"; $join_sql = ''; // Where conditions. $where_conditions = array(); // Searching. if ( $r['search_terms'] ) { $search_terms_like = '%' . bp_esc_like( $r['search_terms'] ) . '%'; $where_conditions['search_sql'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'm.title LIKE %s', $search_terms_like ); /** * Filters whether or not to include users for search parameters. * * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0 * * @param bool $value Whether or not to include user search. Default false. */ if ( apply_filters( 'bp_media_get_include_user_search', false ) ) { $user_search = get_user_by( 'slug', $r['search_terms'] ); if ( false !== $user_search ) { $user_id = $user_search->ID; $where_conditions['search_sql'] .= $wpdb->prepare( ' OR m.user_id = %d', $user_id ); } } } // Sorting. $sort = $r['sort']; if ( $sort != 'ASC' && $sort != 'DESC' ) { $sort = 'DESC'; } switch( $r['order_by'] ) { case 'id' : case 'user_id' : case 'blog_id' : case 'attachment_id' : case 'title' : case 'album_id' : case 'activity_id' : case 'group_id' : case 'menu_order' : break; default : $r['order_by'] = 'date_created'; break; } $order_by = 'm.' . $r['order_by']; // Exclude specified items. if ( ! empty( $r['exclude'] ) ) { $exclude = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $r['exclude'] ) ); $where_conditions['exclude'] = "m.id NOT IN ({$exclude})"; } // The specific ids to which you want to limit the query. if ( ! empty( $r['in'] ) ) { $in = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $r['in'] ) ); $where_conditions['in'] = "m.id IN ({$in})"; // we want to disable limit query when include media ids $r['page'] = false; $r['per_page'] = false; } if ( ! empty( $r['activity_id'] ) ) { $where_conditions['activity'] = "m.activity_id = {$r['activity_id']}"; } // existing-media check to query media which has no albums assigned if ( ! empty( $r['album_id'] ) && 'existing-media' != $r['album_id'] ) { $where_conditions['album'] = "m.album_id = {$r['album_id']}"; } else if ( ! empty( $r['album_id'] ) && 'existing-media' == $r['album_id'] ) { $where_conditions['album'] = "m.album_id = 0"; } if ( ! empty( $r['user_id'] ) ) { $where_conditions['user'] = "m.user_id = {$r['user_id']}"; } if ( ! empty( $r['group_id'] ) ) { $where_conditions['user'] = "m.group_id = {$r['group_id']}"; } if ( ! empty( $r['privacy'] ) ) { $privacy = "'" . implode ( "', '", $r['privacy'] ) . "'"; $where_conditions['privacy'] = "m.privacy IN ({$privacy})"; } /** * Filters the MySQL WHERE conditions for the Media items get method. * * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0 * * @param array $where_conditions Current conditions for MySQL WHERE statement. * @param array $r Parsed arguments passed into method. * @param string $select_sql Current SELECT MySQL statement at point of execution. * @param string $from_sql Current FROM MySQL statement at point of execution. * @param string $join_sql Current INNER JOIN MySQL statement at point of execution. */ $where_conditions = apply_filters( 'bp_media_get_where_conditions', $where_conditions, $r, $select_sql, $from_sql, $join_sql ); if ( empty( $where_conditions ) ) { $where_conditions['2'] = '2'; } // Join the where conditions together. $where_sql = 'WHERE ' . join( ' AND ', $where_conditions ); /** * Filter the MySQL JOIN clause for the main media query. * * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0 * * @param string $join_sql JOIN clause. * @param array $r Method parameters. * @param string $select_sql Current SELECT MySQL statement. * @param string $from_sql Current FROM MySQL statement. * @param string $where_sql Current WHERE MySQL statement. */ $join_sql = apply_filters( 'bp_media_get_join_sql', $join_sql, $r, $select_sql, $from_sql, $where_sql ); // Sanitize page and per_page parameters. $page = absint( $r['page'] ); $per_page = absint( $r['per_page'] ); $retval = array( 'medias' => null, 'total' => null, 'has_more_items' => null, ); // Query first for media IDs. $media_ids_sql = "{$select_sql} {$from_sql} {$join_sql} {$where_sql} ORDER BY {$order_by} {$sort}, m.id {$sort}"; if ( ! empty( $per_page ) && ! empty( $page ) ) { // We query for $per_page + 1 items in order to // populate the has_more_items flag. $media_ids_sql .= $wpdb->prepare( " LIMIT %d, %d", absint( ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page ), $per_page + 1 ); } /** * Filters the paged media MySQL statement. * * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0 * * @param string $media_ids_sql MySQL statement used to query for Media IDs. * @param array $r Array of arguments passed into method. */ $media_ids_sql = apply_filters( 'bp_media_paged_activities_sql', $media_ids_sql, $r ); $cache_group = 'bp_media'; $cached = bp_core_get_incremented_cache( $media_ids_sql, $cache_group ); if ( false === $cached ) { $media_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $media_ids_sql ); bp_core_set_incremented_cache( $media_ids_sql, $cache_group, $media_ids ); } else { $media_ids = $cached; } $retval['has_more_items'] = ! empty( $per_page ) && count( $media_ids ) > $per_page; // If we've fetched more than the $per_page value, we // can discard the extra now. if ( ! empty( $per_page ) && count( $media_ids ) === $per_page + 1 ) { array_pop( $media_ids ); } if ( 'ids' === $r['fields'] ) { $medias = array_map( 'intval', $media_ids ); } else { $medias = self::get_media_data( $media_ids ); } if ( 'ids' !== $r['fields'] ) { // Get the fullnames of users so we don't have to query in the loop. //$medias = self::append_user_fullnames( $medias ); // Pre-fetch data associated with media users and other objects. $medias = BP_Media::prefetch_object_data( $medias ); } $retval['medias'] = $medias; // If $max is set, only return up to the max results. if ( ! empty( $r['count_total'] ) ) { /** * Filters the total media MySQL statement. * * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0 * * @param string $value MySQL statement used to query for total medias. * @param string $where_sql MySQL WHERE statement portion. * @param string $sort Sort direction for query. */ $total_medias_sql = apply_filters( 'bp_media_total_medias_sql', "SELECT count(DISTINCT m.id) FROM {$bp->media->table_name} m {$join_sql} {$where_sql}", $where_sql, $sort ); $cached = bp_core_get_incremented_cache( $total_medias_sql, $cache_group ); if ( false === $cached ) { $total_medias = $wpdb->get_var( $total_medias_sql ); bp_core_set_incremented_cache( $total_medias_sql, $cache_group, $total_medias ); } else { $total_medias = $cached; } if ( !empty( $r['max'] ) ) { if ( (int) $total_medias > (int) $r['max'] ) { $total_medias = $r['max']; } } $retval['total'] = $total_medias; } return $retval; }
Version | Description |
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 | Introduced. |
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