wp bp group create

Create a group.


Name of the group.
URL-safe slug for the group. If not provided, one will be generated automatically.
Group description.
Default: ‘Description for group “[name]”‘
ID of the group creator.
Default: 1
URL-safe slug for the group.
Group status (public, private, hidden).
Default: public
Whether to enable legacy bbPress forums.
Default: 0
MySQL-formatted date.
Default: current date.
Whether to silent the group creation.
Return only the new group id.

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$ wp bp group create --name="Totally Cool Group"
Success: Group (ID 5465) created: http://example.com/groups/totally-cool-group/

$ wp bp group create --name="Another Cool Group" --description="Cool Group" --creator-id=54 --status=private
Success: Group (ID 6454)6 created: http://example.com/groups/another-cool-group/